PME Modern History
- 070025 VO Modern History - 1500 - 1914
- 070026 GR Guided Reading - Geschichte der Neuzeit
- 070034 GR Guided Reading - China and the West, 1644-1911
- 070044 VO Modern History
- 070092 GR Guided Reading - Europa und die Muslimischen Reiche im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit bis ca.1600
- 070105 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Indo-European Encounters in the Indian Subcontinent: Understanding thePerception of the "Other" (1400-1800).
- 070107 GR Guided Reading - Nationen und Nationalismus
- 070120 GR Guided Reading - History of Europe
- 070136 GR Guided Reading - Diplomatic Service
- 070137 GR Guided Reading - Sources and Methods of Russian History
- 070176 GR Guided Reading - Religion(s) in East European History
- 070199 GR Guided Reading - Law and Gender: Marriage as a field of research
- 070210 GR Guided Reading - History of Austria 1
- 070222 GR Guided Reading - Social and Cultural History of Aging in Modern Times
- 070225 GR Guided Reading - Sources, Theories and Methods of historical Research in Early Modern History
- 070231 GR Guided Reading - Geography and Cartography during the 19th and early 20th century
- 070239 VO Modern History
- 070264 GR Guided Reading - Vom byzantinischen Reich zur post-sowjetischen GUS: Perspektiven auf die historische Imperienforschung
Last modified: Sa 12.03.2022 01:04