2. Elective Modules - Advanced Modules (VM) / Supplementary Modules (EM)
B09 VM History of European Music before 1600
- 160051 SE Heinrich Isaac
- 160075 VO Schmettermessing and Tschingderassabum - Symbolic noise and expensive noise: Comments for interpretation of German military music in past and present
- 160077 PR Gregorian Chant practical course: Medieval historiae (offices) of saints - Schola, composition techniques and publication skills.
- 160081 UE Introduction to notation & composition IV - Instrumental music up to 1600
- 160091 UE Harmony 2 - Introduction to Compositional Techniques and Contrapuntal Forms since the 16th Century
B10 VM History of European Music after 1600
- 160010 VO Music History III (1600-1750)
- 160048 UE Introduction to Analysis of Tonal Music
- 160049 PS Music Theatre in the Interwar Period
- 160050 SE Goethe settings
- 160065 SE "Breeches Role": Gender-Swapping Roles as a Central Plot Device in Opera, Theater, and Film - Rollentausch der Geschlechter als zentrales Handlungselement in Oper, Schauspiel und Film.
- 160068 SE Musical Topoi: Pastorale, Battaglia etc.
- 160072 SE Instrumental Music of the Baroque Era in Austrian and South German Regions: Schmelzer, Biber, Muffat
- 160075 VO Schmettermessing and Tschingderassabum - Symbolic noise and expensive noise: Comments for interpretation of German military music in past and present
- 160082 UE Operatic Practices at German Courts in the Age of ‘Viennese Classicism’ - current research methods and perspectives
- 160085 PS Franz Schreker´s operas
- 160086 VO Articulation and Phrasing in the music of the 17th and 18th century
- 160090 UE Harmony 2 - Development of harmony in 19th century music
- 160091 UE Harmony 2 - Introduction to Compositional Techniques and Contrapuntal Forms since the 16th Century
- 160094 VO Anton Bruckner
B11 VM Ethnomusicology
- 160041 EX Fieldtrip to Uganda in Ferbuary 2015
- 160042 UE An Introduction to Fieldwork
- 160043 VO Local and Popular Music in Brazil 2
- 160044 SE Rhythm
- 160059 VO The musics of the world at a glance 1st part
- 160067 VO Afro-American music cultures
- 160076 VO+UE Romani Music: Theoretical and Practical Approaches
- 160078 UE [ de en ] Afro-Brazilian Percussion
- 160080 UE [ de en ] Musical instruments of Southeast Africa - Construction, playing techniques and creativity
- 160087 UE Exercises in ethnomusicological transcription
- 160092 UE Music Traditions of the Mediterranean Island of Crete 2 - Bearbeitung und Archivierung der Aufnahmen der Exkursion
B12 VM Systematic Musicology
- 160052 UE Acoustic Labor Practical Course I: Recording & Sound Analysis
- 160053 SE Recording, Mix & Mastering
- 160054 KO Conversatorium in Musical-Acoustic Issues
- 160055 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160056 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160057 PS Wonderful World of Electronical Musical Instruments: Synthesizers, Samplers and Sound Effects - How do they work and where did they come from?
- 160062 PS Music and neuroscience
- 160073 VO Empirical Methods and Research
- 160074 UE Applied Music Production
- 160075 VO Schmettermessing and Tschingderassabum - Symbolic noise and expensive noise: Comments for interpretation of German military music in past and present
- 160079 PR Practical Introduction into Room Acoustical Measurement Techniques and Analysis II
- 160084 PS Physiological foundations of music perception
- 160096 VO+UE Audiovisual documents for musicology II - critical evaluation of sources and long-term availability of AV sourcesSource critical approaches and long-term accessibility
B13 VM Contemporary Music
- 160061 PS Creative processes in music at the end of the 20th century
- 160097 SE The Relationship between musical analysis and performance - current debates and new perspectives
B14 VM Popular Music
- 160043 VO Local and Popular Music in Brazil 2
- 160052 UE Acoustic Labor Practical Course I: Recording & Sound Analysis
- 160059 VO The musics of the world at a glance 1st part
- 160060 VO+UE Introduction to Popular Music (Theories, approaches etc.)
- 160061 PS Creative processes in music at the end of the 20th century
- 160067 VO Afro-American music cultures
- 160071 VO [ en ] Perspectives on British Rock Music (1964-2001)
- 160074 UE Applied Music Production
- 160075 VO Schmettermessing and Tschingderassabum - Symbolic noise and expensive noise: Comments for interpretation of German military music in past and present
- 160076 VO+UE Romani Music: Theoretical and Practical Approaches
- 160078 UE [ de en ] Afro-Brazilian Percussion
- 160080 UE [ de en ] Musical instruments of Southeast Africa - Construction, playing techniques and creativity
B15 VM Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism
- 160042 UE An Introduction to Fieldwork
- 160061 PS Creative processes in music at the end of the 20th century
- 160070 PR Preliminary work for a thematic-bibliographic catalogue of the works of Carl Goldmark
- 160077 PR Gregorian Chant practical course: Medieval historiae (offices) of saints - Schola, composition techniques and publication skills.
- 160081 UE Introduction to notation & composition IV - Instrumental music up to 1600
- 160082 UE Operatic Practices at German Courts in the Age of ‘Viennese Classicism’ - current research methods and perspectives
- 160093 PR Archival Studies and Biographical Sources of Viennese Music History
- 160096 VO+UE Audiovisual documents for musicology II - critical evaluation of sources and long-term availability of AV sourcesSource critical approaches and long-term accessibility
B16 EM Music and Society
- 160041 EX Fieldtrip to Uganda in Ferbuary 2015
- 160043 VO Local and Popular Music in Brazil 2
- 160047 VO Autumn of the Middle Ages or Spring of the Renaissance? - A Cultural History of Music in the Fifteenth Century
- 160049 PS Music Theatre in the Interwar Period
- 160050 SE Goethe settings
- 160051 SE Heinrich Isaac
- 160059 VO The musics of the world at a glance 1st part
- 160060 VO+UE Introduction to Popular Music (Theories, approaches etc.)
- 160061 PS Creative processes in music at the end of the 20th century
- 160065 SE "Breeches Role": Gender-Swapping Roles as a Central Plot Device in Opera, Theater, and Film - Rollentausch der Geschlechter als zentrales Handlungselement in Oper, Schauspiel und Film.
- 160067 VO Afro-American music cultures
- 160072 SE Instrumental Music of the Baroque Era in Austrian and South German Regions: Schmelzer, Biber, Muffat
- 160075 VO Schmettermessing and Tschingderassabum - Symbolic noise and expensive noise: Comments for interpretation of German military music in past and present
- 160076 VO+UE Romani Music: Theoretical and Practical Approaches
- 160080 UE [ de en ] Musical instruments of Southeast Africa - Construction, playing techniques and creativity
- 160082 UE Operatic Practices at German Courts in the Age of ‘Viennese Classicism’ - current research methods and perspectives
- 160083 VO+UE Music and Play Theories
B17 EM Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation of Music
- 160042 UE An Introduction to Fieldwork
- 160044 SE Rhythm
- 160047 VO Autumn of the Middle Ages or Spring of the Renaissance? - A Cultural History of Music in the Fifteenth Century
- 160048 UE Introduction to Analysis of Tonal Music
- 160049 PS Music Theatre in the Interwar Period
- 160050 SE Goethe settings
- 160051 SE Heinrich Isaac
- 160061 PS Creative processes in music at the end of the 20th century
- 160068 SE Musical Topoi: Pastorale, Battaglia etc.
- 160072 SE Instrumental Music of the Baroque Era in Austrian and South German Regions: Schmelzer, Biber, Muffat
- 160080 UE [ de en ] Musical instruments of Southeast Africa - Construction, playing techniques and creativity
- 160081 UE Introduction to notation & composition IV - Instrumental music up to 1600
- 160085 PS Franz Schreker´s operas
- 160086 VO Articulation and Phrasing in the music of the 17th and 18th century
- 160087 UE Exercises in ethnomusicological transcription
- 160090 UE Harmony 2 - Development of harmony in 19th century music
- 160091 UE Harmony 2 - Introduction to Compositional Techniques and Contrapuntal Forms since the 16th Century
- 160097 SE The Relationship between musical analysis and performance - current debates and new perspectives
B18 EM Music Philosophy, Music Aesthetics and Musical Hermeneutics
- 160050 SE Goethe settings
- 160061 PS Creative processes in music at the end of the 20th century
- 160083 VO+UE Music and Play Theories
- 160086 VO Articulation and Phrasing in the music of the 17th and 18th century
B19 EM Current Musicology
- 160055 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160056 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160060 VO+UE Introduction to Popular Music (Theories, approaches etc.)
- 160061 PS Creative processes in music at the end of the 20th century
- 160082 UE Operatic Practices at German Courts in the Age of ‘Viennese Classicism’ - current research methods and perspectives
- 160083 VO+UE Music and Play Theories
B20 EM Applied Musicology I
- 160052 UE Acoustic Labor Practical Course I: Recording & Sound Analysis
- 160053 SE Recording, Mix & Mastering
- 160054 KO Conversatorium in Musical-Acoustic Issues
- 160055 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160056 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160073 VO Empirical Methods and Research
- 160074 UE Applied Music Production
- 160076 VO+UE Romani Music: Theoretical and Practical Approaches
- 160079 PR Practical Introduction into Room Acoustical Measurement Techniques and Analysis II
- 160092 UE Music Traditions of the Mediterranean Island of Crete 2 - Bearbeitung und Archivierung der Aufnahmen der Exkursion
- 160093 PR Archival Studies and Biographical Sources of Viennese Music History
- 160096 VO+UE Audiovisual documents for musicology II - critical evaluation of sources and long-term availability of AV sourcesSource critical approaches and long-term accessibility
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39