13.02. Dutch Studies
A [3] Bachelorprogramme Dutch Studies (version 2013)
Orientation Period (STEOP)
M1: Language Acquisition I
- 130053 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I (Gr.1)
- 130060 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I (Gr.2)
M2: Introduction to Dutch Studies
- 130047 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Dutch Studies
M3: Language Acquisition II
- 130048 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
M4: Culture and History; Basics Literary Studies and Linguistics
- 130044 VO Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
- 130057 KU [ nl ] Basics Literature Studies and Linguistics
Dutch in context
M5: Culture, Literature and Context; Dutch in context I; Dutch in context II
- 130046 VO-VL [ nl ] Old texts in a contemporary context
Advanced Level / In-Depth Studies
M6: Spracherwerb III; Spracherwerb IV
- 130049 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
M7: Advanced Level Linguistics; In-Depth Level Linguistics
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Attitudes to language
M8: Advanced Level Literary Studies; In-Depth Level Literary Studies
- 130043 SE [ nl ] Literary Seminar: "Literature and transformation"
- 130051 KU [ nl ] Course Literary Studies Advanced: The ‘gothic novel’ in modern Dutch literature after 1945
M9: Advanced Level History and Culture; In-Depth Studies History and Culture
- 130052 KU [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies: Postcolonial Migrants
M10: Project or Practical Training
Practice-Oriented Specialisation
M11: Text competence and communication I + II (Optional module)
- 130055 KU [ nl ] Text competence and communication I
M12: Linguistic, literary and cultural mediation I + II (Optional module)
- 130056 KU [ nl ] Language, literature and culture mediation in a professional context
M13: Translation I + II (Optional module)
M14: Afrikaans I + II (Optional module)
- 130042 KU [ af de ] Afrikaans: Language and culture in context I
BA Final Module
M15: Bachelor thesis and Colloquium
- 130050 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Colloquium for diploma and PhD candidates
Track II - DCC
M Joint I: Language, culture and literature in context (Joint I.1-I.3)
- 130041 KU-VL [ nl ] A hundred stories in discussion: the short story in Dutch literature
- 130059 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch and Flemish poetry after 1945 - (DCC)
M Joint II.1: Central European Context (European Union and Political Science) (Optional module, from other study programmes)
M Joint II.2: Central European Context (Economy) (Optional module, from other study programmes)
M Joint II.3: Central European Context (History) (Optional module, from other study programmes)
M Joint III: Second Foreign Language (from other study programmes)
A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Dutch Studies (Version 2011)
Group of Modules I: Orientation Period
M I: Language Acquisition I
- 130053 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I (Gr.1)
- 130060 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I (Gr.2)
M II: Culture and History
- 130044 VO Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
Group of Modules II: Basics
M III: Language Acquisition II
- 130048 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
M IV: Introductions
- 130047 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Dutch Studies
- 130057 KU [ nl ] Basics Literature Studies and Linguistics
Group of Modules III: Advanced Level
M V: Language Acquisition III-IV
- 130049 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
M VI: Advanced Level LW/SW
- 130051 KU [ nl ] Course Literary Studies Advanced: The ‘gothic novel’ in modern Dutch literature after 1945
Group of Modules IV: In-Depth Studies
M VII: In-Depth Studies GK/LW/SW
- 130043 SE [ nl ] Literary Seminar: "Literature and transformation"
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Attitudes to language
M VIII: Practice-Oriented Specialisation
- 130042 KU [ af de ] Afrikaans: Language and culture in context I
- 130055 KU [ nl ] Text competence and communication I
- 130056 KU [ nl ] Language, literature and culture mediation in a professional context
M IX: Bachelor's Paper II+KO
- 130050 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Colloquium for diploma and PhD candidates
M X: Project or Practical Training
B. Master Degree Programme in Dutch Studies
1. Group of Required Modules I: Basics and Introductions
Module I: Basics
- 130058 KU [ nl ] Literary Studies - Basics
Module II: Introductory Seminars
- 130043 SE [ nl ] Literary Seminar: "Literature and transformation"
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Attitudes to language
2. Group of Required Modules II: In-Depth Studies
Module III: Literary Studies
- 130043 SE [ nl ] Literary Seminar: "Literature and transformation"
Module IV: Linguistics
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Attitudes to language
3. Group of Required Modules III: Final Stage
Module VII: Graduate College
- 130050 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Colloquium for diploma and PhD candidates
D. Complementary Study Programme - Introduction to Dutch Language and Culture
Module I: Introduction to Culture and History of the Dutch Language Area
- 130044 VO Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
Module II: Language Acquisition I
- 130053 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I (Gr.1)
- 130060 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I (Gr.2)
E [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme (DCC) "Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in a Central European Context"
Orientation Period
M1: Language Acquisition I (njbla)
- 130053 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I (Gr.1)
- 130060 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I (Gr.2)
M2: Introduction Culture and History (njb2a)
- 130044 VO Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
M3: Intercultural Introduction (njb7a)
Basis Curriculum
M4: Language Acquisition II (njb1b)
- 130048 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
M5: Introduction to Literary Studies (njb2b/njb2b-v) and Syntax (njb2c)
- 130047 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Dutch Studies
- 130057 KU [ nl ] Basics Literature Studies and Linguistics
M6: Language Acquisition III (njb3a) and IV (njb3b)
- 130049 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
M7: Literary Studies Advanced Level (I or II) (njb6a)
- 130051 KU [ nl ] Course Literary Studies Advanced: The ‘gothic novel’ in modern Dutch literature after 1945
M9: Linguistics Advanced Studies (njb4a)
M10, M13: Linguistics I and II (njb5b)
M12: Practice-Oriented Specialisation I (njb4b) and II (njb4c)
- 130055 KU [ nl ] Text competence and communication I
- 130056 KU [ nl ] Language, literature and culture mediation in a professional context
M14: Linguistics In-Depth Studies (njb5a)
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Attitudes to language
M15: Culture (njb6b) and Literature (njb6c) In-Depth Studies
- 130043 SE [ nl ] Literary Seminar: "Literature and transformation"
Joint Curriculum
M8, 11, 16, 17, 18: Language and Culture in Context Joint I.1-I.5 (njb7b)
- 130041 KU-VL [ nl ] A hundred stories in discussion: the short story in Dutch literature
- 130046 VO-VL [ nl ] Old texts in a contemporary context
- 130059 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch and Flemish poetry after 1945 - (DCC)
M19: Central European Cultural Context - European Union and Political Science Joint II.1 (njb8a)
M20: Central European Cultural Context - Economy Joint II.2 (njb8b)
M21: Central European Cultural Context - History Joint II.3 (njb8c)
M22: 2nd Foreign Language (Joint III) - Lectures of choice (njb9)
BA-Final Module
M23: Professional Training Project (njb10a)
M24: M IX: Bachelor's Paper (njb10b) and Conversatorium (njb10c)
- 130050 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Colloquium for diploma and PhD candidates
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:16