15.03. Sinology
Bachelor Degree Programme in Sinology (Version 2011)
Study and Orientation Period (STEOP)
- 150026 UE Repetitorium to M03 - GG/PR
- 150048 UE [ de zh ] Repetitorium to Modern Chinese 1a
Introduction to Modern Chinese 1
Introduction to Modern Chinese 2
Introduction to Chinese History, Literature and Politics
Study Period
Language Acquisition Basic
- 150085 KU [ en zh de zh ] Modern Chinese 1b (M1)
- 150086 KU [ en zh de zh ] Speaking Lab 1b (M1)
- 150088 KU [ en zh de zh ] Speaking Practice 1b (M1)
- 150089 KU [ en zh de zh ] Writing Practice 1b (M1)
Language Acquisition Continued
- 150050 KU Modern Chinese 2b (M2)
- 150062 UE [ de zh ] Speaking Tandem
- 150090 KU [ zh ] Speaking Practice 2b (M2)
- 150091 KU [ zh ] Writing Practice 2b (M2)
- 150143 KU [ de zh ] Reading 2b (M2)
Language Acquisition Intermediate
- 150052 KU Specialist Language (M3) - Business Chinese
- 150117 KU Reading Press (M3)
- 150134 KU [ zh ] Writing and Reading B (M3)
- 150155 KU [ de zh ] Listening and Speaking B (M3)
- 150183 KU Classical Chinese (M3)
- 150200 KU Reading Press (M3)
Basic Knowledge
- 150019 VO VO Ancient History of China
- 150063 VO Law in the PR of China (M4)
- 150148 VO VO Introduction to 20th Century Chinese Literature
Research Methods and Academic Writing
- 150017 UE Scientific Working (Literature and Culture) (M5)
- 150018 UE Scientific Working (History and Society) (M5)
- 150022 UE Scientific Working (Politics, Economy, Law) (M5)
Extended Knowledge
- 150023 UE Exercise Course (History and Society) (M6)
- 150029 UE "Greater China": The People’s Republic and the Other Chinas - Taiwan, Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese (M6)
- 150036 UE Chinese Lyrics: The 1920/30ies and the 1970/80ies in comparison (M6)
- 150038 UE Readings from Newspapers of the 1950s (M6)
- 150049 UE The Communist Party of China and its cadre management system (M6)
- 150074 UE [ en ] Exercise Course (History and Society) (M6) - Civil movements in East Asia
- 150020 PS BA-PS LK: Collaboration and resistance - Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen
- 150163 UE Bachelor's Colloquium: 4. Bachelor's Thesis (M7)
- 150203 PS BA-PS PR: Collaboration and resistance
- 150208 PS BA-PS GG: Collaboration and resistance
Elective Subject Chinese Studies Abroad
A [1]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Sinology
BM0 - Orientation Period (STEP)
BM1 - Basic Module - Beginners Language Acquisition
BM2 - Advanced Module - Beginners Language Acquisition
BM3 - Intermediate Language Acquisition
BM4 - Module - Basic Knowledge of China
BM5 - Module - Advanced Knowledge of China
BM6 - Module - Scientific Work
BM7 - Module Bachelor
B. Master Degree Programme in Sinology
- 150255 SE Colloquium for Ph.D. Students
MM1 - Module - Advanced Lanuage Acquisition
- 150093 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice 4 (M1)
- 150113 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice 2 (M1)
- 340406 UE [ zh ] Technical Translation: Chinese
- 340407 UE [ zh ] Translation of Functional Texts: Chinese - Englisch / Chinesich / Englisch
MM2 - Basic Module - Topics in China Studies
- 150065 PS [ en ] PR: Disaster management in China - history and present
- 150098 PS GG/LK: Gouvernmentality in China
MM3 - Advanced Module - Topics in China Studies
- 150047 SE Documenting Memory
- 150076 SE [ en ] GG/PR: Cross-disciplinary approaches to culture and economy in China
MM4 - Methods of China Studies
- 150147 SE Colloquium for MA Students
MU1 Module - Advanced Lanuage Acquisition
- 150093 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice 4 (M1)
- 150113 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice 2 (M1)
- 340406 UE [ zh ] Technical Translation: Chinese
- 340407 UE [ zh ] Translation of Functional Texts: Chinese - Englisch / Chinesich / Englisch
MU2 Module - Linguistics
- 150056 VO [ en zh ] Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
- 160100 VO Introduction to General Linguistics
MU3 Module - Topics in China Studies
- 150057 SE "China" in the classroom - die Vermittlung kultureller und historischer Grundlagen im Schulunterricht
MU4 Module - Teaching Methodology
- 150173 UE [ de zh ] Teaching Experience
- 150195 SE [ de zh ] Teaching Methodology Chinese
- 160117 VO Introduction to (Foreign) Language Teaching Research
MU5 Module - Introduction to Schoolpedagogy and Theory of School
- 490001 VO Professionalism and School
MU6 Module - Pedagogy
- 490005 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490006 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490009 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490026 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490027 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490028 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490029 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490030 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490033 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490038 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490039 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490040 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490041 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490043 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490052 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490068 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490074 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490076 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490079 PS Professionalization in school teacher education - Kollektive Erinnerungsarbeit zum Lernen in der Schule
- 490255 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490282 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490015 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Special Needs - Kinder und Jugendliche mit speziellem Bedarf in der Schule
- 490081 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Developemental Psychology and School
MU7 Module - Master
- 150147 SE Colloquium for MA Students
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
Anmeldefrist: MO 16.02.2015 10:00 bis DO 26.02.2015 10:00
Abmeldefrist: MO 23.03.2015 10:00Vorlesungen:
Anmeldefrist: MO 16.02.2015 10:00 bis DI 30.06.2015 23:59
Abmeldefrist: DI 30.06.2015 23:59