Recommended as Free Elective Course
- 300046 VO Biological Invasions - Neobiota and their relevance
- 300058 VO Urban Ecology
- 300090 VO Introduction to the native fauna and their habitat
- 300186 VO Biodiversity of tropical coral reefs - Introduction into species diversity of tropical reef invertebrates and vertebrates, with special reference to reef conservation and tourism
- 300341 VO Conservation Biology and Landscape Conservation
- 300356 UE Entomological Laboratory - Taxonomic studies on selected insects
- 300380 EX Zoological basic excursions - Excursions in autumn and winter
- 300390 EX Highlights of palaeontology 1 - excursion
- 300426 VO Introduction into Human Ecology - Introduction into Human Ecology
- 300434 VO [ de en ] Fish ecology - Lecture Ecology of Fishes (species diversity; fish assemblages; food and feeding; bionergetics; growth; reproduction, biotic interactions; populationsdynamics; habitat selection).
- 300461 VO Biology and ecology of European amphibians and reptiles
- 300548 SE Mutualistic Interactions of plants and ants - Communication & nutritional ecology
- 300669 VO Management of endangered species - practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
- 300727 SE Basic Principles for Communication and Presentation
Last modified: Sa 02.03.2019 00:37