1st Stage of the Degree Programme
D1 Introduction to the Study of Theology (Orientation Period)
- 010006 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010018 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010048 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010082 VO Introduction to theology II
- 010110 VO Introduction in Theology I
D2 Biblical Hebrew
- 010013 VU Biblical Hebrew II
D3 History of Philosophy
- 010039 VO Medieval philosophy
- 010290 VO Modern Philosophy
D4 Old Testament Studies I
D5 New Testament Studies I
D6 History of Theology
- 010069 VO History of Theology
D7 Canon Law: Basic Questions
- 010008 VK Basic Questions of Canon Law
D8 Basics of Catechetics
- 010297 VU Catechetics I
D9 Church History: from Ancient World to High Middle Ages
D10 Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics
Supplementary Examination in Greek
- 010036 VO+UE New Testament Greek III
- 010072 VU New Testament Greek II
D11 Old Testament Studies II
D12 New Testament Studies II
- 010022 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament III - The Gospel of John
D13 Theory of Knowledge
D14 Christology
D15 Basic Course Moral Theology
D16 Kirchliches Verkündigungsrecht
D17 Liturgical Studies
D18 Fundamental Pastoral
D19 Church History: Late Middle Ages to Early Modern Times
D20 Metaphysics and Theology
D21 Ethics: Introduction to Political Ethics and Social Ethics
D22 Fundamental Exegesis New Testament IV
D23 Systematic Ecclesiology
D24 Theology and History of Eastern Churches
D25 Introduction to the Theology of Spirituality and Literature of the Church Fathers
D26 Advanced Course of Moral Theology: In-Depth Studies in Fundamental Morality
D27 Social Studies I: Christian Social Ethics
D28 Practical Ecclesiology
- 010083 VU Catechetics II: Whole Community Catechesis
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
D29 Sacramental Celebrations: Introduction
D30 Thematic Module: Ecumenism
D31 Seminars for In-Depth Studies in Philosophy and Theology
- 010034 FS Themes in Old Testament research
- 010035 DS Titel
- 010038 BA The History of Priestly Celibacy in the Western Church
- 010040 FS Current trends and topics in historical theology
- 010042 DS The experience of corporeity in Hildegard von Bingen. A historical analysis
- 010043 DS Church and marriage in the middle ages - Kirchenrechtliche und kirchengeschichtliche Aspekte
- 010044 FS Thomas Nagel: "Mind and Cosmos"
- 010046 FS Christianity as a Contribution to a new civitas - FS für Dissertanten/innen, Diplomanden/innen und Interessierte
- 010047 SE Apocalypse
- 010049 SE The Option for the Poor in Christian Spirituality
- 010050 FS New Humanism
- 010055 BA Mary in the Spiritual Tradition of the Church
- 010062 BA Suicidal crisis-psychological, philosophical and theological problems - Psychologische, philosophische und theologische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Problem der Suizidalität
- 010063 BA The Crusades - a Christian Djihad? - Controversial Issues in Church History II
- 010064 DS How do we want to die?
- 010065 FS Administrative law of the Church
- 010067 BA Liturgical Symbols
- 010068 BA Church Services in the Eastern Churches
- 010070 FS Aspects of Theological Anthropology
- 010098 FS The Fundamental Issues in Moral Theology
- 010100 FS Genetics, Epi-Genetics and the Physiology of Brain - Anthropologische und ethische Fragen zur Komplexität des Menschen
- 010101 FS Is there a Future for the traditional Family?
- 010105 BA What does Caritas do all day long? - On the Contributions of "Caritas" to Convivenz in Justice and Plurality
- 010115 BA Texts -Places - Landscapes of Memory. The Holy Land in New Testament and Early Christian Times
- 010118 DS Qualitative- empirical research in theological context: introduction
- 010123 FS Science of Logic
- 010128 BA Human rights in cross-cultural perspective
- 040040 FK KFK ORPE: Solidary Economic
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38