16.02. Linguistics
A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Linguistics
1. Orientation Period (StEOP)
BA-M1 StEOP: Introduction to General Linguistics
- 160021 VO STEOP: Introduction to General Linguistics
- 160022 VO STEOP: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
BA-M2 StEOP: Introduction to Applied Linguistics
- 160023 VO STEOP: Introduction to Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
- 160024 VO STEOP: Introduction to Applied Linguistics
2. Required Modules
Ba-M3: Analysis in General and Applied Linguistics
- 160098 PS Introductory Seminar on the Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics
- 160105 PS Introductory Seminar accompanying the Introduction to Applied Linguisitcs
- 160116 PS PS Introduction to General Linguistics
Ba-M4: Foundational Issues in Theory of Grammar and Indo-European Studies
- 160091 VO Introduction to Indo-European Studies
- 160093 PS Introductory Seminar accompanying the Introduction to Indo-European Studies
Ba-M5: Introduction to Language and Society
Ba-M6: Additional Introductory Courses
- 160004 VO Introduction to Pragmatics
- 160135 VO Introduction to (Foreign) Language Teaching Research
3. Alternative Required Modules
Ba-APM7A: Methods of Applied Linguistics
- 160007 PS Introduction to Transcription and Conversation Analysis
- 160025 PS Methods of Applied Linguistics
Ba-APM7B: Methods of Psycho- and Patholinguistics
- 160007 PS Introduction to Transcription and Conversation Analysis
- 160122 PS Psycho- or Patholinguistics Introductory Seminar - Processing
Ba-APM7C: Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics
- 160030 PS Introduction to Semantics
- 160130 PS Introductory Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Kongruenz und andere Doppelungsphänomene in der Dialektsyntax
4. Ba-M8: Bachelor Module
- 160002 SE Empirical Seminar of Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Aktuelle Probleme der Sprachenpolitik und Sprachförderung
- 160008 SE Empirical seminar in this subject area - Medical Communication
- 160099 SE BA-Seminar on the Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics - Syntax
- 160100 SE Seminar in this subject area - Phonologie
- 160127 SE Seminar in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics
A [1]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Linguistics
1. Orientation Period (STEP)
BA-M1: Introduction to General Linguistics
- 160021 VO STEOP: Introduction to General Linguistics
- 160116 PS PS Introduction to General Linguistics
BA-M2: Introduction to Applied Linguistics
- 160023 VO STEOP: Introduction to Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
- 160024 VO STEOP: Introduction to Applied Linguistics
- 160105 PS Introductory Seminar accompanying the Introduction to Applied Linguisitcs
2. Required Modules
BA-M3: Introduction to Phonetics, Phonology and Indo-European Studies
- 160022 VO STEOP: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
- 160091 VO Introduction to Indo-European Studies
- 160093 PS Introductory Seminar accompanying the Introduction to Indo-European Studies
BA-M4: Introduction to Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics
BA-M5: Introduction to Language and Society
BA-M6: Additional Introductory Courses
- 160004 VO Introduction to Pragmatics
- 160135 VO Introduction to (Foreign) Language Teaching Research
3. Alternative Required Modules (APM)
BA-APM7A: Methods of Applied Linguistics
- 160007 PS Introduction to Transcription and Conversation Analysis
- 160025 PS Methods of Applied Linguistics
BA-APM7B: Methods of Psycho- and Patholinguistics
- 160007 PS Introduction to Transcription and Conversation Analysis
- 160122 PS Psycho- or Patholinguistics Introductory Seminar - Processing
BA-APM7C: Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics
- 160030 PS Introduction to Semantics
- 160130 PS Introductory Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Kongruenz und andere Doppelungsphänomene in der Dialektsyntax
4. BA-M8: Bachelor Module
- 160002 SE Empirical Seminar of Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Aktuelle Probleme der Sprachenpolitik und Sprachförderung
- 160008 SE Empirical seminar in this subject area - Medical Communication
- 160099 SE BA-Seminar on the Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics - Syntax
- 160100 SE Seminar in this subject area - Phonologie
- 160127 SE Seminar in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics
B. Master Degree Programmes
1. Master Degree Programme in General Linguistics
MA-M1: Introduction to Neurology
MA-M2: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
MA-M3: Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics
- 140180 KU [ en ] Grammatical Description
- 160031 PS Introductory Seminar on Typology and Comparative Theory of Grammar
- 160100 SE Seminar in this subject area - Phonologie
- 160137 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar on Language Acquisition
- 100181 MA Seminar Linguistics
- 160133 SE [ en ] Seminar in this subject area - Issues in the semantics and pragmatics of plurals Short description
- 160146 PS [ en ] Introductory seminar in this subject area - Seminar in Psycholinguistics
MA-APM4A: Cognitive Linguistics
- 160115 PS Practical Training in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics - Praktikum aus Psycholinguistik: Sprachliche Variation
- 160123 PS [ en ] Practical Training in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics - Praktikum aus Psycholinguistik: E-Prime
- 160127 SE Seminar in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics
- 160128 PV Privatissimum 2
- 160129 VO Introduction to Statistics for Linguists
MA-APM4B: Theory of Grammar
- 160092 PS Introductory Seminar in Phonology
- 160106 VO Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture - Ethnolinguistics of the Relation Language-Thought-Reality, and of the Logical and Linguistic Categories
- 160113 PV Privatissimum 2
- 160117 VO Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture - Arabic
- 160124 SE [ en ] Seminar on the Theory of Grammar
- 160126 PV Privatissimum 2
MA-M5: Theory of Diachrony
MA-M6: Theory of Science and History of Science
- 160009 VO History of Linguistics - Geschichte und Methodik der historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft; Srachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert: die Junggrammatiker und Co
2. Master Degree Programme in Applied Linguistics
MA-M1: Discourse Analysis and Sociolinguistics I
- 140241 KU Youth, Language, City
- 160008 SE Empirical seminar in this subject area - Medical Communication
- 160019 PS Additional course in this subject area - Sprachen im Raum: Raum als Kategorie in der soziolinguistischen und diskursanalytischen Tradition
- 160114 PS Additional course in sociolinguistics I - Sprachliche Variation
- 160134 PS Additional course in this subject area - Diskurse der Politik - Politik der Diskurse
MA-M2: Language Education Research and Language Policy I
- 160001 PS Advanced Course in Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - PS in Language Politics: Excursion
- 160002 SE Empirical Seminar of Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Aktuelle Probleme der Sprachenpolitik und Sprachförderung
- 160119 SE Empirical Seminar of Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Phonetik, phonology and prosody of the Celtic languages
MA-M3: Advanced Methods of Applied Linguistics
- 160104 PS Advanced Methods - Academic writing
- 160125 PS Advanced Methods - Sozialsemiotik - multimodale Interaktionsanalyse
- 160129 VO Introduction to Statistics for Linguists
MA-APM4B: Discourse Analysis and Sociolinguistics II
- 160006 PV Privatissimum 2
MA-APM4B: Language Education Research and Language Policy II
- 160003 PV Privatissimum 2
- 160020 PS Current trends in language teaching and learning - Linguistische Aspekte des Wissensmanagements
- 160103 PV Privatissimum 2
- 160144 PV Privatissimum 2
MA-M5: Theory of Science and History of Science
- 160005 VO History of Linguistics - Soziolinguistische Variationsforschung: Von der Varietät zur sprachlichen Praxis
- 160009 VO History of Linguistics - Geschichte und Methodik der historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft; Srachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert: die Junggrammatiker und Co
3. Masters Program in Indo-European Comparative Linguistics and Celtic Studies
4. Masters Program Indo-European Studies and Historical Linguistics
MA4-M1: Theory of Language Change
MA4-WMG1: Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics
MA4-WM 1.1: Linguistic Theory A
MA4-WM 1.2: Linguistic Theory B
- 160092 PS Introductory Seminar in Phonology
- 160106 VO Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture - Ethnolinguistics of the Relation Language-Thought-Reality, and of the Logical and Linguistic Categories
- 160117 VO Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture - Arabic
MA4-WM 1.3: Linguistic Theory C
- 160092 PS Introductory Seminar in Phonology
MA4-WM 1.4: Linguistic Theory D
- 160106 VO Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture - Ethnolinguistics of the Relation Language-Thought-Reality, and of the Logical and Linguistic Categories
- 160117 VO Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture - Arabic
MA4-WM 1.5: Linguistic Theory E
- 160092 PS Introductory Seminar in Phonology
MA4-WM 1.6: Linguistic Theory F
- 160106 VO Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture - Ethnolinguistics of the Relation Language-Thought-Reality, and of the Logical and Linguistic Categories
- 160117 VO Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language, Lecture - Arabic
MA4-M2: History and Methods of Historical-Comparative Linguistics
- 160009 VO History of Linguistics - Geschichte und Methodik der historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft; Srachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert: die Junggrammatiker und Co
- 140301 SE Historic Linguistics
MA4-WMG2: History Grammar of Greek or Latin
MA4-WM 2.1: Greek
- 160013 VO Historical Grammar of Greek
MA4-WM 2.2: Latin
MA4-M3: Comparative Indo-European Grammar
- 160010 VO Indo-European Morphology - Verb
- 160011 PS Proseminar to Indo-Germanic Grammar - Verb
MA4-WMG3: Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language
MA4-WM 3.1: Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Asia
- 160014 PS Proseminar to the Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Asia - Awestisch
MA4-WM 3.2: Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Europe
- 160016 VO Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Europe - Slawisch
MA4-M4: Historical Grammar of Old Indic
- 160012 PS Proseminar to the Historical Grammar of Old Indic - Agnihymnen im Rigveda
Master's Thesis Supervision
- 160017 PV Supervision of the Master's Thesis
C. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) for Students of other Bachelor Degree Programmes
A 164: EC Basics in Celtic Linguistics (formerly Celtic Languages) - A 164
- 160120 VO [ de ga ] Einführung in eine goidelische Sprache - Neuirisch
- 160121 UE [ de ga ] Übung zu einer goidelischen Sprache - Modern Irish
EC Celtic Linguistics - A 166
- 160094 VO History of Celtic Languages
- 160118 VO [ en ] Celtic Linguistics - Syntax und Typologie der keltischen Sprachen
EC Language and Society - A 168
PM1: Language and Society 1
- 160023 VO STEOP: Introduction to Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
- 160024 VO STEOP: Introduction to Applied Linguistics
PM 2: Language and Society 2
- 160004 VO Introduction to Pragmatics
EC Language and Cognition - A 167
PM 1: Language and Cognition 1
- 160021 VO STEOP: Introduction to General Linguistics
- 160022 VO STEOP: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
PM 2: Language and Cognition 2
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38
Tues, October 5th 2010 at 2:00 p.m.
1090 Vienna
Sensengasse 3a
Semester orientation session for beginners:
Tues, October 5th 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
1090 Vienna
Sensengasse 3a