5. Compulsory Module General Electives
1. Economics
- 040014 UK [ en ] Development Economics (MA)
- 040029 UK [ en ] Applied Microeconomics (MA)
- 040033 VO Economic Analysis of Law
- 040039 UK [ en ] Macroeconomic Forecasting with Theory-Based Models (MA)
- 040064 UK [ en ] Forecasting (MA)
- 040065 UK [ en ] Reading Group in Applied Econometrics (MA)
- 040079 PS Economics Analyses of law (MA)
- 040547 UK [ en ] Mathematics for Economists (MA)
- 040827 UK [ en ] PhD-VGSE: Information Economics
- 040835 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (MA) (E)
- 041002 UK [ en ] Scientific Writing for Master Candidates
10. Mathematics and Operations Research
11. Law
12. Geography
13. Psychology
2. Business Administration and Finance
- 040027 PR [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Practical Course
- 040030 VK [ en ] KFK CF/FI/FM: Banking and Insurance Regulation, Supervision and Risk Management - Can be taken as Advanced FI/FM together with the Seminar Modul of KFK FI and FM
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040410 EK [ en ] KFK CF: Corporate Finance
- 040569 VK [ en ] KFK CF: Valuation (E)
3. Econometrics and Statistics
- 040064 UK [ en ] Forecasting (MA)
- 040065 UK [ en ] Reading Group in Applied Econometrics (MA)
4. Sociology
5. Politics
6. International Development
- 040128 SE Development Policy: Development Cooperation since 2000 (MA)
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics (MA)
7. Philosophy
8. History and Economic History
9. History of Economic Theory and Ideas
- 040100 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - The debate of methods (Methodenstreit) in the social sciences(MA)
- 070234 VO [ en ] Theory of Science and History - Logic of Science - Logic of History
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39