III. Optional Modules
Block of Elective Modules: Theoretical Physics (T) (before: TP)
T 3 Theoretical Physics III: Electrodynamics (before: TP 1)
- 260039 VO Theoretical Physics III: Electrodynamics
- 260040 UE Theoretical Physics III: Electrodynamics - Exercises
T 4 Theoretical Physics IV: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics I (before: TP 2)
Block of Elective Modules: Laboratory III (PIII)
PIII 1 Laboratory Aerosolphysics
PIII 2 Laboratory Advanced Materials (before: Laboratory Solid State Physics)
- 260005 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics: Advanced Materials - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
PIII 3 Laboratory Electronics
- 260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
PIII 4 Laboratory Materials Physics
- 260060 PR Laboratory course on materials physics
PIII 5 Laboratory Modern methods in experimental physics
PIII 6 Laboratory Practical Class on Modern Microscopical Methods
PIII 7 Laboratory Quantum Optics
- 260211 PR Laboratory Quantum Optics
PIII 8 Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260051 PR [ de en ] Methods of instrumentation in high energy physics
- 260057 PR [ de en ] Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
PIII 9 Laboratory Low Dimensional Solids (before: Laboratory Structure and Dynamics)
- 260079 PR Laboratory course - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
PIII 10 Laboratory Scientific Computing
PIII 11 Laboratory Theoretical Physics
PIII 12 Environmental Physics, Project oriented laboratory experiments (before: MaG 40 Laboratory)
Block of Elective Modules: Matter and Fields (MF)
MF 1 Computational Physics I
- 260003 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260007 SE Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems
- 260016 UE Computational Physics I Problem class
- 260088 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems I - From cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
MF 2 Solid State Physics I
- 260002 VO Introduction to dislocation theory
- 260006 VO Superconductivity
- 260020 VO Fundamentals of Materials Physics (Materials Physics I)
- 260105 UE Introduction into Electron Microscopy I - Exercises
- 260111 UE Solid State Physics I - Exercises
- 260128 VO [ de en ] Introduction to the Physics of Metals and Alloys
- 260136 SE MF 2 Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Systems (MF 4, MaG 9, MaG 10, MaG 13, MaG 14)
- 260147 SE [ de en ] Atomic ordering in alloys
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260214 VO Solid State Physics I
MF 3 Nuclear and Isotope Physics I
- 260001 SE [ en ] Seminar on atomic and subatomic physics
- 260066 VO [ de en ] Detector and detector systems for particle and nuclear physics I
- 260090 SE [ de en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics
- 260140 VO Introduction to nuclear physics I
- 260153 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics I
- 260174 SE [ de en ] Seminar phenomenology of nuclear physics
MF 4 Materials Physics I
- 260002 VO Introduction to dislocation theory
- 260015 SE [ de en ] Seminar on micro- and nanomaterials
- 260020 VO Fundamentals of Materials Physics (Materials Physics I)
- 260054 SE [ de en ] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
- 260105 UE Introduction into Electron Microscopy I - Exercises
- 260111 UE Solid State Physics I - Exercises
- 260128 VO [ de en ] Introduction to the Physics of Metals and Alloys
- 260132 SE Physical materials testing - New methods
- 260147 SE [ de en ] Atomic ordering in alloys
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260209 SE Physics of functional materials
- 260214 VO Solid State Physics I
MF 5 Mathematical Physics I
- 260084 SE [ de en ] Seminar on mathematical physics
MF 6 Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
- 260065 SE [ de en ] Foundations of modern quantum physics
- 260118 VO [ en ] Quantum Information I
- 260121 UE Quantum Information I - Exercises
MF 7 Relativity and Cosmology I
- 260023 UE Relativity and Cosmology I- Exercises
- 260038 VO Relativity and Cosmology I
MF 8 Particle Physics
- 260001 SE [ en ] Seminar on atomic and subatomic physics
- 260129 VO [ en ] Astro Particle Physics
- 260141 UE Exercises to introduction to Particle Physics
- 260144 VO Introduction to Particle Physics
MF 9 Condensed Matter Theory I
- 260035 SE Condensed Matter Theory
MF 10 Environmental Physics and Biophysics I
- 260007 SE Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems
- 260010 VO Aerosol Physics - Physics of dispersed systems
- 260018 VO Fields, waves, rays - Environmental Physics and Biophysics
- 260027 VO [ de en ] Physics of physiological processes
- 260088 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems I - From cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
- 260115 VO Complex Systems I - Foundations, Concepts and Phenomena
- 260116 UE Exercises to Complex Systems I - Foundations, Concepts and Phenomena
- 260285 SE Introduction to environmental sciences, seminar
Block of Elective Modules: Supplement (ERG)
ERG 1 Chemistry for Physicists
- 260131 VO Chemistry for Physicists - Part B: Organic chemistry - Part B: Organic chemistry
- 260223 VO Chemistry for physicists - Part A: Inorganic chemistry
ERG 2 Seminar on a Scientific Topic
- 260001 SE [ en ] Seminar on atomic and subatomic physics
- 260285 SE Introduction to environmental sciences, seminar
ERG 3 Elective Module: Interests (before: Additional Qualifications)
- 260025 VO [ en ] Philosophy of Physics
- 260027 VO [ de en ] Physics of physiological processes
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39