6.01. Prehistory and Early History
A [2]. Bachelorstudium Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie
Pflichtmodulgruppe Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP)
StEOP PM 1 "Theorie und Methodik in der Urgeschichte und Historischen Archäologie"
- 060049 PS Introduction to the scientific work of prehistoric and historical archaeology
- 060109 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
StEOP PM 2 "Naturwissenschaftliche Methoden in der Urgeschichte und Historischen Archäologie"
Wahlmodulgruppe "Epochen der Urgeschichte"
WM 1 "Paläo- und Mesolithikum"
WM 2 "Neolithikum und Kupferzeit"
WM 3 "Bronzezeit"
WM 4 "Eisenzeit"
- 060051 VO Introduction to Iron Age
- 060052 PS Proseminar Iron Age - Celtic Art in Central Europe
- 060053 PR Find Analysis: Iron Age
Wahlmodulgruppe "Epochen der Frühgeschichte und Historischen Archäologie"
WM 5 "Römische Kaiserzeit und Spätantike"
WM 6 "Völkerwanderungszeit und Frühmittelalter"
WM 7 "Mittelalterarchäologie"
WM 8 "Neuzeit- und zeitgeschichtliche Archäologie"
- 060054 VO Introduction Modern Archaeology
- 060055 PS Proseminar Modern Archaeology
- 060056 PR Material course Modern Archaeology
Pflichtmodulgruppe Grabungstechniken
PM 3 "Grabungstechnik 1"
- 060060 PR Practical fieldwork I/II on the Roemerberg of Linz, 4 weeks
- 060062 PR Practical fieldwork 1/2 Celtic fortifications in Gallia - Vix, 4 weeks
- 060063 UE Surveying for Archaeologists
- 060065 PR Practical fieldwork 1 (Hornsburg)
- 060069 VU Field Archaeology 1: Organisation & Law for the Protection of Monuments
- 060089 UE Principles of archaeological stratigraphy
- 060093 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks)
- 060094 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks, Attersee/Mondsee region)
PM 4 "Grabungstechnik 2"
- 060060 PR Practical fieldwork I/II on the Roemerberg of Linz, 4 weeks
- 060062 PR Practical fieldwork 1/2 Celtic fortifications in Gallia - Vix, 4 weeks
- 060063 UE Surveying for Archaeologists
- 060069 VU Field Archaeology 1: Organisation & Law for the Protection of Monuments
- 060071 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks)
- 060089 UE Principles of archaeological stratigraphy
- 060093 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks)
- 060094 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks, Attersee/Mondsee region)
Pflichtmodul 5 "Vertiefende Qualifikationen Archäologie"
- 060064 UE GIS-applications in archaeology
- 060066 UE Fotografic documentation
- 060076 PR Experimental Archaeology, practical course
- 060077 UE Research and survey for Copper Age sites in the Traunviertel
- 060105 UE Stratigraphic Practice
Pflichtmodul 6 "Inlandsexkursion"
- 060058 EX Excursion to archaeological monuments in Vienna and Lower Austria - Landmarks in Vienna and the hinterland
- 060059 EX Four-day excursion to the Iron Age and medieval sites in Styria
PM 7 "Bachelorarbeit" (Studienausgangsphase)
- 060090 SE Bachelor Seminar Migrationperiod - Völkerwanderungszeit
- 060091 SE Bachelor Seminar
A [1]. Bachelorstudium Ur- und Frühgeschichte (Version 2011)
Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP)
PM 1: Methodik und Arbeitsweise
- 060109 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
PM 2: Naturwissenschaftliche Methoden
PM 3: Grabungstechnik 1
- 060060 PR Practical fieldwork I/II on the Roemerberg of Linz, 4 weeks
- 060062 PR Practical fieldwork 1/2 Celtic fortifications in Gallia - Vix, 4 weeks
- 060063 UE Surveying for Archaeologists
- 060065 PR Practical fieldwork 1 (Hornsburg)
- 060069 VU Field Archaeology 1: Organisation & Law for the Protection of Monuments
- 060089 UE Principles of archaeological stratigraphy
- 060093 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks)
- 060094 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks, Attersee/Mondsee region)
PM 4: Grabungstechnik 2
- 060060 PR Practical fieldwork I/II on the Roemerberg of Linz, 4 weeks
- 060062 PR Practical fieldwork 1/2 Celtic fortifications in Gallia - Vix, 4 weeks
- 060063 UE Surveying for Archaeologists
- 060069 VU Field Archaeology 1: Organisation & Law for the Protection of Monuments
- 060071 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks)
- 060089 UE Principles of archaeological stratigraphy
- 060093 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks)
- 060094 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks, Attersee/Mondsee region)
WM 1: Alt- und Mittelsteinzeit
WM 2: Jungsteinzeit
WM 3: Bronzezeit
WM 4: Eisenzeit
- 060051 VO Introduction to Iron Age
- 060052 PS Proseminar Iron Age - Celtic Art in Central Europe
- 060053 PR Find Analysis: Iron Age
WM 5: Römische Kaiserzeit
WM 6: Völkerwanderungszeit
WM 7: Mittelalterarchäologie
WM 8: Neuzeitarchäologie
- 060054 VO Introduction Modern Archaeology
- 060055 PS Proseminar Modern Archaeology
- 060056 PR Material course Modern Archaeology
- 060058 EX Excursion to archaeological monuments in Vienna and Lower Austria - Landmarks in Vienna and the hinterland
AP 1: Prospektionstechnik und Landschaftsarchäologie
- 060064 UE GIS-applications in archaeology
- 060077 UE Research and survey for Copper Age sites in the Traunviertel
- 060105 UE Stratigraphic Practice
AP 2: Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
AP 3: Restaurierung und Dokumentation
- 060066 UE Fotografic documentation
- 060076 PR Experimental Archaeology, practical course
PM 5: Studienausgangsphase
- 060090 SE Bachelor Seminar Migrationperiod - Völkerwanderungszeit
- 060091 SE Bachelor Seminar
B [2]. Masterstudium Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie
Alternatives Pflichtmodul zur Berufspraxis
Alternatives Pflichtmodul zur Praxis und Spezialisierung
APM 1 "Prospektion und Landschaftsarchäologie"
APM 2 "Visualisierung und Kulturvermittlung in der Archäologie"
- 060085 PR Collection management
- 060086 VO Museology
- 060087 PR Museum Education
APM 3 "Archäologische Denkmalpflege"
Pflichtmodul 1 "Seminar Theorie und Methodik"
- 060097 SE Archaeological Prospection
Pflichtmodul 2 "Seminar Urgeschichte"
- 060088 SE Stonehenge Landscape
Pflichtmodul 3 "Seminar Frühgeschichte und Historische Archäologie"
- 060078 SE Estate, territories and borders
Pflichtmodul 4 "Master"
- 060073 PV Privatissimum
- 060078 SE Estate, territories and borders
- 060079 PV Privatissimum
- 060083 PV Privatissimum
- 060092 PV Privatissimum
- 060098 PV Privatissimum
- 060099 PV Privatissimum
- 060100 PV Privatissimum
- 060101 PV Privatissimum
- 060102 PV Privatissimum
- 060108 PV Privatissimum
Pflichtmodul 5 "Spezialthemen zur Theorie und Methodik, Urgeschichte sowie Frühgeschichte und Historischen Archäologie
- 060084 VO Lithic raw materials - Validity and Methods
- 060103 VO Advanced Archaeological Theory
Pflichtmodul 6 "Theorie und Philosophie der Kultur- und Naturwissenschaften"
- 060095 VO Archaeobotany - an introduction
Pflichtmodul 7 "Methoden der Kultur- und Naturwissenschaften"
- 010004 UE Archaeological Drawing
- 060070 VU Project Management in Archaeology
- 060104 UE Lithic artefacts: inventory and evaluation system
- 060106 UE Databases, Database-Design and Digital Humanities for Archaeologists
- 060107 VU The 2nd millenium in Southeastern Europe
Pflichtmodul 8 "Auslandsexkursion"
- 010037 EX Archaeology in the Land of Moab - Excavation and Survey in the Wadi ath -Thamad Project
- 060081 EX Excursion to prehistoric and historic sites in Burgundy
- 060082 EX Excursion Northern and Southern Tyrol, Trentino
B. Master Degree Programme in Prehistory and Early History
1. Required Module - Prehistory
- 060088 SE Stonehenge Landscape
2. Required Module - Early History/Historical Archaeologies
- 060078 SE Estate, territories and borders
3. Alternative Required Module - Methodology
APM Theory
APM Research History
APM Landscape Archaeology
- 060097 SE Archaeological Prospection
4. Required Module - Master 2 semesters
- 060073 PV Privatissimum
- 060078 SE Estate, territories and borders
- 060079 PV Privatissimum
- 060083 PV Privatissimum
- 060092 PV Privatissimum
- 060098 PV Privatissimum
- 060099 PV Privatissimum
- 060100 PV Privatissimum
- 060101 PV Privatissimum
- 060102 PV Privatissimum
- 060108 PV Privatissimum
5. Required Module - Current Topics in Prehistory and Early History and Historical Archaeologies 2 semesters
- 060084 VO Lithic raw materials - Validity and Methods
- 060103 VO Advanced Archaeological Theory
6. Required Module - Excursion Abroad
- 010037 EX Archaeology in the Land of Moab - Excavation and Survey in the Wadi ath -Thamad Project
- 060081 EX Excursion to prehistoric and historic sites in Burgundy
- 060082 EX Excursion Northern and Southern Tyrol, Trentino
7. Alternative Required Module - Method
APM Theory and Interdisciplinary Topics 2 semesters
APM Archaeometry and Bioarchaeology
- 060095 VO Archaeobotany - an introduction
8. Alternative Required Module - Practical Training
APM Landscape Archaeology
APM Culture Mediation
- 060070 VU Project Management in Archaeology
- 060085 PR Collection management
- 060086 VO Museology
- 060087 PR Museum Education
APM Technology and Documentation 2 semesters
9. Alternative Required Module - Professional Practice
APM Excavation Techniques for Advanced Students
APM Culture and Museum Management
D. Doctoral Degree Programme in Prehistory and Early History
E. Complementary Study Programmes Prehistory and Early History
Epoch Module
Elective Module Introduction to the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods
Elective Module Introduction to the Bronze Age
Elective Module Introduction to the Iron Age
- 060051 VO Introduction to Iron Age
Elective Module Introduction to the Neolithic period
Elective Module Introduction to the mediaeval archaeology
Elective Module Introduction to the historical archaeology
- 060054 VO Introduction Modern Archaeology
Elective Module Introduction to the Roman Iron Age
Elective Module Introduction to the Migration period
Basics Module
Elective Module Basics of experimental archaeology
Elective Module Basics of aerial archaeology
Elective Module Basics of geophysical prospection
E [2]. Erweiterungscurriculum Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie I: Grundlagen (Version 2013)
Pflichtmodul 1 "Theorie und Methodik"
- 060109 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
Pflichtmodul 2 "Grundlagen Prospektion und natruwissenschaftliche Methoden"
E [3]. Erweiterungscurriculum Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie II: Vertiefung (Version 2013)
Pflichtmodul 1 "Epochen und Methoden der Urgeschichte und Historischen Archäologie"
- 060051 VO Introduction to Iron Age
- 060054 VO Introduction Modern Archaeology
F. Docoral Degree Programme UG 2002 Prehistory and Early History
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39