Master Degree Programme / Second Stage of the Diploma Degree Programme
2.1. Command of Language
2.2. Linguistics
- 110054 SE [ de ro ] Linguistics Seminar (MA) - Romanian - Text argumentative (istorice si actuale)
- 110105 SE Linguistics Seminar (MA) - French - -
- 100022 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 110220 VO [ de es fr it pt ro ] Linguistics Lecture (MA) - French - -
2.3. Literary Studies
- 110165 SE [ ro ] Literature Seminar (MA) - Romanian - Romanul românesc contemporan. Timpul memoriei (N. Manea, G. Adamesteanu, D. Lungu, V. Vosganian)
2.4. Media Studies
- 110126 VO VO Romance media studies - Schrift - Bild - Ton: Intermediale Textwelten in der Romania
2.5. Regional Studies
- 110044 VO VO Romance regional studies - Landeswissenschaft romanischer Länder in Diskussion
2.6. Privatissima
- 420004 SE Theory of Grammar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39