A. Doctoral Degree Programme in Catholic Theology
1. Introductory phase
a) Seminar in the subject area of the thesis
b) research proposal
c) Interdisciplinary Courses
- 010056 SE Exegesis of the Church Fathers in Theory and Practice
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
d) Presentation at the faculty
2. Doctoral thesis agreement
a) Promotion of skills in the field of the doctoral thesis or specialized fields of theology and general language competences
b) Module: Area of concentration
c) Module University Didactics
d) Module Theology in context of Church, Science and Society
e) Module Involvement in an academic event
3. Courses especially forn doctoral students
- 010008 VO Special Lecture: The Liturgies of Initiation
- 010045 FS Ecumenical Councils. History, theology, organization
- 010046 FS Research Seminar
- 010050 FS Gender justice as a social challenge: feminist and legal approaches - Feministische und frauenrechtliche Zugänge
- 010051 SE Research Seminar - Forschungsseminar für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
- 010064 FS Sons of Abraham? The concept of the "Abrahamic Religion" in interfaith dialogue
- 010069 KO Ecclesiatical Latin
- 010070 KO Introduction to Syriac Language and Literature
- 010081 FS Themes in Old Testament research
- 010086 FS Synodality in the Church
- 010100 FS Research Seminar
- 010113 FS Recent practical-theological concepts in discussion
- 010123 FS Science of Logic
- 360004 PV Privatissimum
- 360005 PV Privatissimum
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 360007 PV Privatissimum - Exclusive Tutorial for postgraduate Students
- 360008 KO Ecclesiatical Latin
- 360009 PV Privatissimum
- 360010 PV Privatissimum
- 360011 PV Privatissimum
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:54
Die Universität Wien bietet für Studierende der neuen Doktoratsstudienpläne spezielle Kurse (z.B. "Erstellen eines Exposés", "Einführung in das Doktoratsstudium") an. Das Kursprogramm finden Sie unter: http://doktorat.univie.ac.at/workshops-und-training/schluesselkompetenzen/workshops/