B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
I. Required Module - Greek-Roman Archaeology
- 090042 SE Making Uses of the Past in the Greek World by staging and exploiting it
- 090048 PV Privatissimum
- 090049 SE Temples and Sanctuaries in Roman North Africa
- 090051 VO Lycia - History and Archaeology of an Ancient Cultural Landscape
- 090056 VO The Urban Experience: Design of and Performance in Public Spaces in Greek and Roman Cities
II. Alternative Required Module
1. Alternative Required Module - Field Trip
2. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
- 090043 KU Excerpt and Summary. About the Necessity of grasping the Essence
- 090046 KU Greek Pottery from the Protogeometric to the Early Classical Period - Typology, Iconography and Function
- 090047 KU Survey in Ephesos
III. Interdisciplinary Module
- 090003 SE Seminar in Roman History - Sakralität und Sakralisierung des römischen Kaisertums
- 090007 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090011 KU Greek Epigraphy
- 090012 VO Epigraphy
- 090014 VO Papyrology 2 - Die Papyri als Quelle für die Geschichte des römischen Ägypten
- 090015 VO Lecture in Greek History
- 090016 VO Latin Epigraphy: - Senatorische und ritterliche Laufbahnen
- 090017 VO Lecture in Roman History
- 090026 VO Peoples of Ancient Italy
- 090036 KU Classical Studies - Etruscology
- 090037 KU [ en ] Ancient History and Classical Studies: The everyday life in the Imperial Rome
- 090059 VO History and Culture of the Etruscans I
- 090060 KU [ en ] Ancient History and Classical Studies: Magna Graecia and Sicily between Greece and Rome - cultural and political contacts
- 090096 VO Social History of Byzantium
- 090100 PS The West and Byzantium: Introductory seminar to an upcoming exhibition - an Introduction to the Sources
- 090104 VO Economic, Social and Cultural History (Byz.)
- 090102 SE Byzantine Literature (SE)
- 090116 UE Modern Greek II
- 090117 UE Modern Greek I
- 090118 UE Modern Greek III
- 090120 VO The Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages (7th to 15th Century)
IV. Specialisation Module A
- 090024 VO Seal Glyptic in the Aegean Bronze Age: a Picture-book without Text
- 090027 SE "Mycenaean" Crete: Culture - Identity - Ethnicity
- 090039 VO Introduction into Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090040 SE The Province of Upper Pannonia
- 090042 SE Making Uses of the Past in the Greek World by staging and exploiting it
- 090044 VO Minoan Architecture
- 090049 SE Temples and Sanctuaries in Roman North Africa
- 090051 VO Lycia - History and Archaeology of an Ancient Cultural Landscape
- 090052 VO Early Christian Glass in Context
- 090053 SE Images of Sacrifice in Antiquity and Early Christianity
- 090056 VO The Urban Experience: Design of and Performance in Public Spaces in Greek and Roman Cities
V. Specialisation Module B
- 090024 VO Seal Glyptic in the Aegean Bronze Age: a Picture-book without Text
- 090027 SE "Mycenaean" Crete: Culture - Identity - Ethnicity
- 090039 VO Introduction into Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090040 SE The Province of Upper Pannonia
- 090042 SE Making Uses of the Past in the Greek World by staging and exploiting it
- 090044 VO Minoan Architecture
- 090049 SE Temples and Sanctuaries in Roman North Africa
- 090051 VO Lycia - History and Archaeology of an Ancient Cultural Landscape
- 090052 VO Early Christian Glass in Context
- 090053 SE Images of Sacrifice in Antiquity and Early Christianity
- 090056 VO The Urban Experience: Design of and Performance in Public Spaces in Greek and Roman Cities
VI. Master Module
- 090048 PV Privatissimum
- 090055 PV Interdisciplinary Research Seminar - for B.A., M.A. and Students in Dissertation, and those interested
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39