29.01. Bachelor Degree Programme in Geography (Curriculum 2011)
Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind nach jener Abfolge der Module geordnet, die in dem für das Bachelorstudium Geographie ab 1. Oktober 2011 gültigen Studienplan (= Curriculum 2011) aufscheint. Der Studienplan ist als PDF-Datei unter http://ssc-geo-astronomie.univie.ac.at/spl-29-geographie sowie http://geographie.univie.ac.at/studium-lehre/ verfügbar.Die Bezeichnung der Module entspricht dem Curriculum 2011. Die Zugehörigkeit einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen zu einem Modul ist durch einen Deskriptor (Code) gekennzeichnet, der aus der Buchstaben- und Zahlenkombination B11 und der Modulnummer besteht (z. B. B11-1.2 für die Zugehörigkeit zum Modul "Physische Geographie I").
B11-1. Pflichtmodulgruppe Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP)
B11-1.1. STEOP: Grundlagen und Konzepte der Physischen Geographie
- 290009 KU STEOP: Preparation for Introduction for Physical Geography - (für Studierende in der STEOP Bachelorstudium Geographie und Diplomstudium Lehramt Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde)
- 290084 KU STEOP: Preparatory Course for Fundamentals of Science for Physical Geography - (NUR für Studierende in der STEOP)
B11-1.2. STEOP: Grundlagen und Konzepte der Humangeographie und Raumordnung
- 290008 KU STEOP: Preparatory Course Basic Concepts of the Social Sciences for Human Geographers - (NUR für Studierende in der STEOP Bachelorstudium Geographie)
- 290081 VO STEOP: Rural geography: peripheres and remote areas
- 290251 VO StEOP: Principles and Concepts of Regional Planning
B11-1.3. STEOP: Einführung in die Kartographie und Geoinformation
- 290072 VO STEOP: Introduction in Cartography
- 290073 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Cartography, Group A
- 290064 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Cartography, Group C
- 290051 VO STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics
- 290053 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group A
- 290075 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group B
- 290401 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group C
- 290120 PS STEOP: Introduction to Geoinformatics, Group D
B11-2. Pflichtmodulgruppe Physische Geographie
B11-2.1. Physische Geographie I
- 290232 VO Basics in Climate Geography
- 290415 UE Excercises in Climate Geography, Group A
- 290413 UE Excercises in Climate Geography, Group C
- 290006 UE Excercises in Climate Geography, Group D
- 290180 VO Basics in Soil Geography
- 290054 UE Excercises in Soil Geography, Group A
- 290055 UE Excercises in Soil Geography, Group B
- 290056 UE Excercises in Soil Geography, Group C
- 290172 UE Excercises in Soil Geography, Group D
B11-2.2. Physische Geographie II
- 290418 UE Excercises in Geomorphology, Group A
- 290417 UE Excercises in Geomorphology, Group B
- 290416 UE Excercises in Geomorphology, Group C
- 290421 UE Excercises in Geomorphology, Group D
- 290410 UE Excercises in Biogeography and Landscape Ecology, Group A
- 290409 UE Excercises in Biogeography and Landscape Ecology, Group B
- 290004 UE Excercises in Biogeography and Landscape Ecology, Group C
- 290408 UE Excercises in Biogeography and Landscape Ecology, Group D
B11-3. Pflichtmodulgruppe Humangeographie
B11-3.1. Bevölkerungsgeographie und Politische Geographie
- 290032 VO Introduction to Political Geography
B11-3.2. Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeographie
- 290222 VO Introduction to Economic Geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft
B11-3.3. Geographie verstädterter und ländlicher Räume
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290005 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, Group A - (in englischer Sprache)
- 290115 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, Group B
- 290288 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, Group C
- 290369 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group A - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290223 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group B - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290368 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group C - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290378 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group D - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290434 UE Übungen zur Geographie ländlicher Räume: Periphere und zentrumsferne Gebiete, Gruppe E - (einschl. zweitägigem Geländepraktikum)
- 290224 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group F - (einschl. zweitägigem Geländepraktikum)
B11-3.4. Grundkonzepte und Paradigmen der (Human)Geographie
B11-4. Pflichtmodulgruppe Kartographie und Geoinformation
B11-4.1. Grundlagen der Kartographie und Geoinformation
- 290355 KU Spatial Reference Systems
- 290205 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group A
- 290204 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group B
- 290403 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group C
- 290221 PS Methods of GIS-based Data Acquisition, Group A
- 290220 PS Methods of GIS-based Data Acquisition, Group B
- 290219 PS Methods of GIS-based Data Acquisition, Group C
B11-4.2. Angewandte Geoinformation
- 290407 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group A
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group B
B11-5. Pflichtmodulgruppe Raumforschung und Raumordnung
B11-5.1. Raumforschung und Raumordnung
B11-6. Pflichtmodulgruppe Methoden
B11-6.1. Basistechniken in der Geographie
- 290077 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, group A
- 290011 VU Introduction to Scientific Thinking and Method, Group B
- 290402 PS Presentation Techniques
- 290164 PS Project Management
- 290303 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna, Group A - (only Bachelor Students)
- 290300 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna, Group B - (only Bachelor Students)
- 290062 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna, Group C - (only Bachelor Students)
B11-6.2. Methoden der Physischen Geographie
- 290405 PR Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, Group A
- 290406 PR Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, Group B
- 290404 PR Field Class in Physical Geography, Group C
- 290119 PR Field Class in Physical Geography, group D
B11-6.3. Methoden der Humangeographie
B11-6.4. Methoden der Kartographie und Geoinformation
B11-6.5. Statistik und Regionalanalyse I
- 290152 PS Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography, Group A
- 290010 PS Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography, Group B
B11-6.6. Statistik und Regionalanalyse II
- 290363 PS Methods of Regional Analysis
- 290121 VU Advanced Methods of Statistical Analysis (Regional Analysis), Group A
- 290014 VU Advanced Methods of Statistical Analysis (Regional Analysis), Group B
B11-7. Weitere Pflichtmodule
B11-7.1. Seminare
- 290017 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Geomorphology and Geoecology - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290162 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography (Economic Geography): Creative Industry - a growth pole for the urban economy?
- 290379 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography (Economic Geography): World Economic Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290029 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research and Spatial Planning: Urban Futures - Visions, Planning Concepts, Analyses
- 290271 SE Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Geoinformation in Theory and Practice - Theorie und Praxis
B11-7.2. Exkursionen I - "Große Exkursion" bzw. Fachexkursion Ausland (mit Vorbereitungsproseminar)
- 290374 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Urban and Regional Development - in Eastern Germany, Special Focus Berlin (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290096 EX Scientific Excursion Abroad: Urban and Regional Development in Eastern Germany, Special Focus Berlin
- 290040 PS Preparatory Course for the Excursion Abroad: Physiogeography and Land Use in Northern Germany - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290035 EX Scientific Excursion Abroad: Physiogeography and Land Use in Northern Germany
- 290093 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: GIS, Cartography and Remote Sensing - in Germany and the Netherlands (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290094 EX Scientific Excursion Abroad: GIS, Cartography and Remote Sensing in Germany and the Netherlands
- 290123 PS [ en ] Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Thailand/Lao PDR/Cambodia - Socioeconomic, Environmental and Political Transformations in the Greater Mekong Subregion (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290170 EX Scientific Excursion Abroad: Thailand/Lao PDR/Cambodia: - Socioeconomic, Environmental and Political Transformations in the Greater Mekong Subregion
- 290163 PS [ de en ] Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Central Asia - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290095 EX [ de en ] Scientific Excursion Abroad: Regional Development in Central Asia - Staatenbildung und Regionalentwicklung
- 290104 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Slovenia and Croatia - Karst and Coastal Geomorphology, Natural Hazards, Rivers and Conservation (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290264 EX Scientific Excursion Abroad: Slovenia and Croatia - Karst and Coastal Geomorphology, Natural Hazards, Rivers and Conservation
- 290067 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Slovakia - Regional Development between Internationalisation and economic Backwardness (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290070 EX Scientific Excursion Abroad: Slovakia. - Regional Development between Internationalisation and economic Backwardness
B11-7.3. Exkursionen II - Fachexkursionen Inland
- 290015 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290074 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Neusiedler See
- 290079 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Prealps of Lower Austria
- 290156 EX Phyisogeographical Field Trip: Loess and Cristalline Landscapes of North-West Lower Austria
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Dachstein
- 290390 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology of the Salzkammergut
- 290395 EX Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture Marchfeld
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290021 EX [ en ] Field Trip: Waterfront Vienna - Excursion in Urban Planning and Development
- 290171 EX Field Trip: Water Management of the City of Vienna
- 290082 EX [ en ] Urban and Suburban Growth in Vienna - (in englischer Sprache)
- 290083 EX Field Trip: The Lesachtal - Aspects of Endogeneous Regional Development
- 290085 EX Field Trip: Practices and Policies in Neighbourhood Development - Vienna
- 290100 EX Field Trip: Aspern Seestadt
- 290106 EX Field Trip: Industrial District of Lower Austria
- 290178 EX Field trip: Northern Borderland - Waldviertel, Lower Austria - Waldviertel, Lower Austria
- 290193 EX Field Trip: Second Homes in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290231 EX Field Trip: The Vienna Suburbia North - Regional Planning in Lower Austria
- 290177 EX Field Trip: Cartography and GIS - GIS und Kartographie bei Behörden, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Wirtschaft in Österreich
- 290086 EX Field Trip: Terrain Navigation
- 290080 EX Field trip: National Sources of Geodata
- 290122 EX Field Trip: Rural Development - Natural reserves and Urban Renewal in Carinthia - am Beispiel von Schutzgebieten und Stadterneuerung in Oberkärnten
B11-7.4. Bachelorarbeit (Lehrveranstaltungen zur Bachelorarbeit)
- 290279 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Physical Geography
- 290295 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Geoecology
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290315 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Regional Geography
- 290318 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
- 290272 SE Bachelorthesis Seminar on Cartography and Geoinformatics
B11-8. Freies Wahlmodul
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39