48.01 Slavonic Studies (Bachelor, Master, Teacher Training Programme, Complementray Study Programmes)
Bachelor Degree Programme in Slavonic Studies
Orientation Phase (STEOP)
Principles of Slavic studies
Introduction to Slavic Linguistics
- 480038 VO Introduction to Slavonic Linguistics
Introduction to Slavic Literature Studies
- 480039 VO Introduction to Slavonic Literatures
Module: Introduction to Language Acquisition
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level I
- 480001 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480002 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480003 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480004 UE Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480005 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480006 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480007 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480008 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480009 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480010 UE Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480011 UE Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480012 UE Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480013 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480105 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level II
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level III
- 480014 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480015 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480016 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480017 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480018 UE Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480019 UE Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480020 UE Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480021 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480022 UE Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480023 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480024 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480025 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
Module: Linguistics
- 480046 KO Historical lexicology of Western Slavic languages - Colloquium on Czech and Slovak Linguistics
- 480049 KO Russian Syntax - Colloquium on Russian Linguistics
- 480050 KO Russian Phraseology - Colloquium on Russian Linguistics
- 480051 KO Russian and Ukrainian since 1917 - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics
- 480053 KO Bulgarian among the Balkan Languages - Colloquium on Bulgarian Linguistics
- 480054 KO Loan words - Colloquium on Russian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Czech Linguistics
- 480079 KO Grapheme - Sound - Phoneme in the Southslavic languages - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Slovene Linguistics
- 480100 KO Comparative Slovak and Czech Nominal Morphology - Colloquium on Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480161 KO Contrastive Morphology Bosnian, Croatian,Serbian - German
Module: Literary Studies
- 480042 KO Images of women and women's roles in the newer Bulgarian literature - Colloquium on Bulgarian Literature
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480063 KO The Silver Age and the literary criticism - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature
- 480064 KO Russian / Ukrainian Poetry in the 18th and 19th Century - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature
- 480065 KO Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828 - 1910 - 2014) - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480069 KO Polish literature of the interwar - Colloquium on Polish Literature
- 480073 KO Image of the First World War in Slovak literature - Colloquium on Slovak Literature
- 480149 KO The Structuring of the Subject in the South Slav Contemporary Lyrics - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480152 KO Neoclassicism in the Czech Culture - Colloquium on Czech Literature
- 480158 KO Aspects of empirical literary studies - Literature and "Literary Life" in Slovenia and Croatia
- 480159 KO Utopia and science fiction in the works of Karel Capek, Vladimír Páral and Stanislaw Lem
- 480164 KO Russian theater texts and theory of acting - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480165 KO F.M. Dostoevskij "The Gambler" (close reading) - Colloquium on Russian Literature
Module: Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Southslavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480122 VO Slovenian Regional and Cultural Studies
Module: Language Acquisition - In-Depth Studies
- 480026 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480027 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480029 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480030 UE Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480031 UE Czech Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480032 UE Polish Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480033 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480034 UE Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480035 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480036 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480037 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
Module: Second Slavic Language
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Southslavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
Individual Specialisation
- 480026 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480027 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480029 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480030 UE Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480031 UE Czech Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480032 UE Polish Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480033 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480034 UE Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480035 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480036 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480037 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480047 KO The Second South Slavic Influence on Russian and Its Roots on the Balkans - Colloquium
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480072 UE Didactic exercises - Creative writing (exercises for developing words)
- 480074 UE Burgenland Croatian for Journalists
- 480075 VO Diachronic East Slavonic Linguistics: An Overview
- 480076 VO Diachronic South Slavonic Linguistics: An Overview
- 480077 VO Diachronic Polish Linguistics: An Overview
- 480078 VO Diachronic Czech and Slovak Linguistics: An Overview
- 480099 KO Lexical Semantics
- 480101 UE A. S. Puškin - Little Tragedies: "Mocart i Sal'eri", "Kamennyj gost'", "Skupoj rycar'", "Rusalka" - Mozart und Salieri, Der steinerne Gast, Der geizige Ritter, Rusalka
- 480102 KO Inter-Slavic language contacts
- 480109 KO Academic Working Processes and Writing Skills for Slavists
- 480118 KO Contact linguistic (Eastern Slavic situation)
- 480139 UE Belorussian structural course
- 480145 UE Reading culture and cultural concepts of the 21 century in the Slavic language area
- 480150 KO Cyrillomethodiana I - The Oldest Slavic Manuscripts and Their Afterlife Among the Southern, Western, and Eastern Slavs
- 480154 KO Reception of the French Naturalism in Central Europe
- 480163 UE Reception of the French Lumières in the Bosnian, Croation, Serbian and Slovenian Literatures
- 480171 UE [ cs en ] The word and its structure
Final Stage
Bachelor Module Linguistics
- 480081 SE Semiotic Analysis of Czech & Slovak Literary Texts - B.A. Seminar on Czech and Slovak Linguistics
- 480082 SE Grammatical categories of nouns in the East Slavic languages - B.A. Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics
- 480083 SE Bachelor-Seminar on the etymology of the Southern Slavonic languages
- 480084 SE Language Policy in Poland, Russia and Ukrain - B.A. Seminar on Polish, Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics
Bachelor Module Literary Studies
- 480085 SE Italian visions in the Russian literature of the 19th and 20th century - Seminar on Russian Literature
- 480087 SE The Identity Formation in the South Slav Modernist and Postmodernist Fiction - B.A. Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480089 SE Slovak and Czech literary modernism and avant-garde - B.A. Seminar on Czech and Slovak Literature
- 480091 SE Slovene literature - Review and system and comparative analysis of Slovenian folktales and children’s reading in context of European folktales
- 480092 SE The formation and transformation of the Bulgarian literary canon - B.A. Seminar on Bulgarian Literature
- 480130 SE Thaw and frost: The cultural situation in the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death - BA-Seminar on Russian Literature
Bachelor Degree Programme in Slavonic Studies
1. STEP - Orientation Period
Module: Introduction to Language Acquisition
- 480038 VO Introduction to Slavonic Linguistics
Module: Introduction to Philology
- 480039 VO Introduction to Slavonic Literatures
Regional und Cultural Studies
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Southslavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480122 VO Slovenian Regional and Cultural Studies
2. Group of Modules - Advanced Level
Module: Regional and Cultural Studies
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level I
- 480001 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480002 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480003 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480004 UE Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480005 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480006 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480007 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480008 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480009 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480010 UE Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480011 UE Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480012 UE Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480013 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480105 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level II
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level III
- 480014 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480015 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480016 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480017 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480018 UE Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480019 UE Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480020 UE Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480021 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480022 UE Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480023 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480024 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480025 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
Module: Linguistics
- 480046 KO Historical lexicology of Western Slavic languages - Colloquium on Czech and Slovak Linguistics
- 480049 KO Russian Syntax - Colloquium on Russian Linguistics
- 480050 KO Russian Phraseology - Colloquium on Russian Linguistics
- 480051 KO Russian and Ukrainian since 1917 - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics
- 480053 KO Bulgarian among the Balkan Languages - Colloquium on Bulgarian Linguistics
- 480054 KO Loan words - Colloquium on Russian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Czech Linguistics
- 480079 KO Grapheme - Sound - Phoneme in the Southslavic languages - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Slovene Linguistics
- 480100 KO Comparative Slovak and Czech Nominal Morphology - Colloquium on Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480161 KO Contrastive Morphology Bosnian, Croatian,Serbian - German
Module: Literary Studies
- 480042 KO Images of women and women's roles in the newer Bulgarian literature - Colloquium on Bulgarian Literature
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480063 KO The Silver Age and the literary criticism - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature
- 480064 KO Russian / Ukrainian Poetry in the 18th and 19th Century - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature
- 480065 KO Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828 - 1910 - 2014) - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480069 KO Polish literature of the interwar - Colloquium on Polish Literature
- 480073 KO Image of the First World War in Slovak literature - Colloquium on Slovak Literature
- 480149 KO The Structuring of the Subject in the South Slav Contemporary Lyrics - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480152 KO Neoclassicism in the Czech Culture - Colloquium on Czech Literature
- 480158 KO Aspects of empirical literary studies - Literature and "Literary Life" in Slovenia and Croatia
- 480159 KO Utopia and science fiction in the works of Karel Capek, Vladimír Páral and Stanislaw Lem
- 480164 KO Russian theater texts and theory of acting - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480165 KO F.M. Dostoevskij "The Gambler" (close reading) - Colloquium on Russian Literature
Module: Language Acquisition - In-Depth Studies
- 480026 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480027 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480029 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480030 UE Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480031 UE Czech Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480032 UE Polish Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480033 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480034 UE Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480035 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480036 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480037 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
Module: Second Slavic Language
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Southslavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
Individual Specialisation
- 480026 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480027 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480029 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480030 UE Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480031 UE Czech Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480032 UE Polish Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480033 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480034 UE Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480035 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480036 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480037 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480047 KO The Second South Slavic Influence on Russian and Its Roots on the Balkans - Colloquium
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480072 UE Didactic exercises - Creative writing (exercises for developing words)
- 480074 UE Burgenland Croatian for Journalists
- 480075 VO Diachronic East Slavonic Linguistics: An Overview
- 480076 VO Diachronic South Slavonic Linguistics: An Overview
- 480077 VO Diachronic Polish Linguistics: An Overview
- 480078 VO Diachronic Czech and Slovak Linguistics: An Overview
- 480099 KO Lexical Semantics
- 480101 UE A. S. Puškin - Little Tragedies: "Mocart i Sal'eri", "Kamennyj gost'", "Skupoj rycar'", "Rusalka" - Mozart und Salieri, Der steinerne Gast, Der geizige Ritter, Rusalka
- 480102 KO Inter-Slavic language contacts
- 480109 KO Academic Working Processes and Writing Skills for Slavists
- 480118 KO Contact linguistic (Eastern Slavic situation)
- 480139 UE Belorussian structural course
- 480145 UE Reading culture and cultural concepts of the 21 century in the Slavic language area
- 480150 KO Cyrillomethodiana I - The Oldest Slavic Manuscripts and Their Afterlife Among the Southern, Western, and Eastern Slavs
- 480154 KO Reception of the French Naturalism in Central Europe
- 480163 UE Reception of the French Lumières in the Bosnian, Croation, Serbian and Slovenian Literatures
- 480171 UE [ cs en ] The word and its structure
3. Group of Modules - In-Depth Studies
Elective Module: Specialisation
- 480081 SE Semiotic Analysis of Czech & Slovak Literary Texts - B.A. Seminar on Czech and Slovak Linguistics
- 480082 SE Grammatical categories of nouns in the East Slavic languages - B.A. Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics
- 480083 SE Bachelor-Seminar on the etymology of the Southern Slavonic languages
- 480084 SE Language Policy in Poland, Russia and Ukrain - B.A. Seminar on Polish, Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics
Elective Module: Specialisation
- 480085 SE Italian visions in the Russian literature of the 19th and 20th century - Seminar on Russian Literature
- 480087 SE The Identity Formation in the South Slav Modernist and Postmodernist Fiction - B.A. Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480089 SE Slovak and Czech literary modernism and avant-garde - B.A. Seminar on Czech and Slovak Literature
- 480091 SE Slovene literature - Review and system and comparative analysis of Slovenian folktales and children’s reading in context of European folktales
- 480092 SE The formation and transformation of the Bulgarian literary canon - B.A. Seminar on Bulgarian Literature
- 480130 SE Thaw and frost: The cultural situation in the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death - BA-Seminar on Russian Literature
Master Degree Programmes
1. Master Degree Programme - Slavonic Studies
1.1. Language Acquisition
- 480070 UE Advanced Czech Language Skills 2
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
1.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
1.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480124 KO Film versions of the Russian literature in the cinema of the XX century - Colloquium on Russian Literature and Culture
- 480125 KO Writing in Prison: Czech and Slovak Literature from Hus to Jirous - Colloquium on Czech and Slovak Literature and Culture
- 480131 SE The Disintegration and Retrieval of Collective Memory in the South Slav Literatures and Cultures - Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature and Culture
- 480160 KO From the Adriatic to the Black Sea - literary life in the 21st century
1.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480134 SE West Slavic Languages in Contact - Seminar on Polish, Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480135 SE Language change
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480144 KO Inflectional morphology and derivational morphology
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
1.5 Master Module
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480131 SE The Disintegration and Retrieval of Collective Memory in the South Slav Literatures and Cultures - Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature and Culture
- 480134 SE West Slavic Languages in Contact - Seminar on Polish, Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480135 SE Language change
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
2. Master Degree Programme - Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
2.1. Language Acquisition
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
2.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
2.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480131 SE The Disintegration and Retrieval of Collective Memory in the South Slav Literatures and Cultures - Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature and Culture
- 480160 KO From the Adriatic to the Black Sea - literary life in the 21st century
2.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480144 KO Inflectional morphology and derivational morphology
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
2.5 Master Module
- 480112 UE Advanced Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Skills 2
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480131 SE The Disintegration and Retrieval of Collective Memory in the South Slav Literatures and Cultures - Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature and Culture
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
3. Master Degree Programme - Bulgarian
3.1. Language Acquisition
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
3.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
3.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480160 KO From the Adriatic to the Black Sea - literary life in the 21st century
3.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
3.5 Master Module
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
4. Master Degree Programme - Polish
4.1. Language Acquisition
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
4.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
4.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
4.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480134 SE West Slavic Languages in Contact - Seminar on Polish, Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
4.6 Master Module
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480134 SE West Slavic Languages in Contact - Seminar on Polish, Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
5. Master Degree Programme - Russian
5.1. Language Acquisition
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
5.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
5.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480124 KO Film versions of the Russian literature in the cinema of the XX century - Colloquium on Russian Literature and Culture
5.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480135 SE Language change
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480144 KO Inflectional morphology and derivational morphology
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
5.5 Master Module
- 480111 UE Advanced Russian Language Skills 2
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480133 UE Advanced Russian Language Skills 2
- 480135 SE Language change
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
6. Master Degree Programme - Slovak
6.1. Language Acquisition
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
6.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
6.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480125 KO Writing in Prison: Czech and Slovak Literature from Hus to Jirous - Colloquium on Czech and Slovak Literature and Culture
6.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480134 SE West Slavic Languages in Contact - Seminar on Polish, Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
6.5. Master Module
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480134 SE West Slavic Languages in Contact - Seminar on Polish, Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
7. Master Degree Programme - Slovenian
7.1. Language Acquisition
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
7.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
7.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480160 KO From the Adriatic to the Black Sea - literary life in the 21st century
7.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
7.5. Master Module
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
8. Master Degree Programme - Czech
8.1. Language Acquisition
- 480070 UE Advanced Czech Language Skills 2
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
8.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
8.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480125 KO Writing in Prison: Czech and Slovak Literature from Hus to Jirous - Colloquium on Czech and Slovak Literature and Culture
8.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480134 SE West Slavic Languages in Contact - Seminar on Polish, Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
8.5 Master Module
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480134 SE West Slavic Languages in Contact - Seminar on Polish, Slovak and Czech Linguistics
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
9. Master Degree Programme - Ukrainian
9.1. Language Acquisition
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
9.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 480120 VO Comparative Slavic syntax
9.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480124 KO Film versions of the Russian literature in the cinema of the XX century - Colloquium on Russian Literature and Culture
9.4. Linguistics
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480140 KO Ethnolinguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480141 KO Empirical methods in Slavic linguistics - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
9.5 Master Module
- 480117 VO Between Rome and Byzantium - Language, Literature, and Liturgical Practice Between Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Catholica
- 480123 SE Russian Acmeism and the Ukrainian Neoclassicists - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480129 VO The Development of Slavic Writing Systems: From Glagolitic to Peter the Great's "Graždanskij šrift"
- 480136 SE Seminar on the historical grammar of the Slavonic languages
- 480137 SE Slavic Sociolinguistics - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480146 VO Slavic microlanguages
Teacher Training Programme - Subject Didactics
- 050025 UE Interdisziplinary Didactics: Formal and Natural Languages
- 480072 UE Didactic exercises - Creative writing (exercises for developing words)
- 480074 UE Burgenland Croatian for Journalists
- 480103 KO Basic Principles of Language Didactics
- 480104 PS Teaching aids
- 480108 UE Didactic exercises
- 480110 KO New Media in Language Education
- 480113 UE Didactic exercises Polish
- 480116 UE Didactic exercises
- 480138 UE Language and language socialization in migration and integration process
- 480147 PS Introductory Seminar on Didactics
- 480151 UE Applied oriented teaching didactics: - On the example of country and cult documentary texts in the school subject Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian
- 480155 PS Introductory Seminar on Didactics
- 480156 UE Didactic exercises Russian - Das Problem der (slawischen) Mehrsprachigkeit im Russischunterricht
- 480157 VO Basic Principles of Language Didactics
- 480171 UE [ cs en ] The word and its structure
Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) Slavonic Studies
Basics of Slavic Interculturality
CSP 1 - Basics of Slavic Interculturality
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Southslavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480122 VO Slovenian Regional and Cultural Studies
CSP 1 - In-Depth of Slavic Interculturality
- 480039 VO Introduction to Slavonic Literatures
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Southslavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480122 VO Slovenian Regional and Cultural Studies
Basics of Slavonic Studies I
CSP 2 - Basics of Slavonic Studies I
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
- 480162 UE BA Zweite slawische Sprache Slowakisch
CSP 2 - In-Depth of Slavonic Studies I
- 480038 VO Introduction to Slavonic Linguistics
- 480039 VO Introduction to Slavonic Literatures
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Southslavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480122 VO Slovenian Regional and Cultural Studies
Basics of Slavonic Studies II
CSP 2 - Basics of Slavonic Studies II
- 480001 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480004 UE Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480010 UE Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480011 UE Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480012 UE Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480013 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
CSP 2 - In-Depth of Slavonic Studies II
- 480038 VO Introduction to Slavonic Linguistics
- 480039 VO Introduction to Slavonic Literatures
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Southslavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480122 VO Slovenian Regional and Cultural Studies
Zusätzliches Lehrangebot
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38
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