BM 05 Optional Module Groups
BM 05,1 Optional Module Medieval and Early German Literature
Proseminar Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100095 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100096 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature: Ulrich von Liechtenstein
- 100097 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature: Frauenlob
- 100098 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature: Manuscript and Text
- 100099 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature:
- 100100 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature:
- 100232 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
Lecture Course Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100007 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100008 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100009 VO Lecture course: Visions of the Middle Ages II - Story, Image and Sound in Movies about the Middle Ages
- 100010 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature - Story, Image and Sound in Movies about the Middle Ages
- 100231 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
BM 05,2 Optional Module Modern German Literature
Proseminar Modern German Literature
- 100101 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature: Masks. Gender. Paradox. - Masks and the Semiotics of Identity in Modern Literature
- 100102 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature: Literature and Shoah - Focus: Autobiographical Writing
- 100103 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100104 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100105 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature: Historical-Critical Editions of Modern Texts
- 100106 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100107 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature: Bertolt Brecht - Literature as Social Criticism
- 100108 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100109 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100110 PS [ en ] Proseminar: Modern German Literature: German Opera and Pathology
- 100111 PS Modern German Literature: Dietetics, advertising and film in Peter Altenbergs "Prodromos"
- 100112 PS Modern German Literature: Fantastic Worlds in Young Adult Literature
- 100225 PS Poems in Austria and Germany after 1945
Lecture Course Modern German Literature
- 100006 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100012 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100013 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - USA-Bilder im deutschsprachigen Roman des 18. und 19.Jahrhunderts
- 100014 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature: Literature and Politics in the Weimar Republic - Literatur und Politik in der Weimarer Republik
- 100015 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100016 VO Contemporary Austrian Literature
- 100017 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100018 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - ... Grundlagen und Perspektiven gender- und queertheoretischer Ansätze für die Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft
- 100019 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100087 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Die deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter von Renaissance und Humanismus
BM 05,3 Optional Module Linguistics
Proseminar Linguistics
- 100113 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100114 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100115 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100116 PS Proseminar: Linguistics: Dialects and Dialect-Research in Transition
- 100117 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100118 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100119 PS Proseminar Linguistics: There stands a lonely pine-tree/... He dreameth of a palm-tree/far... - Metaphors of traditional gender hierarchy in gendered languages and their tendencies of dissolution.
- 100120 PS Proseminar: Linguistics: Into the field. Empirical Methods of Variationist Linguistics
Lecture Course Linguistics
- 100019 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100021 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 100022 VO Lecture course: Linguistics: Psycholiguistics
- 100023 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
BM 05,4 Optional Module German as Foreign/Second Language
Proseminar German as Foreign/Second Language
- 100183 PS Grundgrammatik DaF/DaZ. Ein Überblick
- 100184 PS Mündliche Kommunikation in Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache (auch DaF/Z 3, 7)
- 100185 PS Landeskunde im DaF/Z-Unterricht (auch DaF/Z 5)
- 100186 PS Literatur im DaF/Z-Unterricht (auch DaF/Z 7)
- 100188 PS Fachsprachliche Kompetenzen im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF/Z 3, 7)
Lecture Course German as Foreign/Second Language
- 100031 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100032 VO Von der Grammatik-Übersetzungsmethode zum autonomen Sprachlernen - Methoden für das DaF-Klassenzimmer als Spiegel ihrer Zeit (auch DaF/Z 3, 7)
- 100033 VO Einführung in die Fachsprachen unter Berücksichtigung des DaF-Unterrichts (auch DaF/Z 7)
- 100034 VO Deutsch in der Migrationsgesellschaft (auch DaF/Z 6)
BM 05,5 Optional Module Children's Literature
- 100017 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100112 PS Modern German Literature: Fantastic Worlds in Young Adult Literature
BM 05,6 Optional Module Gender Studies
- 100018 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - ... Grundlagen und Perspektiven gender- und queertheoretischer Ansätze für die Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft
- 100101 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature: Masks. Gender. Paradox. - Masks and the Semiotics of Identity in Modern Literature
- 100119 PS Proseminar Linguistics: There stands a lonely pine-tree/... He dreameth of a palm-tree/far... - Metaphors of traditional gender hierarchy in gendered languages and their tendencies of dissolution.
BM 05,7 Practical Training, Internship
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39