03. Pflichtmodulgruppe Aspekte und Räume
Aspekte und Räume 1
- 040032 UK A History of Economic Ideas: A guided reading (BA)
- 070042 VO Austrian History I
- 070193 VO Austrian History II
- 070077 VO Austrian History II
- 070076 VO Women's and Gender History
- 070049 VO Global History
- 070098 GR Guided Reading - "Österreichbegriffe und Österreich-Konstruktionen seit dem Spätmittelalter bis in die Gegenwart"
- 070112 GR Guided Reading - Media Revolutions - Media of Revolution
- 070115 GR Guided Reading - From the First (1515) to the Second (1814/1815) Congress of Vienna
- 070116 GR Guided Reading - Travelling in the late Middle Ages and Modern Times
- 070117 GR Guided Reading - Sources and Methods of Russian History
- 070118 GR Guided Reading - Sources, theories and methods for rural history in Europe, 1300-1900
- 070120 GR Guided Reading - Geschichte Südasiens, 1700-1900
- 070122 GR Guided Reading - Nobility and Military in the late Habsburg Monarchy
- 070123 GR Guided Reading - History of Europe
- 070124 GR Guided Reading - Collective Memory and Politics of Memory
- 070126 GR Guided Reading - Society, Culture, and Politics between Revolution and Forst World War
- 070127 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources, ca 200/300 to ca 1500
- 070128 GR Guided Reading - Global History
- 070129 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - British and American Historiography and Political Thought, 18th to 21st Centuries
- 070130 GR Guided Reading - The Asian Century. Nationalism and Pan-Asianism in 20th Century Asia
- 070131 GR Guided Reading - Introduction to Historical Anthropology
- 070133 GR Guided Reading - Collecting and doing history
- 070134 GR Guided Reading - A brief history of the Netherlands: from the marriage of Margaret III. of Dampierre(1369) till the death of Wilhelm III.(1702)
- 070137 GR Guided Reading - Neue Studien zum Ersten Weltkrieg im europäischen Vergleich
- 070189 GR Guided Reading - The Alps in the First Millenium C.E.
- 070192 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Early Medieval Transformations: Empire and Religion from the Carolingians to the Investiture Controversy (751-1122)
- 070200 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources
- 070308 GR Guided Reading - Consensus & Controversy: Studying the Rules of Rhetoric and the Language of Power in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
- 070125 GR Guided Reading - Scientific expeditions from 18th to the early 20th century
- 070393 EX Excursion to the Waldviertel
- 070100 EX Excursion - National Socialism in Hamburg - Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial Site
- 070052 VO Austrian History II
- 070075 EX Excursion - Migration in the Later Middle Ages (Venice International University in cooperation with LMU München)
- 070284 EX [ en ] Excursion - Global production networks and altermondialism in Viennafrom theory to practice
- 070330 GR Guided Reading - Nature-Culture-Gender. Gender-political discussions from a historical perspective
- 070332 GR Guided Reading - Bürokratische Interaktionen
Aspekte und Räume 2
- 070037 PS Proseminar - Ancient and Medieval History of the Adriatic
- 070044 PS Proseminar - Medieval University: New forms of education in Europe and their socio-political consequences
- 070045 PS Proseminar - The persecution of witchcraft and sorcery in the early modern period
- 070050 PS Proseminar - Discovery journeys and research expeditions from ancient times to the early 20th century
- 070063 PS Proseminar - Europäische Expansion, Akkulturationsprozesse und Globalisierung
- 070085 PS Proseminar - Manifesto - Political and aesthetic interventions from the 19 century till today
- 070372 PS Proseminar - Madrid - Vienna. The Casa de Austria in the Early Modern Period
- 070303 PS Proseminar - Herrschaft-Lordship-Seigneurie
- 070330 GR Guided Reading - Nature-Culture-Gender. Gender-political discussions from a historical perspective
- 070335 PS Proseminar - Europäische Städte im Mittelalter
- 070337 PS Proseminar - Religiöse Toleranz und Intoleranz in der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070338 PS Proseminar - Der europäische 'Fiscal-Military State' der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070339 PS Proseminar - Werwolfsprozesse in der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070340 PS Proseminar - Hagiographie als historische Quelle?
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39