B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
I. Required Module - Greek-Roman Archaeology
- 090011 SE Late Archaic and Early Classical Sculpture - Form and Content
- 090032 SE Dying in Roman Times - Context and Interpretation of the Funerary Record
- 090033 VO Ephesos - Archaeology of a Metropolis
- 090034 VO Rural Sanctuaries and Ritual Sites in Ancient Crete
- 090036 SE Republican Rome
- 090037 PV Privatissimum
II. Alternative Required Module
1. Alternative Required Module - Field Trip
2. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
- 090012 KU Communicating Research: Writing Texts to Primary Sources and Scholarly Discourse
- 090029 VO Introduction to Field-Archaeology
- 090047 KU Early Roman Burials from Neunkirchen
III. Interdisciplinary Module
- 020008 UE Cultural History and Monuments of Christianity: Early Building of Churches
- 020040 VO-L History of the Early Church - STEOP
- 060007 VO STEOP: Introduction in Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today
- 060031 VO The Hellenistic Religious Reforms and the Maccabean War
- 080012 VO+UE B330 Special Methods: Seeing, reading, writing: Tools for analyzing images
- 080044 PS Case Study II/III: World's Fair to "Global Lab": - The Arts of Islam and modern Exhibition Practice in the West
- 080051 VO Art of Early Middleage
- 080070 PS Case Study: Byzantine Art in Viennese Collections
- 080078 PS Case Study I: Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Fascination of the Classical Antiquity During the Late 19th Cent
- 080089 VO Medieval Coptic Architecture
- 090019 VO Epigraphy
- 090026 VO Peoples of Ancient Italy
- 090038 KU Greek Epigraphy
- 090039 VO Papyrology 2
- 090041 VO Latin Epigraphy
- 090059 VO History and Culture of the Etruscans I
- 090079 VO Lecture in Greek History - Geschichte Griechenlands von der Hohen Kaiserzeit bis zum Ausgang der Spätantike
- 090094 VO Wirkungsgeschichte (History of Effect) of Antique Literature (Motives)
- 140113 VO [ en ] Culture and History of South Arabia
- 140363 SE Archeological Seminar
- 140389 VO Near Eastern archaeologie II - Glyptik und Kleinkunst Altvorderasiens
- 060035 PS The Coinage of Sicily from the Beginning until the Roman Period
- 060038 UE Identification of ancient coins
- 060041 KU Cataloguing - Digital Photographing for a Numismatic Database
- 060042 KU Sources of Numismatics
- 060043 KU Greek Coinage of Southern Italy
- 060044 KU Coins of the Celts
- 060045 SE Coins, Markets and the Flow of Goods in the Roman Empire - Documentary and numismatic sources
- 060046 KU Monetary History of the Preislamic Orient
IV. Specialisation Module A
- 090007 VO Scripts of the Aegean Bronze Age - von Linear A bis Homer
- 090008 SE The Argolid. Archaeology of a Mycenaean Landscape
- 090011 SE Late Archaic and Early Classical Sculpture - Form and Content
- 090020 VO Liturgical Instruments of the Early Christians
- 090022 SE Prophets in Judaism, Early Christianity and Islam in Light of Monuments
- 090031 SE The Roman Limes in the North-Western Provinces - Border and Contact Region
- 090032 SE Dying in Roman Times - Context and Interpretation of the Funerary Record
- 090033 VO Ephesos - Archaeology of a Metropolis
- 090034 VO Rural Sanctuaries and Ritual Sites in Ancient Crete
- 090036 SE Republican Rome
V. Specialisation Module B
- 090007 VO Scripts of the Aegean Bronze Age - von Linear A bis Homer
- 090008 SE The Argolid. Archaeology of a Mycenaean Landscape
- 090011 SE Late Archaic and Early Classical Sculpture - Form and Content
- 090020 VO Liturgical Instruments of the Early Christians
- 090022 SE Prophets in Judaism, Early Christianity and Islam in Light of Monuments
- 090031 SE The Roman Limes in the North-Western Provinces - Border and Contact Region
- 090032 SE Dying in Roman Times - Context and Interpretation of the Funerary Record
- 090033 VO Ephesos - Archaeology of a Metropolis
- 090034 VO Rural Sanctuaries and Ritual Sites in Ancient Crete
- 090036 SE Republican Rome
VI. Master Module
- 090023 PV Privatissimum - for BA-, Master's, Doctoral Degree and other Interested Students
- 090037 PV Privatissimum
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39