3. Microbiology and Genetics
BMG 1 Methods in Molecular Biology
- 300046 UE [ de en ] Laboratory Course I B - Microbiology and Genetics
- 300626 UE [ de en ] Molecular Biology Course I A
BMG 2 Principles of Microbiology and Genetics
- 300003 VO General and Molecular Genetics II
- 300131 VO Selected acpects of bacterial physiology
- 300150 VO Chromosome Biology and Cytogenetics
- 300342 VO General and Molecular Genetics I
BMG 3 Biochemistry
- 300135 UE Laboratory Course II - Biochemistry - for Specialisation Microbiology/Genetics and Molecular Biology
BMG 4 Molecular Biology
- 300123 VO Gene expression
- 300662 SE [ de en ] Seminar to Course III A
BMG 5 Advanced Methods in Molecular Biology
- 300661 UE [ de en ] Course III A - Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology
BMG 6 Advanced Chemistry
- 300326 UE Molecular Biophysics - Practical Applications
- 300403 UE Semicompulsory Lab Course Organic Chemistry
A. Organic Chemistry
B. (Bio)physical Chemistry
BMG 7 Mathematics and Bioinformatics
- 300080 VO [ en ] Bioinformatics for biologists
- 300375 VO Mathematics for Molecular Biologists
- 300376 UE Laboratory course: Mathematics
BMG 8 Cell Biology, Immunobiology and Infection Biology
- 300037 VO [ en ] Cellbiology
- 300707 VO [ en ] Molecular Infectionbiology
BMG 9 Molecular Developmental Biology and Evolution
- 300036 VO [ en ] Molecular Evolution
BMG 10 Biological Elective Subjects
- 300025 VO [ de en ] Fundamentals in Limnology
- 300055 VO Palaeodiversity of plants
- 300101 UE Practical training in determination native animals - Morphology, systematics and diversity of Central European animals
- 300146 UE Body plans of anmials, part 2
- 300178 VO Microbial communities
- 300205 VO Foundations of Theoretical Biology and Evolutionary Theory
- 300219 VO Evolutionary developmental palaeobiology of Vertebrates
- 300298 VO Physiology for anthropologists
- 300322 VO Neurobiology
- 300407 VO [ en ] Molekular Pathology - Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Human Disease
- 300619 VO Analytical Chemistry 1 for Biologists
- 300725 VO Ecophysiology and Genetics of Microorganisms
BMG 11 Bachelor’s Thesis
- 300040 PP DNA Barcoding - a new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
- 300074 UE [ de en ] B-BMG 12A Advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300811 UE [ de en ] Advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300813 UE [ de en ] Advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40