5. Palaeobiology
B-BPB 1 Palaeodiversity of Plants
- 300055 VO Palaeodiversity of plants
- 300109 UE Exercises Palaeodiversity of plants
B-BPB 2 Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates
B-BPB 3 Palaeodiversity of Invertebrates
B-BPB 4 Applied Micropalaeontology
B-BPB 5 Palaeontological Research Methods - Lab
B-BPB 6 Palaeontological Research Methods - Field
- 300698 UE Palaeontological field methods
B-BPB 7 Research in Evolutionary Biology
B-BPB 8 Diversity of Plants and Animals
- 300101 UE Practical training in determination native animals - Introduction to functional morphology, systematics and diversity of Central European animals
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists - Exercise in drei parallel courses
B-BPB 9 General Ecology
B-BPB 10 System Earth
- 280010 EX+VO PM The Earth System: Excursion (PI)
B-BPB 11 Stratigraphy, History of the Earth and Phylogenesis
- 280043 VO PM Regional Geology (NPI)
B-BPB 12 Elective Biological Courses
- 300021 VO [ de en ] Fundamentals in Limnology
- 300023 VO Higher Plant diversity and phylogeny
- 300036 VO [ en ] Molecular Evolution
- 300045 EX Flora and fauna of the March river flood plains - Seasonal changes
- 300096 EX Zoological basic excursions - (parallel courses)
- 300102 VO Evolutionary ecology of fish
- 300106 VO Anatomy 3 - morphology of the human skull and neuroanatomy
- 300122 VO [ en ] Introductory Morphometrics
- 300128 UE Functional morphology and preparation
- 300146 UE Body plans of anmials, part 2
- 300147 UE Flowers: Structure, Funktion and Diversity
- 300178 VO Microbial communities
- 300298 VO Physiology for anthropologists
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - in mehreren Parallelen
- 300379 VO Population and community ecology - Population Ecology
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300420 VO Populationanthropoloy and Demography
- 300495 VO Ecophysiology
- 300548 VO Social-biological aspects of the human-animal interaction
- 300609 VO Biodiversity and molecular Ecology of Micororganisms 2
- 300616 UE Life Cycles of Plants
B-BPB 13 Project-related Research
B-BPB 13/A Fundamentals of Vertebrate Palaeontology
- 300102 VO Evolutionary ecology of fish
- 300128 UE Functional morphology and preparation
B-BPB 13/B Applied Palaeobotany
B-BPB 13/C Biology of Marine Invertebrates
B-BPB 14 Bachelor - Module
B-BPB 14/A Vertebrate Palaeontology
- 300212 PP Palaeontological field school - Lavantal
B-BPB 14/B Palaeobotany
- 300211 PP Palaeobotany Project - Sampling, treatment and presentation
B-BPB 14/C Marine Palaeoenvironments
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38