6.04. Numismatics
A. Individual Master Degree Programme in Numismatics and Monetary History
1. Basic Module
- 060057 KU Catalogues, Digital Photography and EDP in Numismatics - EDV in der Numismatik
- 060058 KU Sources of Numismatics
- 070154 VO Numismatics
2. Epoch Module - Antique Period
- 060059 KU The Invention of Coinage
- 060061 SE Seminar on Oriental Numismatics
3. Epoch Module - Medieval / Modern Period
- 060056 SE Money in the Carolingian Empire
4. Methods Module
5. Topics Module
- 060061 SE Seminar on Oriental Numismatics
6. Specialisation Module
- 060062 KU The restored coins of the Roman empire
7. Practice Module
8. Master Seminar
B. Individual Diploma Degree Programme in Numismatics and Monetary History
1. General Numismatics
2. Antique Numismatics
3. Numismatics of the Middle Ages and teh Modern Era
4. Tutorials, Proseminars, Seminars
5. Excursions
C. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) in Numismatics
CSP Numismatics of Antiquity
- 060046 PS Personifications on Roman coins
CSP Numismatics of the Middle Ages and the Modern Era
- 060049 KU Describing and identifying numismatic items of medieval and modern times
- 060051 KU Introduction into Medieval and Modern Numismatics
CSP Numismatic Practice and Cataloguing
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015, 16:30 Uhr
im Institutshörsaal
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