M05 APM 5
- 160010 VO Music History V (1850-1950)
- 160051 VO [ en ] Using’anga (healing practice) and music in Malawi
- 160014 VO Vocal and instrumental Styles in the Process of Upraise of Music, and its Development - in Europe and Non-European Cultures
- 160064 VO AV-Documents as Sources for Musicology - Critical Evaluation of Sources and Long-Term Availability of AV Sources
- 160019 VO (Meta-)History of Mass Ordinary Settings (to 1600)
- 160028 VO "… they are not intended to tickle the ear, but to increase the passion …" - On the Art of Ornamentation in the Music of the 16th to 18th Centuries
- 160032 VO Stronghold of the avant-garde. The Darmstadt International Summer Course for New Music 1946-1982
- 160057 VO History of popular music
- 160037 VO Venice: Musical Anatomy of a City
- 160061 VO Verismo and Exoticism in Music Theatre Around 1900
- 160033 VO From Helmholtz's sound synthesizer to VST plugins - Einführung in die Geschichte der Klangsynthese und ihrer Randbedingungen
- 160031 VO+UE Current Musicology - perspectives of research
- 160068 VO+UE Audio and video recordings in African studies and musicology - Historical, methodological and technical aspects
- 160009 UE Reading and writing ethnomusicological texts
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160055 UE History and Methods of Editing Early Music
- 160020 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160048 UE Acoustic Labor Practical Course I: Recording & Sound Analysis
- 160053 SE Baroque opera in Austria
- 160049 SE Sound Design & Acoustic Measurement
- 160011 SE Händel´s early operas
- 160015 SE Sources of the 15th and 16th Centuries in Eastern Europe
- 160044 SE Selected Topics in Organology and Instrument Classification
- 160040 SE The Reception of Literary Works in 19th-Century Musical Theater (with a focus on France)
- 160017 SE The Fateful Backward Glance of a Lover
- 160058 SE Analysis of popular music
- 160027 SE Film Music for belittlement
- 160034 SE Pierre de la Rue
- 160050 KO Conversatorium in Musical-Acoustic Issues
- 160059 PR Writing about New Music
- 160047 PR Practical Introduction into Acoustical Measurement Techniques
- 160069 PR Digital Music Edition with MEI - Online edition of compositions from former members of the Institute of Musicology
- 160070 VO Japanese Gentlemen Stand Up Please: A History of Popular Music in Japan
- 160071 UE Reading and writing ethnomusicological texts - Please Lay Down Here on the Turntable: An Ethnomusicological Self-Experiment
- 160073 SE Dentô ongaku: Traditional Music in Japan
- 160075 VO Music at the Hapsburg family
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39