Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. General and Specific Teaching Methodology of Physical Education
- 350027 SE Didactics of Physical Activity and Sport
- 350033 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 3: Topic-orientation and Mulit-Perspectivity
- 350035 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 4: Problem and Process Orientation
- 350071 VU Disability and Integration in Physical Education
- 350072 VU Consulting and Intervening in psychosocial Problem Situations of Physical Education
- 350076 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 4: Problem and Process Orientation
- 350078 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 3: Topic-orientation and Mulit-Perspectivity
- 350083 VU Consulting and Intervening in psychosocial Problem Situations of Physical Education
- 350090 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 2: Realisation and Reflection
- 350092 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 2: Realisation and Reflection
- 350093 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 1: Planning and Arranging
- 350094 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 1: Planning and Arranging
- 350118 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 1: Planning and Arranging
- 350119 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 2: Realisation and Reflection
- 350123 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 4: Problem and Process Orientation
- 350127 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 3: Topic-orientation and Mulit-Perspectivity
- 350142 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 1: Planning and Arranging
- 350155 UE Didactics of Sport and Project Trips for School b: summer sport trip
- 350158 VU Disability and Integration in Physical Education
- 350164 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 1: Planning and Arranging
- 350166 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 2: Realisation and Reflection
- 350167 VU Consulting and Intervening in psychosocial Problem Situations of Physical Education
- 350177 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 3: Topic-orientation and Mulit-Perspectivity
- 350179 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 4: Problem and Process Orientation
- 350513 UE Didactics of Sport and Project Trips for School b: summer sport trip
2.2. Women`s and Gender Research
- 350041 UE Gender sensitive Teaching
- 350088 UE Gender sensitive Teaching
2.3. Research Methods and Evaluation
2.4. Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport
- 350052 VU Health Promotion as Topic für Physical Education Lessons
- 350136 VU Health Promotion as Topic für Physical Education Lessons
2.5. Exercise Physiology and Science of Training
2.6. Medical Basics
2.7. Biomechanics and Movement Science
- 350049 UE Practical Movement Science/Biomechanics
- 350069 UE Practicum Movement Science/Biomechanics
- 350089 UE Practical Movement Science/Biomechanics
- 350511 GLV BD1II - Basic Course Movement Science
2.8. Movement Skills, Sport Skills and Application Knowledge
- 350012 UE Basic aspects of Self-defense and Duel
- 350018 UE Basic aspects of Self-defense and Duel
- 350021 UE Thematising Nature and Experience: mountainbike
- 350024 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - handball
- 350038 UE Thematising Nature and Experience: mountainbike
- 350060 UE Thematising Nature and Experience d. snowboarding
- 350065 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: returngame
- 350070 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: returngame
- 350099 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach gymnastics
- 350100 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: Beachvolleyball
- 350101 UE Ability, Performance and Teaching of Athletics
- 350103 UE Ability, Performance and Teaching of athletics
- 350106 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: Beachvolleyball
- 350108 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: Beachvolleyball
- 350113 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach gymnastics
- 350116 UE Basic aspects of Self-defense and Duel
- 350117 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: returngame
- 350121 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: Beachvolleyball
- 350131 UE Ability, Performance and Teaching of Athletics
- 350143 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement: basketball
- 350145 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach gymnastics
- 350150 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: Soccer
- 350154 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement: soccer
- 350160 UE Ability, Performance and Teaching of Athletics
- 350162 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: returngame
- 350163 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: returngame
- 350170 UE Ability, Performance and Teaching of Rhythmic Gymnastics
- 350176 UE Ability, Performance and Teaching of Athletics
- 350207 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement: soccer
- 350209 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement: basketball
- 350479 UE Ability, Performance and Teaching of adventure sport: tampoline
- 350488 UE Recognising, Arranging and Learning how to teach New Games
- 350582 UE Ability, Performance and Teaching of Rhythmic Gymnastics
- 350617 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: Soccer
2.9. Elective Courses from the Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 350055 FS [ en ] MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar - Molecular Exercise Physiology
- 350058 FS freely optional subject
- 350061 FS [ en ] MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar Advanced Course in Fitness Assesment
- 350087 FS [ en ] MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar Sportsinformatics and Biomechanics
- 350112 FS freely optional subject
- 350126 FS MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
- 350130 FS MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
- 350585 FS MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38