1.02 Bachelor Degree Programme Religious Education
A. Bachelorstudium Religionspädagogik Schwerpunkt Katholische Religionspädagogik (15W)
Orientation Period I
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010110 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology I
- 020024 PS Introduction to Scientific Writing
- 020025 VO-L ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
Orientation Period II
BAM 01 Introduction to Educational Science
BAM 02 Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum
- 010042 VO Medieval philosophy
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
BAM 03 Practica and Language Instruction
- 010040 SE Subject Didactics
- 010077 PR Religious education in compulsory schools/Adult Education - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
BAM 04 Introduction to Philological and Hermeneutical Studies
- 010015 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010018 PS Exegetical methods
- 010082 VO Introduction to catholic theology II
BAM 05 Introduction to History of Religion and Systematic Theology
- 010024 VO Basic Course Fundamental Theology I (Revelation and History)
- 010111 VO Basic Course Sacramental Celebrations
BAM 06 Ethics
- 010043 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
BAM 07 History of Religion
- 010006 VO Basic Course Church History I - The first christian millenium
BAM 08 Philological and Cultural Studies
- 010010 VO Basic Course New Testament I
- 010014 VO Advanced Course Old Testament I
- 010197 VO Advanced Course New Testament I - The Quest for the Historical Jesus
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
BAM 09a Alternative Compulsory Module Didactics Didactics Catholic Religious Education
- 010035 VU Theory of Religious Education - General subject didactics
- 010036 SE Ethical Education
- 010037 SE Basics of religious didactics - (Methoden und Medien des RU)
BAM 10a Extension Course Catholic Religious Education 1
- 010009 VO Basic Course Theological Ethics I (Basics for Fundamental Moral Theology)
- 010034 VO Christian Social Ethics I
- 010044 VO Philosophy of Language
BAM 11a Extension Course Catholic Religious Education 2
- 010038 VO Christology
- 010086 VO Philosophical Anthropolgy
- 010126 VO Basic Course Fundamental Theology II (Text and Tradition)
BAM 12 Critique of Religion and Doctrine of God
- 010023 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
BAM 13 Bachelor Module
- 010046 SE Bible and Philosophy II
- 010047 SE Liturgical Symbols
- 010049 SE Dark Glowing - Religious movements in contemporary literature
- 010056 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010057 SE Witchcraft- Mania in Early Modern Europe: Background and Dimensions - Controversial Issues in Church History IV
- 010062 SE Augustine of Hippo
- 010066 SE Be merciful, just as your father is merciful (Lk 6,36) - The divine mercy in the Holy Scripture, in church documents and the history of spirituality
- 010071 SE After the synod: Marriage und family in canon law
- 010073 SE Current Challenges in the interreligious Dialogue: Jews Christians Muslims
- 010078 SE Pastoral Care in Cases of Grief and Loss
- 010080 SE The Ukrainian Churches in conflicting priorities between Moscow, Rome and Constantinople
- 010084 SE The Bible in Modern Literature - Interdisciplinary Seminar
- 010089 SE Biologism Naturalism Psychologism: Challenges for a contemporary "Philosophical Anthropology" - Herausforderungen für eine gegenwärtige "Philosophische Anthropologie"
- 010090 SE Unconditional moral claims in the context of postmetaphysical thinking - Albert Camus - Karl-Otto Apel / Jürgen Habermas - Charles Taylor
- 010093 SE Ethical Aspects of Sexual Education - Intensive Seminar in cooperation with CEEPUS network "bioethics"
- 010094 SE Clinical Rounds- Medical Ethical Case Studies
- 010095 SE Option for the Environment? An analysis of the new Encyclica " Laudato si‘ "
- 010106 SE Theology and poetry: parting and approach of the Divine in Hölderlin and Rilke
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Religious Education, Catholic Religious Education
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010110 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology I
- 020024 PS Introduction to Scientific Writing
- 020025 VO-L ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
BAM 01
BAM 02
- 010042 VO Medieval philosophy
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
BAM 03
- 010045 VO Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics
- 010077 PR Religious education in compulsory schools/Adult Education - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
BAM 04
- 010001 VO Introduction to the New Testament
- 010018 PS Exegetical methods
BAM 05
- 010007 VO Basic Course Liturgical Studies
- 010024 VO Basic Course Fundamental Theology I (Revelation and History)
BAM 06 Ethics
- 010043 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
BAM 07
- 010006 VO Basic Course Church History I - The first christian millenium
- 010091 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances (Vienna)
- 020002 VO Introduction to Islam - The Qur'an, the Obligatory Rituals, the Belief
BAM 08
- 010022 VO Advanced Course New Testament III - The Gospel of John
- 010197 VO Advanced Course New Testament I - The Quest for the Historical Jesus
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
BAM 09a
- 010035 VU Theory of Religious Education - General subject didactics
- 010036 SE Ethical Education
- 010163 SE Specific subject didactics III - (Spezielle Fachdidaktik III)
BAM 10a
- 010009 VO Basic Course Theological Ethics I (Basics for Fundamental Moral Theology)
- 010034 VO Christian Social Ethics I
- 010086 VO Philosophical Anthropolgy
BAM 11a
- 010019 VO Basic Course Canon Law I
- 010038 VO Christology
- 010126 VO Basic Course Fundamental Theology II (Text and Tradition)
- 010210 VO Introduction to spiritual theology: Theology of prayer
BAM 12
- 010023 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
BAM 13 Bachelormodul
- 010047 SE Liturgical Symbols
- 010048 FS [ en ] "Sion, mother of all Churches" - The History, Theology and Liturgy of Christians in Jerusalem and Palestine
- 010049 SE Dark Glowing - Religious movements in contemporary literature
- 010056 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010057 SE Witchcraft- Mania in Early Modern Europe: Background and Dimensions - Controversial Issues in Church History IV
- 010062 SE Augustine of Hippo
- 010066 SE Be merciful, just as your father is merciful (Lk 6,36) - The divine mercy in the Holy Scripture, in church documents and the history of spirituality
- 010071 SE After the synod: Marriage und family in canon law
- 010073 SE Current Challenges in the interreligious Dialogue: Jews Christians Muslims
- 010078 SE Pastoral Care in Cases of Grief and Loss
- 010080 SE The Ukrainian Churches in conflicting priorities between Moscow, Rome and Constantinople
- 010084 SE The Bible in Modern Literature - Interdisciplinary Seminar
- 010093 SE Ethical Aspects of Sexual Education - Intensive Seminar in cooperation with CEEPUS network "bioethics"
- 010094 SE Clinical Rounds- Medical Ethical Case Studies
- 010106 SE Theology and poetry: parting and approach of the Divine in Hölderlin and Rilke
1.03 Old Degree Programmes Catholic Religious Education
STEOP Introduction to the Study of Theology I
- 010082 VO Introduction to catholic theology II
- 010110 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology I
STEOP 2 Introduction to the Study of Theology
- 010018 PS Exegetical methods
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
STEOP 3: Introduction into Theory of Teacher Education
- 010001 VO Introduction to the New Testament
- 010002 PS Basics and methods of theological research
B2 Introduction to Pedagogic -Scientific Professional Training and Subject Didactics
- 010035 VU Theory of Religious Education - General subject didactics
B3 Alternative Required Module: Introduction to Ecumenism
B27 Alternative Required Module
- 010011 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
GR Alternative Required Module: New Testament Greek
- 010140 VU New Testament Greek I
B4 Philosophical Anthropology and Classics of Philosophical Thought
- 010086 VO Philosophical Anthropolgy
B5 Old Testament Studies I
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
B6 New Testament Studies I
- 010197 VO Advanced Course New Testament I - The Quest for the Historical Jesus
B7 Church History - Compact
- 010006 VO Basic Course Church History I - The first christian millenium
- 010025 VO Theological methodology
B9 Ethics
- 010043 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
B10 Old Testament Studis II
B11 New Testament Studies II
- 010022 VO Advanced Course New Testament III - The Gospel of John
B12 Christology
- 010024 VO Basic Course Fundamental Theology I (Revelation and History)
- 010038 VO Christology
B13 Introduction to the Theology of Spirituality and Literature of the Church Fathers
- 010027 VO Basic Course Patrology
- 010210 VO Introduction to spiritual theology: Theology of prayer
B14 Basic Course Moral Theology
B15 Introduction of Canon Law
- 010019 VO Basic Course Canon Law I
B16 Liturgical Studies
- 010007 VO Basic Course Liturgical Studies
B17 Subject Didactics - Catholic Religious Education I
- 010036 SE Ethical Education
- 010037 SE Basics of religious didactics - (Methoden und Medien des RU)
- 010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
B18 Pedagogic -Scientific Professional Training I
B19 Metaphysics and the Teaching of God
B20 Systematic Ecclesiology
B21 Ecumenical Theology
B22 Social Studies I: Christian Social Ethics
- 010034 VO Christian Social Ethics I
B23 Sacramental Celebrations: Introduction
- 010111 VO Basic Course Sacramental Celebrations
B24 Practical Ecclesiology
- 010045 VO Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics
B25 Subject Didactics - Catholic Religious Education II
- 010077 PR Religious education in compulsory schools/Adult Education - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010163 SE Specific subject didactics III - (Spezielle Fachdidaktik III)
B26 Pedagogic - Scientific Professional Training II
BAM Bachelor Module
- 010047 SE Liturgical Symbols
- 010048 FS [ en ] "Sion, mother of all Churches" - The History, Theology and Liturgy of Christians in Jerusalem and Palestine
- 010049 SE Dark Glowing - Religious movements in contemporary literature
- 010056 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010057 SE Witchcraft- Mania in Early Modern Europe: Background and Dimensions - Controversial Issues in Church History IV
- 010062 SE Augustine of Hippo
- 010066 SE Be merciful, just as your father is merciful (Lk 6,36) - The divine mercy in the Holy Scripture, in church documents and the history of spirituality
- 010071 SE After the synod: Marriage und family in canon law
- 010073 SE Current Challenges in the interreligious Dialogue: Jews Christians Muslims
- 010078 SE Pastoral Care in Cases of Grief and Loss
- 010080 SE The Ukrainian Churches in conflicting priorities between Moscow, Rome and Constantinople
- 010084 SE The Bible in Modern Literature - Interdisciplinary Seminar
- 010093 SE Ethical Aspects of Sexual Education - Intensive Seminar in cooperation with CEEPUS network "bioethics"
- 010094 SE Clinical Rounds- Medical Ethical Case Studies
- 010106 SE Theology and poetry: parting and approach of the Divine in Hölderlin and Rilke
Optional Subject
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:54
Anmeldephase für prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen (ausgenommen Proseminare und prüfungsimmanente LVs des Fachbereichs Religionspädagogik): 31.08.2015 10:00 Uhr bis 09.10.2015 10:00 Uhr Anmeldephase Proseminare und prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen des Fachbereichs Religionspädagogik: 31.08.2015 10:00 Uhr bis 28.09.2015 10:00 Uhr
Die Abmeldefrist endet am 31.10.2015 um 23:59 Uhr.