Free Optional and Other Courses
- 260027 VO [ de en ] Physics of physiological processes
- 260028 SE Women scientists in Physics and Chemistry - A survey of historical Gender-Science-Studies
- 260032 SE Concepts and methodical tools for designing physics education
- 260034 VO Introduction to vector and tensor calculus I
- 260044 SE Phenomenological optics
- 260050 SE Aligning physics education with students' conceptions
- 260055 SE Tutorial for women in physics
- 260061 SE Didactics of Electricity
- 260070 PR Project Laboratory Course - Radiation - Perperation and implementation of a project (topic: radiation) in school
- 260072 VO History of Physics - The developement of physics at the University Vienna included
- 260074 SE The pedagogical use of computers in physics education - Based on results from physics education research, case studies of the lecturer, didactics of media and psychology of learning examples will be adressed focusing on the potential of digital media. Specifically topics from the field of mechanics, electricity and optics will be covered. The computer will be used as a tool for collecting and evaluating data as well as for modeling and simulations.
- 260085 VO How to analyse and document experimental data - The handling of uncertainties in measurement from planning the experiment up to publicating analysed data
- 260104 SE Introduction to Physics Education
- 260120 SE Modern physics in school
- 260137 SE Selected problems of quantum theory
- 260147 SE [ de en ] Atomic ordering in alloys
- 260164 SE Introduction to Physics Education
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Preparation and Conducting a project for using solar energy regionally in collaboration with a technical college of engineering
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
- 260238 SE Floating
- 260279 SE Scientific publishing and presentation
- 260302 IK To do Science - in Physics
- 260303 IK To do Science - in Biology
- 260304 IK Two Case Studies concerning the topics Quanta & Evolution incl. an exercise course related to Quanta
- 260305 VO Scientific Method and Cognition
- 260310 IK Two Case Studies concerning the topics Quanta & Evolution incl. an exercise course related to Evol.
- 270091 SE Subjective Theories of teachers in relation to the Teaching Subject and to Gender & Diversity - Comparing Science and German Language teaching
- 442602 SE Seminar for PhD Students and Diploma Students - Research in physics aducation
Last modified: Th 24.10.2019 01:54