Directorate of Studies 17 - Theatre, Film and Media Studies
17.01. Theatre, Film and Media Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Theatre, Film and Media Studies
BA 1 Required Modules STEOP
BA 1.1. Orientation Period
1.1.1. STEOP 1 Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
1.1.2. STEOP 2 Forms of Theatre and Media Staging, Lecture
BA 1 Required Modules STEP
1.1.1. Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
1.1.1. Forms of Theatre and Media Staging, Lecture
1.1.3. Forms of Theatre and Media Staging, Course Accompanying the Lecture
BA 2 Group of Required Modules Advanced Courses
BA 2.1. Advanced Module Scientific Writing
2.1.1. Techniques of Scientific Writing, Practical Courses
- 170110 UE Practical Course "Techniques of Scientific Work"
- 170111 UE Practical Course "Techniques of Scientific Work"
2.1.2. Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills, Practical Courses
- 170112 UE Exercise Course Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills
- 170113 UE Exercise Course Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills
BA 2.2. Advanced Module Analysis
2.2.1. Performance and Staging Analysis, Practical Courses
- 170120 UE Practical Course "Performance and Staging Analysis" - Lesarten. Zur Rezeption der Opern Giuseppe Verdis
- 170121 UE Practical Course "Performance and Staging Analysis" - current performances
2.2.2. Film Analysis, Practical Courses
- 170122 UE Practical Course "Film Analysis"
- 170123 UE Practical Course "Film Analysis"
2.2.3. Media Analysis, Practical Courses
- 170124 UE Practical Course "Media Analysis" - Fernsehen nach dem Fernsehen
- 170125 UE Practical Course "Media Analysis" - The revolution of visual narratives. TV-Series in the millenium
BA 2.3. Advanced Module Theory
2.3.1. Theatre Theory, Introductory Seminars
- 170130 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre Theory"
- 170131 PS Introductory Seminar Theatre Theory
2.3.2. Film Theory, Introductory Seminars
- 170132 PS Introductory Seminar "Film Theory" - Images of Determination. Sites of a Film Theory of Control
- 170133 PS Introductory Seminar Film Theory - Liberated similarity. Theories of cinematic realism
2.3.3. Media Theory, Introductory Seminars
- 170134 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - Postdigitality
- 170135 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory"
BA 3 Group of Required Modules Specialisation
BA 3.1. Specialisation Module Body, Staging, Interaction
3.1.1. Concepts and Techniques of Acting, Introductory Seminars
- 170210 PS Introductory Seminar Concepts and Techniques of Acting - Theories on Acting
- 170211 PS Introductory Seminar "Concepts and Techniques of Acting"
3.1.2. Body Practices and Gender Presentations, Practical Courses
- 170212 UE Exercise Course Body Practices and Gender Presentations - Contemporary Dance and its tableaux vivants
- 170213 UE Exercise Course Body Practices and Gender Presentations - Bodily Settings. (Re-)Enacting the Body in female Performance Art Settings
BA 3.2. Specialisation Module Narrative Orders
3.2.1. Narrativity in Theatre, Film and Media, Introductory Seminars
- 170220 PS Introductory Seminar Narrativity in Theatre, Film and Media - Narrative Techniques in Visual Media
3.2.2. Media Transitions, Practical Courses
- 170222 UE Practical Course "Media Transitions" - Media Transitions - Filmic Aspects in Fine Arts
- 170223 UE Practical Course "Media Transitions" - Schiller und die Oper
BA 3.3. Specialisation Module Space Productions
3.3.1. Theatre and Media Spaces, Introductory Seminars
- 170230 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Zwischen/Räume
- 170231 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Cinematic Space
3.3.2. Staged Spaces, Practical Courses
- 170232 UE Practical Course "Staged Spaces" - Reading the traces: images - fields - measurings
- 170233 UE Practical Course "Staged Spaces" - Cities of Opera history (1700-1900)
BA 4 Group of Required Modules History of Theatre, Film and Media
BA 4.1. Required Module I
4.1.1. History of Theatre, Lectures
- 170300 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatro est opus. Theatricality in Renaissance Italy
- 170302 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Die Burg im Kontext des Wiener Theaterlebens der 2. Republik
4.1.2. History of Film, Lectures
- 170310 VO Lecture on the History of Film - Geschichte des amerikanischen Films
4.1.3. History of Media, Lectures
- 170320 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
4.1.4. Discussion Course on the History of Theatre, Film and Media
- 170330 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Film - History of American Film
- 170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170350 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
BA 4.2. Required Module II
4.2.1. History of Theatre, Film and Media, Lectures
- 030339 VO Television- and Radio-Broadcasting Law - Legal provisions for radio an audiovisual media services (domestic law - like ORF-Act, Audiovisual Media Services-Act, Privat Radio-Act etc. and European Union Law background)
- 140248 VO [ en ] Nollywood: Nigerian Video Films - From Rags to Riches
- 170400 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre, Film and Media
- 170410 VO Austrian 20th century photography
BA 5 Group of Elective Supplementary Modules
BA 5.1. Supplementary Module Theory and Aesthetics
- 160085 PS Franz Schreker´s operas
- 170511 UE Sites of Violence in the Medieval Theatre
- 170512 UE Discourses of the Public Sphere and Performance
- 170513 VU Filmgenre, Genrewissen, Filmrezeption
- 170514 UE Das interaktive und interdisziplinäre Theaterkonzept Mimamusch
- 170515 VU Penelopes Weaving - Implications of Woven Structures in Space and Media Theory
BA 5.2. Supplementary Module History
- 160049 PS Music Theatre in the Interwar Period
- 170517 VU Music-Theatre in Baroque Europe - Voraussetzungen, Entstehung und Entwicklungen der Kunstform Oper
- 170518 VU Seconds of Eternity: The Films of Gregory J. Markopolous
- 170519 UE Austrian Theatre in the Age of Enlightenment
- 170521 VU Selfies. Eine Kultur- und Mediengeschichte der Selbstdarstellung
BA 5.3. Supplementary Module Technique
- 170522 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 1 - Drehbuch
- 170523 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 2 - Produktion
- 170524 UE Stagelighting
BA 5.4. Supplementary Module Organisation and Law
- 170530 VU Copyright and Remix
- 170531 UE International Music Theatre
- 170532 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
- 170533 UE Vor dem großen Krach: Kulturpolitik am Ende?
- 170534 UE Mentoring
BA 5.5. Supplementary Module Fields of Practice and Communication
- 170500 UE One Auteur's Movie History: With Vittorio de Sica Through Half a Century of Italian Cinema - mit Vittorio de Sica durch ein halbes Jahrhundert italienisches Kino.
- 170501 UE Film Curatorship I - Film material
- 170502 UE Contemorary theatre for a young audience
- 170503 UE writing media
- 170504 VU Cultural Broadcasting - success and strategy for quality information of a broad audience
- 170505 UE Opera-dramaturgy at the Vienna State Opera
- 170506 VU "Turandot" - Regiekonzept, optische Bildfindung und Realisierung
- 170507 UE Escape-Publikation - Strategien des Entkommens. Erstellung einer Online-Publikation.
- 170508 UE Cultural marketing - Strategies and concepts in theory and practice
- 170509 UE Shoot and run. From script to movie.
- 170510 UE Fields of Practice - Thought and Reflection - Produktion der Freischwimmer-Festivalzeitung 2014
- 170516 UE My Personal University
BA 5.6. Supplementary Module Gender
- 170540 UE M€TRO sexual? Gender- and queer-specific performance in neoliberal cities
- 170542 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos
- 170543 UE Feminist Film Theories
- 170544 UE Porn Studies: Texts and Theories
BA 5.7. Supplementary Module Global Perspectives
- 124071 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - Adventure
- 170550 UE The Cinema of the Thaw-East European Film 1956-1970
- 170552 VU Ideas of Liberation - Global Perspectives of Cultural Criticism
B. Master Degree Programmes History of Theatre, Film and Media
MA (G) 1 Group of Required Modules, Lectures
MA (G) 1.1. Lectures I
- 170300 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatro est opus. Theatricality in Renaissance Italy
- 170302 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Die Burg im Kontext des Wiener Theaterlebens der 2. Republik
- 170310 VO Lecture on the History of Film - Geschichte des amerikanischen Films
- 170320 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
- 170330 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Film - History of American Film
- 170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170350 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
MA (G) 1.2. Lectures II
- 030339 VO Television- and Radio-Broadcasting Law - Legal provisions for radio an audiovisual media services (domestic law - like ORF-Act, Audiovisual Media Services-Act, Privat Radio-Act etc. and European Union Law background)
- 140248 VO [ en ] Nollywood: Nigerian Video Films - From Rags to Riches
- 170400 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre, Film and Media
- 170410 VO Austrian 20th century photography
MA (G) 2 Group of Required Modules, Seminars
MA (G) 2.1. Archive and Historiography
- 170600 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - News from the cinematic antiquity. On Buster Keaton's cinema
- 170601 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Research Desiderata in Edition Philology: Viennese Popular Theatre (18th, 19th century)
MA (G) 2.2. Presence of History
- 160045 SE Christoph Willibald Gluck's Operas
- 170611 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - The case of german
MA (G) 2.3. Fractures of Modernity
- 170620 SE Breaking Points of Modernism - Touch/Screen. The Haptical and Optical in Media
- 170621 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - D.W. Griffith
MA (G) 3 Group of Elective Supplementary Modules
MA (G) 3.1. Theory und Aesthetics
- 160085 PS Franz Schreker´s operas
- 170511 UE Sites of Violence in the Medieval Theatre
- 170512 UE Discourses of the Public Sphere and Performance
- 170513 VU Filmgenre, Genrewissen, Filmrezeption
- 170514 UE Das interaktive und interdisziplinäre Theaterkonzept Mimamusch
- 170515 VU Penelopes Weaving - Implications of Woven Structures in Space and Media Theory
MA (G) 3.2. History
- 160049 PS Music Theatre in the Interwar Period
- 170517 VU Music-Theatre in Baroque Europe - Voraussetzungen, Entstehung und Entwicklungen der Kunstform Oper
- 170518 VU Seconds of Eternity: The Films of Gregory J. Markopolous
- 170519 UE Austrian Theatre in the Age of Enlightenment
- 170521 VU Selfies. Eine Kultur- und Mediengeschichte der Selbstdarstellung
MA (G) 3.3. Technique
- 170522 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 1 - Drehbuch
- 170523 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 2 - Produktion
- 170524 UE Stagelighting
MA (G) 3.4. Organisation and Law
- 170530 VU Copyright and Remix
- 170531 UE International Music Theatre
- 170532 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
- 170533 UE Vor dem großen Krach: Kulturpolitik am Ende?
- 170534 UE Mentoring
MA (G) 3.5. Fields of Practice and Communication
- 170500 UE One Auteur's Movie History: With Vittorio de Sica Through Half a Century of Italian Cinema - mit Vittorio de Sica durch ein halbes Jahrhundert italienisches Kino.
- 170501 UE Film Curatorship I - Film material
- 170502 UE Contemorary theatre for a young audience
- 170503 UE writing media
- 170504 VU Cultural Broadcasting - success and strategy for quality information of a broad audience
- 170505 UE Opera-dramaturgy at the Vienna State Opera
- 170506 VU "Turandot" - Regiekonzept, optische Bildfindung und Realisierung
- 170507 UE Escape-Publikation - Strategien des Entkommens. Erstellung einer Online-Publikation.
- 170508 UE Cultural marketing - Strategies and concepts in theory and practice
- 170509 UE Shoot and run. From script to movie.
- 170510 UE Fields of Practice - Thought and Reflection - Produktion der Freischwimmer-Festivalzeitung 2014
- 170516 UE My Personal University
MA (G) 3.6. Gender
- 170540 UE M€TRO sexual? Gender- and queer-specific performance in neoliberal cities
- 170542 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos
- 170543 UE Feminist Film Theories
- 170544 UE Porn Studies: Texts and Theories
MA (G) 3.7. Global Perspectives
- 124071 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - Adventure
- 150218 SE [ en ] MA-SE GG/LK: Taiwan’s Civil Movement(s) Reflected in Documentaries - Rice, Gender and Science Cultures
- 170550 UE The Cinema of the Thaw-East European Film 1956-1970
- 170552 VU Ideas of Liberation - Global Perspectives of Cultural Criticism
MA (G) 4 Work Module
MA (G) 4.1. Master-Thesis Presentation
- 170701 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170702 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170703 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170704 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170705 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170706 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170707 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170708 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170711 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170712 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170713 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170714 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170715 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170716 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170717 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170720 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
MA (G) 4.2. Privatissimum
C. Master Degree Programmes Theory of Theatre, Film and Media
MA (T) 1 Group of Required Modules, Lectures
MA (T) 1.1. Lectures I
- 170300 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatro est opus. Theatricality in Renaissance Italy
- 170302 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Die Burg im Kontext des Wiener Theaterlebens der 2. Republik
- 170310 VO Lecture on the History of Film - Geschichte des amerikanischen Films
- 170320 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
- 170330 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Film - History of American Film
- 170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170350 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
MA (T) 1.2. Lectures II
- 030339 VO Television- and Radio-Broadcasting Law - Legal provisions for radio an audiovisual media services (domestic law - like ORF-Act, Audiovisual Media Services-Act, Privat Radio-Act etc. and European Union Law background)
- 140248 VO [ en ] Nollywood: Nigerian Video Films - From Rags to Riches
- 170400 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre, Film and Media
- 170410 VO Austrian 20th century photography
MA (T) 2 Group of Required Modules, Seminars
MA (T) 2.1. Aesthetics and Poetics
- 170651 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Schiller, Brecht, Jelinek
- 170652 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Contemporary film d'auteure: Viennale
- 170653 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Philosophy of Film: Gilles Deleuze
MA (T) 2.2. Circulations of the Political
- 170660 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Film and Propaganda - Anti-Nazi Films in World War II
- 170661 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Racism on Stage, in Movies and Documentations
- 170662 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Anatomiekunst und Performance Kunst
- 170663 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Von der Intermedialität zur Intermaterialität. New Materialism zur Einführung.
MA (T) 2.3. Negotiations of the Subject
- 160065 SE "Breeches Role": Gender-Swapping Roles as a Central Plot Device in Opera, Theater, and Film - Rollentausch der Geschlechter als zentrales Handlungselement in Oper, Schauspiel und Film.
- 170670 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Strategien des Imperfekten: Medienkunst der 60er Jahre
- 170671 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Dracula, Freud & Sherlock Holmes
- 170674 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Das ausgesprochen Fremde: Akzentrollen auf der Bühne und im Film
MA (T) 3 Group of Elective Supplementary Modules
MA (T) 3.1. Theory and Aesthetics
- 160085 PS Franz Schreker´s operas
- 170511 UE Sites of Violence in the Medieval Theatre
- 170512 UE Discourses of the Public Sphere and Performance
- 170513 VU Filmgenre, Genrewissen, Filmrezeption
- 170514 UE Das interaktive und interdisziplinäre Theaterkonzept Mimamusch
- 170515 VU Penelopes Weaving - Implications of Woven Structures in Space and Media Theory
MA (T) 3.2. History
- 160049 PS Music Theatre in the Interwar Period
- 170517 VU Music-Theatre in Baroque Europe - Voraussetzungen, Entstehung und Entwicklungen der Kunstform Oper
- 170518 VU Seconds of Eternity: The Films of Gregory J. Markopolous
- 170519 UE Austrian Theatre in the Age of Enlightenment
- 170521 VU Selfies. Eine Kultur- und Mediengeschichte der Selbstdarstellung
MA (T) 3.3. Technique
- 170522 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 1 - Drehbuch
- 170523 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 2 - Produktion
- 170524 UE Stagelighting
MA (T) 3.4. Organisation and Law
- 170530 VU Copyright and Remix
- 170531 UE International Music Theatre
- 170532 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
- 170533 UE Vor dem großen Krach: Kulturpolitik am Ende?
- 170534 UE Mentoring
MA (T) 3.5. Fields of Practice and Communication
- 170500 UE One Auteur's Movie History: With Vittorio de Sica Through Half a Century of Italian Cinema - mit Vittorio de Sica durch ein halbes Jahrhundert italienisches Kino.
- 170501 UE Film Curatorship I - Film material
- 170502 UE Contemorary theatre for a young audience
- 170503 UE writing media
- 170504 VU Cultural Broadcasting - success and strategy for quality information of a broad audience
- 170505 UE Opera-dramaturgy at the Vienna State Opera
- 170506 VU "Turandot" - Regiekonzept, optische Bildfindung und Realisierung
- 170507 UE Escape-Publikation - Strategien des Entkommens. Erstellung einer Online-Publikation.
- 170508 UE Cultural marketing - Strategies and concepts in theory and practice
- 170509 UE Shoot and run. From script to movie.
- 170510 UE Fields of Practice - Thought and Reflection - Produktion der Freischwimmer-Festivalzeitung 2014
- 170516 UE My Personal University
MA (T) 3.6. Gender
- 170540 UE M€TRO sexual? Gender- and queer-specific performance in neoliberal cities
- 170542 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos
- 170543 UE Feminist Film Theories
- 170544 UE Porn Studies: Texts and Theories
MA (T) 3.7. Global Perspectives
- 124071 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - Adventure
- 150218 SE [ en ] MA-SE GG/LK: Taiwan’s Civil Movement(s) Reflected in Documentaries - Rice, Gender and Science Cultures
- 170550 UE The Cinema of the Thaw-East European Film 1956-1970
- 170552 VU Ideas of Liberation - Global Perspectives of Cultural Criticism
MA (T) 4 Work Module
MA (T) 4.1. Master-Thesis Presentation
- 170701 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170702 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170703 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170704 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170705 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170706 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170707 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170708 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170711 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170712 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170713 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170714 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170715 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170716 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170717 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170720 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
MA (T) 4.2. Privatissimum
D. Diploma Degree Programme in Theatre, Film and Media Studies
First Stage of the Degree Programme
I.1. Introductory Phase
- 170001 VO STEOP: Lecture Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170002 VO STEOP: Lecture Forms of Theatre and Media Staging
- 170110 UE Practical Course "Techniques of Scientific Work"
- 170111 UE Practical Course "Techniques of Scientific Work"
I.3. Core Subjects
- 170120 UE Practical Course "Performance and Staging Analysis" - Lesarten. Zur Rezeption der Opern Giuseppe Verdis
- 170121 UE Practical Course "Performance and Staging Analysis" - current performances
- 170122 UE Practical Course "Film Analysis"
- 170123 UE Practical Course "Film Analysis"
- 170124 UE Practical Course "Media Analysis" - Fernsehen nach dem Fernsehen
- 170125 UE Practical Course "Media Analysis" - The revolution of visual narratives. TV-Series in the millenium
- 170130 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre Theory"
- 170131 PS Introductory Seminar Theatre Theory
- 170132 PS Introductory Seminar "Film Theory" - Images of Determination. Sites of a Film Theory of Control
- 170133 PS Introductory Seminar Film Theory - Liberated similarity. Theories of cinematic realism
- 170134 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - Postdigitality
- 170135 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory"
- 170210 PS Introductory Seminar Concepts and Techniques of Acting - Theories on Acting
- 170211 PS Introductory Seminar "Concepts and Techniques of Acting"
- 170212 UE Exercise Course Body Practices and Gender Presentations - Contemporary Dance and its tableaux vivants
- 170213 UE Exercise Course Body Practices and Gender Presentations - Bodily Settings. (Re-)Enacting the Body in female Performance Art Settings
- 170220 PS Introductory Seminar Narrativity in Theatre, Film and Media - Narrative Techniques in Visual Media
- 170222 UE Practical Course "Media Transitions" - Media Transitions - Filmic Aspects in Fine Arts
- 170223 UE Practical Course "Media Transitions" - Schiller und die Oper
- 170230 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Zwischen/Räume
- 170231 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Cinematic Space
- 170232 UE Practical Course "Staged Spaces" - Reading the traces: images - fields - measurings
- 170233 UE Practical Course "Staged Spaces" - Cities of Opera history (1700-1900)
I.4. Compulsory Elective Courses
- 170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170350 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
- 170500 UE One Auteur's Movie History: With Vittorio de Sica Through Half a Century of Italian Cinema - mit Vittorio de Sica durch ein halbes Jahrhundert italienisches Kino.
- 170502 UE Contemorary theatre for a young audience
- 170503 UE writing media
- 170504 VU Cultural Broadcasting - success and strategy for quality information of a broad audience
- 170505 UE Opera-dramaturgy at the Vienna State Opera
- 170506 VU "Turandot" - Regiekonzept, optische Bildfindung und Realisierung
- 170508 UE Cultural marketing - Strategies and concepts in theory and practice
- 170509 UE Shoot and run. From script to movie.
- 170511 UE Sites of Violence in the Medieval Theatre
- 170512 UE Discourses of the Public Sphere and Performance
- 170513 VU Filmgenre, Genrewissen, Filmrezeption
- 170514 UE Das interaktive und interdisziplinäre Theaterkonzept Mimamusch
- 170515 VU Penelopes Weaving - Implications of Woven Structures in Space and Media Theory
- 170517 VU Music-Theatre in Baroque Europe - Voraussetzungen, Entstehung und Entwicklungen der Kunstform Oper
- 170518 VU Seconds of Eternity: The Films of Gregory J. Markopolous
- 170519 UE Austrian Theatre in the Age of Enlightenment
- 170521 VU Selfies. Eine Kultur- und Mediengeschichte der Selbstdarstellung
- 170522 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 1 - Drehbuch
- 170523 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 2 - Produktion
- 170524 UE Stagelighting
- 170530 VU Copyright and Remix
- 170531 UE International Music Theatre
- 170532 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
- 170533 UE Vor dem großen Krach: Kulturpolitik am Ende?
- 170540 UE M€TRO sexual? Gender- and queer-specific performance in neoliberal cities
- 170542 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos
- 170543 UE Feminist Film Theories
- 170544 UE Porn Studies: Texts and Theories
- 170550 UE The Cinema of the Thaw-East European Film 1956-1970
- 170552 VU Ideas of Liberation - Global Perspectives of Cultural Criticism
First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
I.2 / II.1 Historical Basics
- 140248 VO [ en ] Nollywood: Nigerian Video Films - From Rags to Riches
- 170300 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatro est opus. Theatricality in Renaissance Italy
- 170302 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Die Burg im Kontext des Wiener Theaterlebens der 2. Republik
- 170310 VO Lecture on the History of Film - Geschichte des amerikanischen Films
- 170320 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
- 170400 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre, Film and Media
- 170410 VO Austrian 20th century photography
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
II.2. Seminars
II.2.1. Seminars on Theory and Methods of Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170600 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - News from the cinematic antiquity. On Buster Keaton's cinema
- 170611 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - The case of german
- 170620 SE Breaking Points of Modernism - Touch/Screen. The Haptical and Optical in Media
- 170621 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - D.W. Griffith
- 170651 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Schiller, Brecht, Jelinek
- 170653 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Philosophy of Film: Gilles Deleuze
- 170660 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Film and Propaganda - Anti-Nazi Films in World War II
- 170661 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Racism on Stage, in Movies and Documentations
- 170662 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Anatomiekunst und Performance Kunst
- 170663 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Von der Intermedialität zur Intermaterialität. New Materialism zur Einführung.
- 170670 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Strategien des Imperfekten: Medienkunst der 60er Jahre
- 170671 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Dracula, Freud & Sherlock Holmes
- 170674 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Das ausgesprochen Fremde: Akzentrollen auf der Bühne und im Film
II.2.1. Seminars on Theory and Methods of Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170601 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Research Desiderata in Edition Philology: Viennese Popular Theatre (18th, 19th century)
- 170620 SE Breaking Points of Modernism - Touch/Screen. The Haptical and Optical in Media
- 170621 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - D.W. Griffith
- 170651 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Schiller, Brecht, Jelinek
- 170652 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Contemporary film d'auteure: Viennale
- 170662 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Anatomiekunst und Performance Kunst
- 170671 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Dracula, Freud & Sherlock Holmes
II.2.1. Seminars on Theory and Methods of Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- 170701 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170702 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170703 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170704 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170705 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170706 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170707 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170708 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170709 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Diplomanden/-innenseminar I
- 170710 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Diplomanden/-innenseminar II
- 170711 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170712 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170713 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170714 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170715 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170716 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170717 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170718 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Arbeit am Text 1
- 170719 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Arbeit am Text 2
- 170720 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
II.3. Practical Courses
- 170500 UE One Auteur's Movie History: With Vittorio de Sica Through Half a Century of Italian Cinema - mit Vittorio de Sica durch ein halbes Jahrhundert italienisches Kino.
- 170501 UE Film Curatorship I - Film material
- 170503 UE writing media
- 170504 VU Cultural Broadcasting - success and strategy for quality information of a broad audience
- 170505 UE Opera-dramaturgy at the Vienna State Opera
- 170506 VU "Turandot" - Regiekonzept, optische Bildfindung und Realisierung
- 170507 UE Escape-Publikation - Strategien des Entkommens. Erstellung einer Online-Publikation.
- 170509 UE Shoot and run. From script to movie.
- 170510 UE Fields of Practice - Thought and Reflection - Produktion der Freischwimmer-Festivalzeitung 2014
- 170522 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 1 - Drehbuch
- 170531 UE International Music Theatre
- 170532 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
II.4. Subjects for Specialization
- 170330 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Film - History of American Film
- 170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Theatre under NS-regime
- 170350 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Media - Modelle und Fragen der Mediengeschichte - Verkehr, Medium und Moderne
- 170502 UE Contemorary theatre for a young audience
- 170503 UE writing media
- 170508 UE Cultural marketing - Strategies and concepts in theory and practice
- 170511 UE Sites of Violence in the Medieval Theatre
- 170512 UE Discourses of the Public Sphere and Performance
- 170513 VU Filmgenre, Genrewissen, Filmrezeption
- 170514 UE Das interaktive und interdisziplinäre Theaterkonzept Mimamusch
- 170515 VU Penelopes Weaving - Implications of Woven Structures in Space and Media Theory
- 170517 VU Music-Theatre in Baroque Europe - Voraussetzungen, Entstehung und Entwicklungen der Kunstform Oper
- 170518 VU Seconds of Eternity: The Films of Gregory J. Markopolous
- 170519 UE Austrian Theatre in the Age of Enlightenment
- 170521 VU Selfies. Eine Kultur- und Mediengeschichte der Selbstdarstellung
- 170523 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 2 - Produktion
- 170524 UE Stagelighting
- 170530 VU Copyright and Remix
- 170532 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
- 170533 UE Vor dem großen Krach: Kulturpolitik am Ende?
- 170540 UE M€TRO sexual? Gender- and queer-specific performance in neoliberal cities
- 170542 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos
- 170543 UE Feminist Film Theories
- 170544 UE Porn Studies: Texts and Theories
- 170550 UE The Cinema of the Thaw-East European Film 1956-1970
- 170552 VU Ideas of Liberation - Global Perspectives of Cultural Criticism
F. Dean of Studies' Suggestions
- 050109 VU Special techniques of the digital film
- 160082 UE Operatic Practices at German Courts in the Age of ‘Viennese Classicism’ - current research methods and perspectives
- 340162 UE Film and Media Translation: Synchronisation - Filmspezifik
17.02 Doctoral Programme Philosophy: Dissertation Subject Area Theatre, Film, and Media Studies
- 170600 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - News from the cinematic antiquity. On Buster Keaton's cinema
- 170601 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Research Desiderata in Edition Philology: Viennese Popular Theatre (18th, 19th century)
- 170611 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - The case of german
- 170620 SE Breaking Points of Modernism - Touch/Screen. The Haptical and Optical in Media
- 170621 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - D.W. Griffith
- 170651 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Schiller, Brecht, Jelinek
- 170652 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Contemporary film d'auteure: Viennale
- 170653 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Philosophy of Film: Gilles Deleuze
- 170660 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Film and Propaganda - Anti-Nazi Films in World War II
- 170661 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Racism on Stage, in Movies and Documentations
- 170662 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Anatomiekunst und Performance Kunst
- 170663 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Von der Intermedialität zur Intermaterialität. New Materialism zur Einführung.
- 170670 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Strategien des Imperfekten: Medienkunst der 60er Jahre
- 170671 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Dracula, Freud & Sherlock Holmes
- 170674 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Das ausgesprochen Fremde: Akzentrollen auf der Bühne und im Film
- 170701 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170702 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170703 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170704 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170705 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170706 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170707 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170708 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170712 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170713 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170714 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170715 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170716 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170717 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170720 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - Diplomanden/-innenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170800 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 170810 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 170820 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 170830 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 170840 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
17.03. Complementary Study Programme: Media Aesthetics in Everyday Life
Medienästhetik im Alltagseinsatz - Vorlesungen
- 170993 VO Image and Word Combinations in History and Theory
- 170994 VO Development of Media and Forms of Communication
Medienästhetik im Alltagseinsatz - Übungen
- 170995 UE media aesthetics in every day use
- 170996 UE media aesthetics in every day use
- 170997 UE media aesthetics in every day use
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39