Extension Curriculum Scientific Thinking
Alle Lehrveranstaltungen werden in einem Modul "Pflichtmodul Naturwissenschaftliches Denken" nur im Wintersemester angeboten.Verpflichtende Vorbesprechung: Montag, 05.10.2015, 15:30 Uhr, Christian-Doppler-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1. Stock, 1090 Wien
- 265000 VU Revolutions of Thinking: Quanta and Evolution (topic of exercises to be selected)
- 265001 VU Facets of Science and Interactions with Society with the Focus on Sociology
- 265002 VU Facets of Science and Interactions with Society with the Focus on History
- 265003 VU Scientific methods and approaches in biology
- 265004 VU Scientific methods and physics practice
Last modified: Th 24.10.2019 01:55