MZO 2 Methods and Research Training in Zoology
- 300040 PP DNA Barcoding - a new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
- 300054 PP Experimental developmental biology
- 300136 PP Population biology of native amphibians
- 300142 PP Field course in recent and fossil coral reefs - Multidisziplinäres paläontologisch/zoologisches Praktikum mit Fokus auf Freiland-methoden und Biodiversität (Fische, Korallen,Mollusken) von Korallenriffen; Erstellung eines Minipapers
- 300151 PP North Sea, Wadden Sea field trip
- 300156 PP Advanced techniques of electronmicroscopy and ultrastructural research
- 300198 PP Alpin field course in zoology
- 300216 PP Molecular and cellular neurobiology
- 300307 PP [ en ] Experimental evolutionary biology
- 300416 PP [ en ] 3-D Imaging and Modeling Using MicroCT
- 300418 UE [ en ] Research Training in Zoology
- 300674 PP Submicroscopical anatomy and preparatory techniques in electronmicroscopy
Last modified: Th 24.10.2019 01:54