A[3] Bachelor Degree Programme in Nutritional Sciences (2011)
Module 1 BACH 2011) Dietetics: Applied and Multidisciplinary (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)
- 330008 VO Basics in Nutrition: Applied and Multidisciplinary - Teil der STEOP im Bachelorstudium Ernährungswissenschaften Version 2013, Version 2011 und im UF HÖK, Teil der STEP im Bach Version 2009
Module 2 BACH (2011) Basics of Human Physiology (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)
Module 2 BACH 2011) Human Anatomy and Histology (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)
Module 4 BACH (2011) Basics of Chemistry and Biochemistry and In-Depth Training in Histology and Cytology
- 330019 VO Biochemistry
- 330034 UE Histology and Cytology
- 330044 UE Chemical exercises (8ECTS/8SWS) - für Bachelorstudierende Ernährungswissenschaften Version 2011
- 330107 VO General and Inorganic Chemistry - for nutritional scientists
Module 5 BACH (2011) Basics of Biology/Nutrition and Health
- 330021 VO Human ecology - Basics in Nutrition Ecology - Mensch und Biosphäre
- 330048 VO Introduction to Biology und Botany
Module 6 BACH (2011) Physics
- 330132 UE Physics Laboratory Course
Module 7 BACH (2011) Chemistry of Natural Materials and Analytical Chemistry
- 330077 VO Analytical Chemistry
Module 8 BACH (2011) In-Depth Training in Biochemistry
- 330018 UE Biochemical Practise
Module 9 BACH (2011) Human Nutrition I
- 330031 UE Practice of Human Nutrition I
- 330104 VO Basics in Nutrition Energy Metabolism, Macro-nutrients
Module 10 BACH (2011) Principles of Food Science I
Module 11 BACH (2011) Principles of Food Science II (Optional Required Module)
- 330003 VO Organic Farming
- 330006 UE Practice in Food Storage Techniques
- 330024 VO Structure and Function of the Immune System
- 330040 VO Marketing and Sales Research
- 330080 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium I - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330090 SE Seminar to Food Law
Module 12 BACH (2011) Hygienic, Chemical and Sensory Aspects of Food Quality
- 330010 VO Food Toxicology
- 330053 UE Microbiology Practicals
Module 13 BACH (2011) Biometry, Statistics and Computing
- 330004 UE Practices in Biostatistics
Module 14 BACH (2011) Economics (Optional Required Module)
- 330003 VO Organic Farming
- 330024 VO Structure and Function of the Immune System
- 330040 VO Marketing and Sales Research
- 330042 VO Consumer Policy & Consumer Protection
- 330080 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium I - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330090 SE Seminar to Food Law
Module 15 BACH (2011) Human Nutrition II
- 330015 VO Scientific Work - Methodology of Research and Interpretation of Literature
- 330057 VO Basics in Nutrition: Micronutrients
- 330058 SE Seminar on Nutritional Sciences
- 330108 UE Practice in Human Nutrition II
Module 16 BACH (2011) Special Biochemistry and Pathophysiology
- 330047 VO Pathological Physiology
Module 17 BACH (2011) Food Chemistry and Food Technology
- 270032 VO Food Chemistry I
- 330016 UE Laboratory course in food chemistry - for nutritional scientists
- 330049 VO Food Technology - Chemical Food Technology and Physical Techniques of Food Processing
- 330071 VO Food chemistry - Zusatzvorlesung für Ernährungswissenschaften
Module 18 BACH (2011) Food Quality
- 330039 VO Food Law
- 330046 VO Methods for the Determination of Food Safety
Module 19 BACH (2011) Special Nutrition and Dietetics
- 330036 UE Practices in Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics - Basics of special dietetics (2ECTS/2SWS)
- 330056 VO Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics
Module 20 BACH (2011) Sientific In-Depth Studies and Bachelor's Paper or Project
- 330026 SE Scientific Expandation and Bachelor Work
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39