Universität Wien

4.02. International Business Administration

A. Bachelorstudium Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre (A 033 514): Curriculum 2014

1. Introductory and orientation period

1.1. Basics of General Business Administration

1.2. Basics of Economics

1.3. Basics of Statistics

2. Core Phase

2.1. ABWL: Unternehmensführung

2.2. ABWL: Produktion und Logistik

2.3. ABWL: Marketing

2.4. ABWL: Finanzwirtschaft

2.5. ABWL: Betriebswirtschaftliches Rechnungswesen

2.6. Quantitative Methoden

2.7. Volkswirtschaftslehre

2.8. Soziologie und Informationstechnologie

2.9. Recht

2.10. Business English

2.10.1. Vorbereitungskurse
2.10.2. Pflichtkurse

3. Specialization Phase

3.1. Spezialisierung International Business

3.1.1. Pflichtfächer (im Ausmaß von 20 ECTS)
3.1.2. Wahlfächer lt. Curriculum (im Ausmaß von 4 ECTS)

3.2. Bachelorarbeitsmodul

3.3. Erweiterungscurricula / Individuelle Vertiefung / Auslandsaufenthalt

3.3.1. Erweiterungscurricula
3.3.2. Wahlmodul Individuelle Vertiefung (im Ausmaß von 30 ECTS)
3.3.3. Auslandsaufenthalt (Lehrveranstaltungen/Module oder Praktika)

B. Bachelor Degree Programme International Business Administration (A 033 514): Curriculum 2011

1. Introductory and orientation period

1.1. Basics of General Business Administration

1.1.1. Preparatory Courses
1.1.2. Required Modules

1.2. Basics of Business Mathematics

1.3. Basics of Economics and Sociology

2. Core Phase

2.1. ABWL: Financial Management

2.2. ABWL: Marketing

2.3. ABWL: Organization and Human Resource

2.4. ABWL: Production and Logistics

2.5. ABWL: Innovation and Technology Management

2.6. Business Administration-Accounting

2.7. Quantitative Methods in Business Administration

2.8. Micro Economy

2.9. Macro Economy

2.10. Basics of Law

2.11. Private Law

2.12. Tax Law

2.13. Business Mathematics

2.14. Business Statistics

2.15. Basics of Information Technology

2.16. Business English

2.15.1. Preparatory Courses
2.15.2. Required Modules

2.17. Empirical Social Research

3. Specialization Phase International Management

3.1. Required Modules

3.1.1. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I Preparatory Courses Business Communication
3.1.2. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II

3.2. Elective Modules

3.2.1. Business History
3.2.2. International Accounting
3.2.3. International Economics
3.2.4. International Environmental Management
3.2.5. International Financial Management
3.2.6. International Industrial Management
3.2.7. International Logistics
3.2.8. International Marketing
3.2.9. International Negotiations
3.2.10. International Personnel Management
3.2.11. International Public Utility Management
3.2.12. International Strategy and Organization
3.2.13. Risk and Insurance

4. Additional Courses

C. Bachelor Degree Programme International Business Administration (A 033 514): Curriculum 2008

1. Orientation Period

1.1. Basics of General Business Administration

1.1.1. Preparatory Courses
1.1.2. Required Modules

1.2. Basics of Information Technology

1.3. Basics of Business Mathematics

1.4. Basics of Economics

1.5. Basics of Law

1.6. Basics of Sociology

2. Core Phase

2.1. ABWL: Financial Management

2.2. ABWL: Marketing

2.3. ABWL: Organization and Human Resource

2.4. ABWL: Production and Logistics

2.5. ABWL: Innovation and Technology Management

2.6. Business Administration-Accounting

2.7. Quantitative Methods in Business Administration

2.8. Micro Economy

2.9. Macro Economy

2.10. Private Law

2.11. Tax Law

2.12. Business Mathematics

2.13. Business Statistics

2.14. Basics of Information Technology

2.15. Business English

2.15.1. Preparatory Courses
2.15.2. Required Modules

2.16. Empirical Social Research

3. Specialization Phase International Management

3.1. Required Modules

3.1.1. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I Preparatory Courses Business Communication
3.1.2. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II

3.2. Elective Modules

3.2.1. Business History
3.2.2. International Accounting
3.2.3. International Economics
3.2.4. International Environmental Management
3.2.5. International Financial Management
3.2.6. International Industrial Management
3.2.7. International Logistics
3.2.8. International Marketing
3.2.9. International Negotiations
3.2.10. International Personnel Management
3.2.11. International Public Utility Management
3.2.12. International Strategy and Organization
3.2.13. Risk and Insurance

4. Additional Courses

D. Master Degree Programme International Business Administration (A 066 914): Curriculum 2006

1. International Management

1.1. Advanced International Personnel Management

1.2. Taxation of Multinational Corporations

1.3. Business History

1.4. International Accounting

1.5. International Economics

1.6. International Financial Management

1.7. International Industrial Management

1.8. International Innovation and Technology Management

1.9. International Logistics

1.10. International Market Entry Decision

1.11. International Marketing

1.12. International Negotiations

1.13. International Public Utility Management

1.14. International Strategy and Organization

1.15. International Management

1.16. International Energy Management

1.17. International Cooperative Management

1.18. International Law

1.19. Risk and Insurance

2. Specializations (Kernfachkombinationen)

2.1. KFK Controlling

2.2. KFK Corporate Finance

2.3. KFK Energy and Environmental Management

2.4. KFK Electronic Business

2.5. KFK External Business-Accounting

2.6. KFK Financial Services

2.7. KFK Financial Markets

2.8. KFK Health Care Management

2.9. KFK Industrial Management

2.10. KFK Innovation and Technology Management

2.11. KFK Investments

2.12. KFK International Marketing

2.13. KFK Marketing

2.14. KFK Operations Research

2.15. KFK Organization

2.16. Organization and Personnel

2.17. KFK Personnel Economics

2.18. KFK Production Management

2.19. KFK Public Utility Management

2.20. KFK Revision, Tax and Escrow

2.21. KFK Supply Chain Management

2.22. KFK Transportation Logistics

2.23. KFK Business Informatics

2.24. KFK Financial Institutions

2.25. KFK Strategic Management

3. Business Communication in a Foreign Language

3.1. Preparatory Courses

3.2. Business Communication I

3.2. Business Communication II

4. Additional Courses

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38