3.4. International Law
3.4.1. Lecture Courses
- 030352 VO Public International Law II - (Core issues of substantive International Law)
3.4.2. Compulsory Exercises
- 030040 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030150 PF Practical Excercises in International Law
- 030157 PF Practical Excercises in International Law
- 030172 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030299 PF Practical exercises in International Law
- 030338 PF [ en ] Practical Excercises in International Law (F)
- 030413 PF Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030482 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030506 PF Practical exercises in International Law
3.4.3. Revision Courses
- 030154 RE Repetition Course in International Law
3.4.4. Seminars
- 030021 SE [ en ] Advanced research seminar in international dispute settlement - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030084 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030238 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law: International Custom and Domestic Law - (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030293 SE [ en ] Seminar on International Investment Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030423 SE Seminar in Legal Informatics - (also SE in intern. and European Law) - for grauduate and undergruaduate students
3.3.5. Moot Court
- 030088 MC [ en ] Jessup Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39