BA 5.1. Supplementary Module Theory and Aesthetics
- 010098 SE Religion in the Media - Media Religion
- 170500 UE Audiovisual Film Studies - Production of an analytical Video-Essay
- 170502 UE Eurovision Song Contest
- 170503 VU How we remember as society - Theater as a medium in the memory process of societies
- 170504 VU Destructiveness in Films and TV-Series
- 170505 VU Traces in the Unknown
- 170506 VU The Internet of Things
- 170507 UE Aesthetics of absence - The (music-)theatre works of Heiner Goebbels
- 170508 VU Highlights of the French theater of the 20th century - starting from Eugène Ionesco and Samuel Beckett
- 170509 UE Philosophy of Film: Cavell / Deleuze / Frampton
- 170510 UE Art in Research - Wissenschaftliches Forschen und/als künstlerisches Forschen
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39