Study Stage
Module II: Other basic scienific literary skills
- 130066 UE Literary Research II
Module 3: Literary Theory
- 090053 VO Poetics and Politics: Literary Theories of Involvement
- 130073 VO Literary Theory (VO): current concepts
- 130095 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS): Literary Studies and Spatial Turn
- 130108 PS PS Literary theorie
- 130203 PS Literary Theory (PS): Bertolt Brecht and Literary Theory
Module 4: Literary Transfer
- 130068 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO): Reflections of world literature III
- 130069 VO Literary cross-currents (VO)
- 130070 PS [ en ] Lit.Cross-Currents (PS): Silver Age of Russian Poetry. Lost in Translation
- 130101 PS PS Literary Cross-Currents: Literature around 1900 in France and Austria
- 130113 PS Lit. Cross-Currents (PS): Viennavigator - Quests on the map
- 130306 PS Literary cross-currents between Latin-America and Europa, with a focus on autobiography - mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Autobiographien
Module 5: Social History of Literature
- 130086 PS Diary - Literature - Gender
- 130090 VO Social history of literature (VO): Goethe - Nietzsche - Freud
- 130091 PS Social History of Literature (PS)
- 130094 PS Social History of Literature (PS): Das erinnernde Geschlecht - Literatur - Erinnerung - Gedächtnis
- 130146 VO History of the European serial novel
- 130199 PS [ en ] Social History of Lit. (PS): Introduction to Postcolonial Literature and Theory
- 140064 VO [ en ] Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Literature
- 140133 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 140251 VO [ en ] Afriphone Literatures: From Oral to Written Texts in African Languages
Module 6: English for Students of Literature
- 120013 VO [ en ] Approaching Literatures in English
- 123010 VO [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123011 TR [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature - Tutorial
- 123020 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 1 - From the Renaissance to the Restoration - A Brief Survey
- 124071 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - Adventure
- 124001 TR [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to Anglophone Cultures and Societies - Tutorial
Module 7: Second Foreign Language
- 130071 UE [ fr ] French for Students of Literature
- 130074 UE Second Foreign Language: French for Literature Students
- 130075 UE [ es ] Second Foreign Language: Spanish for Students of Literature
- 130079 UE [ en ] Second modern foreign language: Russian I
- 130087 UE [ de it ] Second Foreign Language: Italian for Literature Students
- 130116 UE [ en ] More modern foreign language: Russian II
Module 8: Comparative Literary History
- 140064 VO [ en ] Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Literature
- 140133 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 140251 VO [ en ] Afriphone Literatures: From Oral to Written Texts in African Languages
Module 9: Knowledge of World Literature
Module 10: Applied Literature Studies
- 130088 UE Public Relations
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:16