C. Diploma degree programme
1st / 2nd Semester
- EXAM STEOP:Module exam B-BIO 1 Introductory Lecture in Biology I
- 300001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: B-BIO 1 Introductory Lecture in Biology I - Anthropology, ecology, palaeobiology, plant sciences and zoology
1st Semester
- 300053 VO Physics for students of Biology
- 300064 VO Evolutionary Biology
- 300195 VO General and Organic Chemistry
- 300456 SE Biology and Ecology of Native European Fauna - in Parallelen
- 300529 SE+UE Theory and practical training in biology didactics - Theory and practical training in biology didactics
- 300650 VO A Dynamic View on the Earth
3rd Semester
- 300050 SE+UE Media Support for Teaching Biology in High Schools - in Parallelen
- 300145 VU Practical training in determination of native animals - Biodiv. &Biology of Central European Animals - Parallel courses
- 300453 VU Morphology and function of animals
- 300454 SE+UE Diversity and organisation levels of Plants and Fungi - in Parallelen
- 300538 UE Animal Identification Course - in parallel courses
- 300652 SE+UE Palaeobiology of Animals - in Parallelen
- 300653 VO Mineralogy and Mineral Resources
- 300654 UE Mineralogy and Mineral Resources
- 300663 VO Introductory Lecture in Microbiology for teachers in biology
- 300665 VO Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
5th Semester
- 300022 VU Conservation Biology and sustainability
- 300039 VO An Introduction to ethology
- 300460 VO Functional Human Anatomy and Biology
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria - in Parallelen
- 300660 VO Biology of Reproduction and Development
- 300664 VO Principles in ecology (for teachers in biology)
- 300672 VO The Main Habitats of the World
7th Semester
- 300032 SE Research in biology didactics - Presentation and Discussion of researchfields and recent research projects
- 300136 VO Population Genetics
- 300340 UE Experiments in Biology and Environmental Sciences
- 300350 UE Experiments in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Zoology - Experiments Designed for Teaching Animal Physiology at High Schools
- 300458 UE Practical in School Botany for Biology Teachers
- 300459 UE Experiments designed for teaching plant physiology in schools - (2 parallel courses)
- 300666 SE Human Societies and the Environment - Lecture
- 300673 SE+UE Organ and communication systems: human and animals
Compulsory Elective Course
- 300009 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Evolution and Knowledge
- 300127 PP Interdisciplinary Project for teacher candidates
- 300131 PP Interdisciplinary Project Practical for Teachers: Examine Food Safety Standards
- 300263 PP Interdisciplinary Project: Lernwerkstatt Science
- 300312 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Evolution and Ethics
- 300405 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Useful Plants and Farm Animals
- 300528 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: environmental protection
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
Recommended as Free Elective Course
- 300046 VO Biological Invasions - Neobiota and their relevance
- 300058 VO Urban Ecology
- 300090 VO Introduction to the native fauna and their habitat
- 300186 VO Biodiversity of tropical coral reefs - Introduction into species diversity of tropical reef invertebrates and vertebrates, with special reference to reef conservation and tourism
- 300341 VO Conservation Biology and Landscape Conservation
- 300356 UE Entomological Laboratory - Taxonomic studies on selected insects
- 300380 EX Zoological basic excursions - Excursions in autumn and winter
- 300390 EX Highlights of palaeontology 1 - excursion
- 300426 VO Introduction into Human Ecology - Introduction into Human Ecology
- 300434 VO [ de en ] Fish ecology - Lecture Ecology of Fishes (species diversity; fish assemblages; food and feeding; bionergetics; growth; reproduction, biotic interactions; populationsdynamics; habitat selection).
- 300461 VO Biology and ecology of European amphibians and reptiles
- 300548 SE Mutualistic Interactions of plants and ants - Communication & nutritional ecology
- 300669 VO Management of endangered species - practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
- 300727 SE Basic Principles for Communication and Presentation
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39