Universität Wien

35.02. Teaching Discipline "Physical Activity and Sport"

A. Bachelorstudium Unterrichtsfach "Bewegung und Sport"

UF BuS 01 compulsory module - Introductory Module

UF BuS 02 Compulsory Module: Training of Motor Skills and their Application in Exercise and Teaching in Sports

UF BuS 03 Compulsory Module: Fundamentals of Anatomical Structures, Physiological Processes and Actions in Case of Emergency and of Injuries, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 04 Compulsory Module: Mechanical Principles of Human Movement and Technologies of Computer Science in Sports, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 05 Compulsory Module: Processes of Education in Exercise, Play and Sports, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 06 Compulsory Module: Individuals, Development, Actions and Groups in Sports and Exercise, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 07 Compulsory Module: Sports and Exercise in Society, History and Culture, Addressing Heterogeneity and Disabilities, Health Promotion, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 08 Compulsory Module: Preparing, Evaluating and Reflecting on Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education

UF BuS 09 elective subjects

UF BuS 10 Subject-Based Teaching Practice

UF BuS 11 Bachelor's Module

B. Teaching Discipline "Physical Activity and Sport"

Introductory Phase

0.1. Introductory Phase and Vocational Reflection

0.2. General and Specific Teaching Methodology of Physical Education

0.3. Research Methods and Evaluation

0.4. Basics of Sport Science

0.5. Medical Basics

0.6. Movement Skills, Sport Skills and Application Knowledge

First Stage of the Degree Programme

1.1. General and Specific Teaching Methodology of Physical Education

1.2. Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sport

1.3. Biomechanics and Movement Science

1.4. Research Methods and Evaluation

1.5. Medical Basics

1.6. History of Sport

1.7. Basics of Sport Science

1.8. Introductory Phase and Vocational Reflection

1.9. Exercise Physiology and Science of Training

Sport Psychology

1.11. Sport Sociology

1.12. Movement Skills, Sport Skills and Application Knowledge

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

2.1. General and Specific Teaching Methodology of Physical Education

2.2. Women`s and Gender Research

2.3. Research Methods and Evaluation

2.4. Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport

2.5. Exercise Physiology and Science of Training

2.6. Medical Basics

2.7. Biomechanics and Movement Science

2.8. Movement Skills, Sport Skills and Application Knowledge

2.9. Elective Courses from the Second Stage of the Degree Programme

Free Elective Courses

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40