3. Third Stage of the Degree Program
3.1. Required Courses
- 321031 PR Biochemical Methods and Advanced Pharmaceutial - Chemical Techniques - B17 - (6 Kurse)
- 322012 UE Applied Pharmacokinetics - M9 - (5 Kurse)
- 322013 UE Case Studies and Pharmaceutical Care - M9 - (5 Kurse)
- 322020 PR PR Clinical Pharmacy and Chemical Diagnostics - M11 - (6 Kurse)
- 322021 VO Law for Pharmacists - M12
3.2. Required Elective Courses in Pharmacognosy
- 320009 VO Introduction to plant tissue culture
- 320061 VO Phytopharmaceuticals and Phytotherapy (with Fieldtrip)
- 320067 VO Rauschdrogen und deren Analytik (VO) - Addictive drugs and their analytics
- 320073 SE Chemometrics in Pharmacognosy
3.3. Required Elective Courses for Diploma Candidates
- 320007 SE Particular Strategies of Structural Elucidation of Drug and naturally occurring Substances with NMR
- 320008 SE Conception of methods in cell biology - Grundlagen und Methoden
- 320015 SE Conception and optimization of methods in pharmacognosy - für Dissertanten und Diplomanden 1
- 320040 SE Selected chapters of clinical pharmacy
- 320041 SE Pharmakologisch-toxikologisches Seminar - new Trends
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320044 SE Seminar zur pharmazeutisch-technologischen Entwicklung - Seminar for pharmaceutical-technological development
- 320045 SE New results in Pharmacological research
- 320046 PR Introduction to Master thesis in Pharm. Technol.
- 320047 SE Seminar zur biopharmazeutischen Forschung - Seminar for biopharmaceutical research
- 320049 SE [ en ] Pharma Lectur Series
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320057 PR Advanced course in Pharmacology
- 320066 PR Introduction to Master thesis in Pharmacognosy
- 320094 SE Seminar in Pharmaceutical Technology
- 320125 SE Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320127 SE New results in Pharmacognostical research
3.4. Free Electives
- 320005 SE [ en ] Academic training and disscusion in Pharmacognosy - for doctoral students
- 320006 VO [ en ] Negotiation and Persuasion for Pharmaceutical Scientists
- 320007 SE Particular Strategies of Structural Elucidation of Drug and naturally occurring Substances with NMR
- 320009 VO Introduction to plant tissue culture
- 320016 VO Food Control and Food Scandals in the EU
- 320022 VO Cosmetics - Natural Cosmetics - Bestimmungen in der EU
- 320025 VO Drug targeting
- 320035 SE Current Aspects in Pharmaceutical Technology
- 320037 SE [ en ] Advanced Methods in Pharmacoinformatics
- 320049 SE [ en ] Pharma Lectur Series
- 320054 VO Dermatika und Kosmetika - Dermatics and cosmetics
- 320055 VO Pharmacology of bone
- 320058 VO Pharmacology of Ion channels
- 320059 VO Pharmeceutical Biotechnology - am Beispiel der Blut- und Plasmaderivate
- 320060 SE Seminar for Peer education in Pharmacy
- 320061 VO Phytopharmaceuticals and Phytotherapy (with Fieldtrip)
- 320062 VO [ en ] Advanced Organic Synthesis
- 320063 UE Cell cultures in Pharmaceutical Technology - practical course
- 320067 VO Rauschdrogen und deren Analytik (VO) - Addictive drugs and their analytics
- 320068 VO Special Methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3
- 320070 VO Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology - mit Partikeln zur Zelle
- 320071 PR Drugs of Abuse and their Analysis
- 320072 VO Nucleic Acid Therapeutics: Antisense Oligonucleotides and RNA Interference
- 320073 SE Chemometrics in Pharmacognosy
- 320074 VO Latin for Pharmacists I
- 320076 VO Clinical and preclinical Diagnostic Imaging
- 320077 SE+EX Excursion for Students of Pharmacy
- 320078 VO Alternative methods of animal experiments
- 320093 VO Applied Pharmacogenetics
- 320094 SE Seminar in Pharmaceutical Technology
- 320098 VO Radiopharmaceutical Technology - Grundlagen und konventionelle Nuklearmedizin
- 320099 UE Kosmetik-Übungen - practical course of cosmetics
- 320129 SE [ en ] Seminar: Cell Signalling
- 320148 SE [ en ] Chemical Genetics- practice and methods
- 322016 VU Self-Medication - M10
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39