1. French
Bachelor Degree Programme / First Stage of the Diploma Degree and Teacher Training Programme
- 110131 VO STEOP: Orientation Course
1.1. Command of Language
- 110094 UE [ de fr ] Basic subject French (1st romance language)
- 110029 UE [ de fr ] French 0 (2nd Romance Language)
- 110138 UE [ fr ] French / Français1
- 110043 UE [ fr ] French / Français1
- 110162 UE [ fr ] French / Français1
- 110107 UE [ fr ] French / Français1
- 110108 UE [ fr ] French / Français1
- 110090 UE [ fr ] French 2
- 110048 UE [ fr ] French 2
- 110161 UE [ fr ] French 2 - -
- 110014 UE [ fr ] French 2
- 110077 UE [ fr ] French 2 - -
- 110089 UE [ fr ] French 3
- 110111 UE [ fr ] French 3
- 110188 UE [ fr ] French 3
- 110005 UE [ fr ] French 4
- 110037 UE [ fr ] French 4
- 110033 UE [ fr ] French 4
1.2. Linguistics
- 110222 VO [ de fr ] STEOP: Basic Module Linguistics Lecture - French - -
- 110019 UE [ de fr ] Extension module linguistic exercise - French
- 110082 UE [ de fr ] Extension module linguistic exercise - French
- 110130 UE [ de fr ] Extension module linguistic exercise - French
- 110041 VO [ de fr ] Extension module linguistic lecture - French - -
- 110009 PS [ de fr ] Extension module linguistic lecture - French - -
- 110096 PS [ de fr ] Extension module linguistic lecture - French - -
- 110179 SE [ fr ] Linguistics Seminar (BA) - French - -
- 110180 SE [ de fr ] Linguistics Seminar (BA) - French - -
- 110246 VO [ fr ] Linguistics Lecture French - -
- 110220 VO [ de es fr it pt ro ] Linguistics Lecture (MA) - French - -
1.3. Literary Studies
- 110147 VO [ de fr ] STEOP: Basic Module Literature Lecture - French - -
- 110125 UE [ de fr ] Extension module literary exercise - French
- 110132 UE [ de fr ] Extension module literary exercise - French - Einführung in die Textanalyse (Lyrik, Dramatik, Epik)
- 110157 UE [ de fr ] Extension module literary exercise - French
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110028 PS [ de fr ] Extension module literature introductory seminar - French - La Famille dans le récit contemporain
- 110249 PS [ fr ] Extension module literature introductory seminar - French - L'écriture de soi, de Montaigne à l'autofiction
- 110081 PS [ de fr ] Extension module literature introductory seminar - French - "Après nous la fin des livres"? Literatur und Lesewelten am Ende der Gutenberg-Galaxis
- 110012 SE [ fr ] Literature Seminar (BA) - French - -
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110110 VO [ fr ] Literature Lecture (BA/MA) - French - Le Roman français au XIX siècle. Thèmes et tendances
1.4. Media Studies
- 110164 VO [ de fr ] STEOP: Basic Module Media Studies Lecture - French - -
- 110327 PS [ de fr ] Extension module media studies introductory seminar - French - -
- 110231 PS [ de fr ] Extension module media studies introductory seminar - French - -
- 110232 PS [ de fr ] Extension module media studies introductory seminar - French - -
- 110156 SE [ fr ] Media Studies Seminar (BA) - French - Comédie, genre et sexualité dans le cinéma français contemporain
1.5. Regional Studies
- 110142 VO [ de fr ] STEOP: Basic Module Regional Studies Lecture - French
- 110253 PS [ fr ] Extension module regional studies introductory seminar - French - -
- 110017 PS [ fr ] Extension module regional studies introductory seminar - French - Les Françaises
- 110211 PS [ fr ] Extension module regional studies introductory seminar - French - "Les relations France-Afrique"
- 110245 SE [ fr ] Regional Studies Seminar (MA) - French - -
1.6. Subject Didactics
- 110255 VO [ de fr ] Specialised subject in teaching French - -
- 110145 AR [ de fr ] Work group I subject-specific didactics - French - -
- 110235 AR [ de fr ] Work group I subject-specific didactics - French - -
Master Degree Programme / Second Stage of the Diploma Degree and Teacher Training Programme
2.1. Command of Language
- 110158 UE [ fr ] French A - -
- 110092 UE [ fr ] French A
- 110052 UE [ fr ] French B
- 110209 UE [ fr ] French B
- 110032 UE [ fr ] French 6
- 110204 UE [ fr ] French 6
2.2. Linguistics
- 110248 SE [ fr ] Linguistics Seminar (MA) - French - -
- 110246 VO [ fr ] Linguistics Lecture French - -
- 110105 SE Linguistics Seminar (MA) - French - -
- 110220 VO [ de es fr it pt ro ] Linguistics Lecture (MA) - French - -
2.3. Literary Studies
- 110187 SE [ fr ] Literature Seminar (MA) - French - -
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110110 VO [ fr ] Literature Lecture (BA/MA) - French - Le Roman français au XIX siècle. Thèmes et tendances
2.4. Media Studies
- 110126 VO VO Romance media studies - Experimente mit Bild, Schrift und Klang
- 110348 SE [ fr ] Media Studies Seminar (MA) - French - -
2.5. Regional Studies
- 110044 VO VO Romance regional studies - Landeswissenschaft romanischer Länder: Theorie, Methode, Fallbeispiele
- 110245 SE [ fr ] Regional Studies Seminar (MA) - French - -
2.6. Subject Didactics
- 160143 AR [ de fr ] Educational Working Group II French
- 110212 AR [ de fr ] Didactics Work Group III French - -
- 110326 AR [ de fr ] Didactics Work Group III French - -
- 110315 AR [ de fr ] Didactics Work Group IV French
2.7. Privatissima
- 110182 PV [ de es fr ] Work group master‘s thesis / Exclusive tutorial - -
- 110106 PV [ de es fr ] Work group master‘s thesis / Exclusive tutorial - -
- 420008 SE Language and communication in the Romania
- 160144 PV Privatissimum 2
Optional Courses
- 110270 UE Optional Course - Wissenschaftlich Schreiben mit kreativen Methoden
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38