Directorate of Studies 15 - East Asian Studies
15.01. Japanese Studies
A [2]. Bachelor's degree Japanese studies (Version 2011)
Orientation Phase (STEOP)
BM1. Introduction to Japanese studies (STEOP)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die Japanologie
- 150011 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Japanese Studies
BM2. Japanese Grammar and Translation 1 (STEOP)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die japanische Sprache
- 150041 VO [ de ja ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theory of Japanese 1
BM2 - Practical Japanese 1
- 150103 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
- 150099 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
- 150088 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
- 150026 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
- 150172 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
BM3 - Basics of Regional Studies & History of Japan
BM5 - Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing
BM6 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 2
BM7 - Practical Japanese 2
BM8 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 3
- 150042 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation 3
BM9 - Practical Japanese 3
- 150057 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 3
- 150007 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 3
- 150024 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 3
- 150092 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 3
BM10 - Basic Knowledge of Japanese Culture & Society
- 150053 VO Japanese society
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
BM11 - Basic Knowledge of Japanese Politics & Economy
BM12 - Intercultural Learning
- 150043 UE Intercultural Learning
BM13 - Advanced Training in Research and Paper Writing
- 150025 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I
- 150124 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I
- 150197 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I
- 150201 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I
BM14 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 4
BM15 - Practical Japanese 4
BM16 - Basic Knowledge, Extension
- 150006 UE Civil society and political participation in Japan
- 150012 UE Aso 2.0. Past, present and future of a rural region in Japan (part 3)
- 150014 VO Religion in Japan
- 150090 UE Beyond the imagined community: Marginal groups and minorities in Japan
- 150200 VO Sumo, Sssireum, Shuaijiao and Bökh
BM17 - Practical Training/ Internship
BM18 - Practical Japanese and Japanese Grammar and Translation 5
- 150046 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation 5
- 150059 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
- 150080 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
- 150178 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
BM19 - Independent Work in Japanese Studies - Advanced Studies
- 150045 SE Seminar I: Happy Japan
- 150118 SE Seminar I: Class, strata and social inequality in Japan
- 150148 SE Seminar I: Masculinities in Japanese literature and media
BM20 - Independent Work in Japanese Studies - Bachelor's Paper
- 150102 SE Seminar II
Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl (z.B. für Modul Alternative Erweiterungen)
B. Master Degree Programme in Japanese Studies
MM1 - Premodern Japanese
- 150008 UE [ de ja ] Premodern Japanese I - Bungo and Kanbun
MM2 - Scientific Japanese Texts
- 150040 UE Critical Readings in Japanese Academic Sources: Communal life in Japan - new readings on regional research in Japan
MM3 - Advanced Command of Language
- 150058 SUE [ ja ] Reading of Newspapers
MM4 - Methods in Japanese Studies
MM5 - Specialised Knowledge
MM6 - Advanced Academic Studies I
- 150151 SE Seminar I: Urban development(s) in Japan at the beginning of the 21st century - Between shrinkage, revitalization and social fragmentation
MM7 - Advanced Academic Studies II
MM8 - Monitoring Class for the Master¿s Thesis
- 150013 SE Monitoring class for the master's thesis I
- 150096 SE Monitoring class for the master's thesis I
MM9 - East Asian Studies
- 150006 UE Civil society and political participation in Japan
- 150012 UE Aso 2.0. Past, present and future of a rural region in Japan (part 3)
- 150014 VO Religion in Japan
- 150078 UE Qualitative methods in research on Japan: visual data
- 150090 UE Beyond the imagined community: Marginal groups and minorities in Japan
- 150200 VO Sumo, Sssireum, Shuaijiao and Bökh
C. Doctoral Degree in Japanese Studies
- 150034 SE Monitoring class for the PhD thesis
- 150094 SE Monitoring class for the PhD thesis
E. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
CSP Japanese Culture
- 150010 VO Regional Studies of Japan (JBA M4.1, 2011)
- 150053 VO Japanese society
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
CSP Japanese Language, Culture and Society
- 150003 VO [ de ja ] Introduction to Japanese Language 1
- 150015 VO [ de ja ] Introduction to Japanese Language 2
CSP Japanese Business Communication II
15.02. Korean Studies
A [2]. Bachelor's degree Korean studies (Version 2011)
Orientation Phase
BM01 - Introduction to Korean Studies
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung
- 150001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Geographical aspects of East Asia with an emphasis on Korea
- 150068 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Exercise Course I: Geographical aspects of East Asia with an emphasis on Korea
- 150073 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Survey of Korea
BM02 Introduction to Korean Language
- 150055 PUE [ de en ko ] ( STEOP ) Hanja 1
- 150101 PUE [ de ko ] ( STEOP ) Korean grammar and translation 1
BM1 - Korean Language Competence 1
- 150111 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 1
- 150222 UE [ de en ko ] Practical Korean 1
BM2 - Korean Language Competence 2
BM3 - Korean Language Competence 3
- 150054 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 3
- 150070 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation 3
- 150110 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 3
BM4 - Korean Language Competence 4
BM5 - Korean Language Competence 5
- 150066 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation 5
- 150112 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 5
- 150114 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 5
BM6 - Korean Language Competence 6
BM7 - Basics of Korean Studies
BM8 - History Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
- 150084 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I: - Contemporary Korean fiction a window to Korean reality? Literature as a mirror of social problems and issues in public debate
BM9 - Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
BM10 - Advanced Courses in History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
- 150069 UE Exercises to Seminar I: Urbanization and Regional Development in Korea
- 150115 SE Seminar on Varying Topics: Urbanization and Regional Development in Korea
BM 11 - Advanced Courses in Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl (z.B. für Modul Alternative Erweiterungen)
- 150077 UE Innovation and economic development in Korea
- 150085 UE Middle Power: Korea's role in cultural diplomacy and global governance
- 150087 VO Korean architecture as a polymorphic expression of Korean culture
- 150097 VO [ en ] Korea in the center of history wars and disputes in Northeast Asia
- 150100 VO [ en ] Korean rites of passage in past and present
- 150104 UE Education Fever in South Korea - The powers driving social development and economic growth
B. Master and Individual Master Programme in Korean Studies
MM1 - Premodern Korean
- 150076 UE [ de ko ] Premodern Korean I
MM2 - Scientific Work
- 150077 UE Innovation and economic development in Korea
- 150085 UE Middle Power: Korea's role in cultural diplomacy and global governance
- 150087 VO Korean architecture as a polymorphic expression of Korean culture
- 150104 UE Education Fever in South Korea - The powers driving social development and economic growth
MM3 - History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
- 150002 UE Exercises to Master's Seminar: Urbanization and Regional Development in Korea
- 150074 SE Seminar on Varying Topics: Urbanization and Regional Development in Korea
MM4 - Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
MM5 - Methods and Theories in Korean Studies
- 150065 UE Methods in Korean Studies I
MM6 - Master Thesis Colloquium
- 150061 UE Master Thesis Colloquium I
15.03. Sinology
Bachelor Degree Programme in Sinology (Version 2011)
Study and Orientation Period (STEOP)
Introduction to Modern Chinese 1
- 150038 PKU [ en zh de zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Modern Chinese 1a
- 150091 UE [ de zh ] Revision Course to Theory and Practice of Chinese Writing and Language
- 150267 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theory and Praxis of Chinese Writing and Language
Introduction to Modern Chinese 2
- 150039 KSTEOP [ en zh de zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Speaking Lab 1a
- 150047 KSTEOP [ en zh zh de zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Speaking Practice 1a
Introduction to Chinese History, Literature and Politics
- 150037 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Ancient Chinese Literature
- 150071 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Chinese History of the 20th Century
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Politics and Economy of the PR of China
Study Period
Language Acquisition Basic
- 150072 KU [ de zh ] Modern Chinese 1b
- 150075 KU [ zh ] Written Chinese 1b
- 150120 KU [ zh ] Speaking Lab 1b (M1)
- 150122 KU [ zh ] Speaking Practice 1b (M1)
Language Acquisition Continued
- 150082 UE [ de zh ] Speaking Tandem
- 150140 KU [ de zh ] Modern Chinese 2a
- 150146 KU [ zh ] Spoken Chinese 2a
- 150149 KU [ zh ] Writing Practice 2a
- 150153 KU [ de zh ] Reading Practice 2a
Language Acquisition Intermediate
- 150019 KU Specialist Language (M3) - Business Chinese
- 150021 KU Specialist Language (M3) - Diplomacy
- 150023 KU Classical Chinese (Beginner`s Course)
- 150121 KU [ zh ] Writing and Reading Chinese A
- 150157 KU [ zh ] Listening and Speaking A (M3)
- 150187 KU [ zh ] Reading Press (M3)
- 140225 UE Introduction to Classical Chinese
Basic Knowledge
- 150031 VO Introduction to Chinese Sinological Literature (Literature)
- 150056 VO Introduction to Chinese Sinological Literature (History)
- 150109 VO Economical Geography (M4) - Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Chinas
- 150116 VO Economical Geography (M4) - Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsgeografie Chinas Regionen in der dynamischen Entwicklung Chinas
Research Methods and Academic Writing
- 150020 UE Scientific Working (Literature and Culture) (M5)
- 150022 UE Scientific Working (Politics, Economy, Law) (M5)
- 150216 UE Scientific Working (History and Society) (M5)
Extended Knowledge
- 150028 UE Exercise Course (Literature and Culture) (M6) - Modern Chinese literature
- 150030 UE Exercise Course (Politics, Economy, Law) (M6)
- 150035 UE Exercise Course (History and Society; Politics, Economy, Law) (M6)
- 150064 UE Exercise Course (Politics, Economy, Law) (M6)
- 150212 UE Exercise Course (History and Society) (M6)
- 150214 UE Exercise Course (History and Society) (M6) - The Beijing Spring
- 150218 UE Exercise Course (Politics, Economy, Law) (M6)
- 150062 PS Introductory Seminar (History and Society): 1. Bachelor's Thesis (M7)
- 150063 PS Introductory Seminar (Literature and Culture): 2. Bachelor's Thesis (M7)
- 150117 PS Introductory Seminar (Politics, Economy, Law): 3. Bachelor's Thesis (M7)
- 150163 UE Bachelorcolloquium
- 150203 PS Introductory Seminar (Politics, Economy, Law): 3. Bachelor's Thesis (M7)
- 150205 PS Introductory Seminar (Literature and Culture): 2. Bachelor's Thesis (M7)
- 150208 PS Introductory Seminar (History and Society): 1. Bachelor's Thesis (M7)
Elective Subject Chinese Studies Abroad
A [1]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Sinology
BM0 - Orientation Period (STEP)
BM1 - Basic Module - Beginners Language Acquisition
BM2 - Advanced Module - Beginners Language Acquisition
BM3 - Intermediate Language Acquisition
BM4 - Module - Basic Knowledge of China
BM5 - Module - Advanced Knowledge of China
BM6 - Module - Scientific Work
BM7 - Module Bachelor
B. Master Degree Programme in Sinology
MM1 - Module - Advanced Lanuage Acquisition
- 150036 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice, Group 2
- 150060 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice, Group 1
- 150159 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice, Group 3
- 150185 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice, Group 4
MM2 - Basic Module - Topics in China Studies
- 150029 PS MA - Introductory Seminar (Politics, Economy and Law) (M2)
- 150098 PS MA - Introductory Seminar (History and Society/ Literatur and Culture) (M2) - Politischer Wandel und der Chinesische Film
- 150113 PS [ en ] MA - Introductory Seminar (Literature and Culture) (M2) - Intersectionality Research in Taiwan. A Comparison with the West
MM3 - Advanced Module - Topics in China Studies
- 150033 SE [ en ] Specialist Seminar (M3) - Strategic Gaming - The South China Sea Conflict
- 150048 SE [ en ] Specialist Seminar (M3) - Japanese Rule, colonial and post-colonial developments in Asia
MM4 - Methods of China Studies
- 150044 SE MA Colloquium
- 150169 SE PhD Colloquium
MU1 Module - Advanced Lanuage Acquisition
- 150018 UE Grammar
- 150036 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice, Group 2
- 150060 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice, Group 1
- 150159 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice, Group 3
- 150185 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice, Group 4
MU2 Module - Linguistics
- 150027 VO [ en zh ] Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
- 160101 VO Introduction to General Linguistics
MU3 Module - Topics in China Studies
- 150032 SE Seminar Literaturwissenschaft
MU4 Module - Teaching Methodology
- 150192 VO VO Second Language Acquisition Pedagogy of Chinese: Introduction
- 150195 UE UE Second Language Acquisition Pedagogy of Chinese: Theory and Methods
MU5 Module - Introduction to Schoolpedagogy and Theory of School
- 490001 VO Professionalism and School
- 490002 VO Professionalism and School
MU6 Module - Pedagogy
- 490011 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490016 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490017 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490081 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Developemental Psychology and School
- 490255 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
MU7 Module - Master
- 150044 SE MA Colloquium
15.04. East Asian Economy and Society
A. Master Degree Programme in Economy and Society of East Asia
M1 - Required Module - Contemporary East Asian Language
- 150050 UE [ en ja ] Introduction to the Japanese Language
- 150049 UE [ en ja ] Japanese communication
- 150108 UE [ en ja ] Japanese Grammar I
- 150055 PUE [ de en ko ] ( STEOP ) Hanja 1
- 150101 PUE [ de ko ] ( STEOP ) Korean grammar and translation 1
- 150222 UE [ de en ko ] Practical Korean 1
- 150267 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theory and Praxis of Chinese Writing and Language
M2 - Required Module - East Asian Economy
- 150016 SE [ en ] Economic Systems in East Asia
- 150126 SE [ en ] Economic Development in East Asia
M3 - Required Module - East Asian Politics
- 150086 SE [ en ] Political Systems in East Asia
M4 - Required Module - East Asian Society
- 150017 VU [ en ] Regionalism in East Asia: ASEAN´s centrality in Southeast - Northeast Asian Relations
- 150033 SE [ en ] Specialist Seminar (M3) - Strategic Gaming - The South China Sea Conflict
- 150048 SE [ en ] Specialist Seminar (M3) - Japanese Rule, colonial and post-colonial developments in Asia
- 150089 VU [ en ] East Asian Hotspots: Economy, Politics and Society of North Korea
- 150093 VU [ en ] International Business in East Asia
- 150106 VU [ en ] Mapping K-pop Around Eurasia: Transnational Cultural Flow, Promotion, and Reception
- 150200 VO Sumo, Sssireum, Shuaijiao and Bökh
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns - (WiSe)
M5 - Required Module - Research Seminar and Monitoring Class for the Master's Thesis
B. Complementary Study Programme (Minor): Intercultural Skills East Asia
- 150001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Geographical aspects of East Asia with an emphasis on Korea
- 150010 VO Regional Studies of Japan (JBA M4.1, 2011)
- 150014 VO Religion in Japan
- 150031 VO Introduction to Chinese Sinological Literature (Literature)
- 150033 SE [ en ] Specialist Seminar (M3) - Strategic Gaming - The South China Sea Conflict
- 150037 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Ancient Chinese Literature
- 150051 VO [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Economy and Management
- 150053 VO Japanese society
- 150056 VO Introduction to Chinese Sinological Literature (History)
- 150071 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Chinese History of the 20th Century
- 150087 VO Korean architecture as a polymorphic expression of Korean culture
- 150097 VO [ en ] Korea in the center of history wars and disputes in Northeast Asia
- 150100 VO [ en ] Korean rites of passage in past and present
- 150116 VO Economical Geography (M4) - Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsgeografie Chinas Regionen in der dynamischen Entwicklung Chinas
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Politics and Economy of the PR of China
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
- 150200 VO Sumo, Sssireum, Shuaijiao and Bökh
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns - (WiSe)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39