2. History of Religion
2.1. Contemporary Religions
- 010063 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 010065 VO Introduction to the Orthodox Church(es)
- 010067 VO Introduction to Christianity
- 020022 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the dynasty of the Abbasids (7th - 13th century)
- 060007 VO STEOP: Introduction in Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today
- 140011 VO Introduction into Modern Islamic Religious Discussions
- 140241 VO [ de en ] From Heaven to Hell - Ideas of Rebirth and its Forms in the Religious History of South Asia
- 150004 VO Religion, national identity and nationalism in Japan
2.2. Special Courses in History of Religion
- 010014 VO Early Christian Literature - Patrology I
- 010045 FS Ecumenical Councils. History, theology, organization
- 010065 VO Introduction to the Orthodox Church(es)
- 020040 VO-L History of the Early Church - STEOP
- 060002 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Medieval Period 1
- 060007 VO STEOP: Introduction in Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1
- 060031 VO The Hellenistic Religious Reforms and the Maccabean War
- 140006 VO+UE Islam Online
- 140011 VO Introduction into Modern Islamic Religious Discussions
- 140013 SE Modern Religious Discussions in Islam
- 140015 SE Islam in Europe
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140194 VO The Madhyamaka Traditions of Tibetan Buddhism
- 140223 PS Influential Personalities of the Hindu Reform Movements in the 18th and 19th Centuries
- 140263 VO The Philosophy of Buddhism
- 140308 SE History of Ideas in Islam - (Seminar on Classical Islam)
- 140345 PS Rites of Passage in Vedic and Hindu Traditions
2.3. Historical Religions
- 060053 VO Religion of Ancient Egypt I
- 090025 VO Deities and Ritual in Ancient Greece - Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090034 VO Rural Sanctuaries and Ritual Sites in Ancient Crete
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Gods and Temples of the Meroites
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:54