Alternative Compulsory Modules 2: Modern Greek Studies
Module 2.1: Advanced Courses in Modern Greek Studies
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
Module 3.1: Master Seminars
- 090117 SE Film Festivals and Politics in Southeastern Europe - a Comparison of the Film Festivals in Pula (since 1954) and Thessaloniki (since 1960)
Module 4.1: Study Trip
Alternative Module 5.1a: Foreign Languages
Alternative Module 5.1b: Further Courses in Modern Greek Studies
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090097 UE Reading Modern Greek Texts
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090113 PS From the Congress of Berlin (1878) to the Lausanne Convention (1923) - Greece between "national triumphs" and "national desasters"
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
- 090117 SE Film Festivals and Politics in Southeastern Europe - a Comparison of the Film Festivals in Pula (since 1954) and Thessaloniki (since 1960)
Module 6.1: Research Seminar
- 090103 PV Research Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38