3.1. Berufsfelder
Die Berufsfelder bestehen aus Pflichtfächern und können darüber hinaus auch Wahlfächer enthalten. Hinsichtlich der Wahlfächer veröffentlicht die Studienprogrammleitung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis eine Liste an Lehrveranstaltungen, welche für die jew. Module absolviert werden können und welche generell für die jew. Module als genehmigt gelten. Werden darüber hinaus andere Lehrveranstaltungen gewählt, so sind diese im Voraus von der Studienprogrammleitung zu genehmigen.
3.1.1. Management and Consulting Required Modules (16 ECTS)
- 040167 VO [ en ] Strategy
- 040168 UE [ en ] Service Module: Specialization to VO Strategy - (Service-Lehrveranstaltung)
- 040331 UK Organizational Structures and Processes
- 040608 UK [ en ] Human Resource Management
- 040655 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040828 UK Repetitorium to Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions Electives Modules lt. Curriculum (8 ECTS)
- 040095 UK [ en ] Organization of the International Firm
- 040120 VO [ en ] Business History (VO)
- 040144 UK [ en ] Business History (UK)
- 040155 UK Enterprise Modelling
- 040165 VK [ en ] Corporate Social Responsibility of the International Firm
- 040423 UK Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 1
- 040479 UK Legal Issues of Corporate Governance
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040655 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040828 UK Repetitorium to Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
3.1.2. Production, Logistics and SCM Required Modules (16 ECTS)
- 040126 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Business Game to Production Management
- 040133 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Supply Chain Management
- 040145 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Transportation Logistics
- 040147 UK [ en ] Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Softwaretools in Decision Support
- 040438 FK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Supply Chain Management
- 040489 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Production Management Elective Modules lt. Curriculum (8 ECTS)
- 040153 UK Empirical Social Research
- 040155 UK Enterprise Modelling
- 040423 UK Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 1
- 040438 FK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Supply Chain Management
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040655 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040828 UK Repetitorium to Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
3.1.3. Marketing Management Required Modules (12 ECTS)
- 040153 UK Empirical Social Research
- 040535 FK BW VM: Marketing Management D - personel selling Elective Modules lt. Curriculum (12 ECTS)
- 040095 UK [ en ] Organization of the International Firm
- 040149 UK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040284 UK Legal Issues of Electronic Commerce
- 040331 UK Organizational Structures and Processes
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
3.1.4. Banking and Finance Required Modules (20 ECTS)
- 040078 UK [ en ] Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Corporate Finance
- 040090 UK Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- 040549 VO [ en ] Linear Models
- 040550 UE Linear Models
- 040655 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions Elective Modules lt. Curriculum (4 ECTS)
3.1.5. Cost Accounting Required Modules (16 ECTS)
- 040477 UK Legal Framework of Accounting and Financial Reporting
- 040618 VK KFK EUR: Special Issues of Financial Accounting
- 040640 UK Group Accounting
- 040658 UK [ en ] Accounting according to IFRS Elective Modules lt. Curriculum (8 ECTS)
- 040416 FK KFK CTR: Fundamentals in Managerial Accounting
- 040603 VK RdW: Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 VK RdW: Business Taxation (advanced)
3.1.6. Informationsmanagement Required Modules (16 ECTS)
- 040155 UK Enterprise Modelling
- 040423 UK Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 1 Elective Modules lt. Curriculum (8 ECTS)
- 040133 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Supply Chain Management
- 040145 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Transportation Logistics
- 040147 UK [ en ] Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Softwaretools in Decision Support
- 040167 VO [ en ] Strategy
- 040331 UK Organizational Structures and Processes
- 040466 VK IM: International Tax Law
- 040489 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Production Management
- 040535 FK BW VM: Marketing Management D - personel selling
- 040603 VK RdW: Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 VK RdW: Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040608 UK [ en ] Human Resource Management
3.1.7. Public and Non-Profit Management Required Modules (16 ECTS)
- 040156 SE International Public Utility Management (BA)
- 040169 UK [ en ] Quantitative Assessment of Public and Non-Proft Strategies I - (Benchmarking)
- 040885 UK [ en ] International Public Utility Management (BA) - (BA) Elective Modules lt. Curriculum (8 ECTS)
- 040090 UK Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- 040106 UK Law of Cooperatives and Associations
- 040153 UK Empirical Social Research
- 040167 VO [ en ] Strategy
- 040168 UE [ en ] Service Module: Specialization to VO Strategy - (Service-Lehrveranstaltung)
- 040177 SE NPO-Management Practical Experience - (Berufsfeld: Public and Non Profit Management)
- 040331 UK Organizational Structures and Processes
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040655 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040828 UK Repetitorium to Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
3.1.8. Economic Law Required Modules (16 ECTS)
- 040103 UK Law of Corporate Groups
- 040104 UK Law of Corporate Reorganisations and Restructuring
- 040105 UK Law of Private Trusts
- 040106 UK Law of Cooperatives and Associations
- 040470 UK Public Commercial Law Elective Modules lt. Curriculum (8 ECTS)
- 040149 UK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040150 UK Securities- and Equity Market Law
- 040151 UK European and Private International Law
- 040284 UK Legal Issues of Electronic Commerce
- 040461 UK RdW: Insurance Law
- 040462 UK Legal Framework of Auditing
- 040463 UK Professional Regulations for Tax Consultants and Auditors
- 040466 VK IM: International Tax Law
- 040469 UK Insolvency Law
- 040472 VK RdW: Taxation of Investments (basics)
- 040477 UK Legal Framework of Accounting and Financial Reporting
- 040479 UK Legal Issues of Corporate Governance
- 040480 UK Personal Liability of Administrative and Supervisory Bodies
- 040603 VK RdW: Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 VK RdW: Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040640 UK Group Accounting
- 040764 UK Private Law Enforcement
3.1.9. Economics
- 040131 UK [ en ] Introductory Econometrics (BA)
- 040655 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040828 UK Repetitorium to Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
3.1.10. Business Statistics Required Modules (12 ECTS)
- 040416 FK KFK CTR: Fundamentals in Managerial Accounting
- 040549 VO [ en ] Linear Models
- 040550 UE Linear Models Elective Modules lt. Curriculum (12 ECTS)
- 040144 UK [ en ] Business History (UK)
- 040713 UK Applied Statistics
- 040715 UK Time Series Analysis
- 040716 UK Introduction to Financial Mathematics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39