1.06 Master Degree Programme: Religious Education (Catholic)
A. Master Degree Programme: Religious Education (Catholic)
MRP 01 Compulsory Module Biblical Studies
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Old Testament II
- 010019 VO Theology of the Old Testament: The Epistle of Jeremiah - The Nothingneth of the Idols and the Powerlessmess of the Gods
MRP 02 Compulsory Module Systematic Theology
MRP 03 Compulsory Module Pre-Professional Scientific-Pedagogical Education and Practice in Religious Education
- 010076 SE General subject didactics: Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training
MRP 04a Compulsory Module: Extension Course in Biblical Studies
MRP 05a Compulsory Module: Extension Course in Philosophy and Systematic Theology
- 010014 VO Eschatology
- 010015 VO Advanced Course Fundamental Theology (Religion and God in Contemporary society)
- 010024 VO Advanced Course Patrology
- 010210 VO Introduction to spiritual theology: Christian mysticism
MRP 06a Extension Course in Catholic Religious Education
1. Pflichtlehrveranstaltungen
2. Vertiefung in den Biblischen Fächern (Wahl)
3. Vertiefung in Christlicher Philosophie (Wahl)
MRP 07a Compulsory Module: Extension Course Didactics and Practical Theology
- 010009 VO Advanced Course Sacramental Celebrations
- 010018 VO Advanced Course Canon Law I - Law of the Sacraments including Matrimonial Law of the Church
- 010067 VO Specific Pastoral Theologies - Was die Gesellschaft zusammenhält: Werte
MRP 08a Compulsory Module: Ecumenical Studies and Extension Course Practice in Religious Education
- 010017 SE Bible didactics
- 010068 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances (Eisenach und Erfurt)
MRP 9 Master Module
- 010043 SE The Kappadokian Fathers
- 010045 FS Medieval Theology. Figures, Themes and Styles
- 010046 SE Bible and Philosophy III
- 010047 SE The Book Exodus and its History
- 010049 SE Nouvelle Theologie
- 010050 SE Texts on classic Criticism of religion
- 010051 FS The Holy and the Society. Sloterdijk’s Analysis of Society, Culture and Religion
- 010053 FS Research Seminar for Graduands: Transformation of Religion - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010056 SE The Enchantement of Europe. The First World War and Philosophy
- 010057 SE Female doctors of the Church
- 010063 SE Religious traditions in Transsylvania (Western Rumania)
- 010064 FS Research Seminar
- 010066 SE Spiritual exegesis
- 010070 SE Homicide in the History of Ethics - A text based seminar
- 010071 FS The ethics of the spiritual exercises of Ignatius of Loyola
- 010074 FS Colloquium for diploma and doctoral students
- 010080 FS Intercultural Ethics - Theological-Ethical Perspectives
- 010081 SE Can anything be proved by the Bible?
- 010083 SE Interreligious pastoral care
- 010086 FS The annulment trial after its amendment
- 010089 SE [ en ] An Introduction to Christian Iconography
- 010097 SE From the "Pfarrerinitiative" to the priestly brotherhood of Saint Peter - The legal framework for intra-ecclesiastical groups
- 010100 SE The Study of Esotericism. Recent Questions and Approaches
- 010106 SE Who is Jesus Christ? The messiah in christian and jewish perspectives
- 010112 SE Sexual Violence in Comparative Religion
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 010128 SE Solidary Economics. New Concepts of economical ethics.
- 010320 SE Liturgy and Ecumenism: the Protestant Traditions
- 180044 SE Philosophy of Religion
1.05. Master Degree in Catholic Religious Education
M 1 Contemporary Philosophy, Hermeneutics and Theory of Science
M2 Old Testament Studies III
- 010019 VO Theology of the Old Testament: The Epistle of Jeremiah - The Nothingneth of the Idols and the Powerlessmess of the Gods
M3 New Testament Studies III
M4 Discourse about God in Contemporary Fundamental Theology, Theology of Creation and Eschatology, Theological Anthropology and Patristics
- 010012 VO Theological Anthropology and Teaching of Grace
- 010014 VO Eschatology
- 010015 VO Advanced Course Fundamental Theology (Religion and God in Contemporary society)
M5 Current Topics of Moral Theology
M6 Social Studies II: Political Ethics and Economic Ethics
M7 Studies of Religions
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
M8 Religious Pedagogics and Specific Pastoral Theologies
- 010067 VO Specific Pastoral Theologies - Was die Gesellschaft zusammenhält: Werte
M9 Church History of Austria
M10 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education III
- 010017 SE Bible didactics
- 010076 SE General subject didactics: Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training
- 010102 WE Specific Subject Didactics IV
M11 Language and Culture
- 010003 VO Intercultural Philosophy - Cross-cultural Philosophy: decolonization, cultural self-assertion, human rights
Biblical Theology: In-Depths Studies
- 010019 VO Theology of the Old Testament: The Epistle of Jeremiah - The Nothingneth of the Idols and the Powerlessmess of the Gods
- 010039 VO Biblical Theology: Easter Traditions and Confessions
M13 Introduction to Judaism
M15 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education IV
M14 Sacramental Celebrations: In- Depths- Studies
- 010009 VO Advanced Course Sacramental Celebrations
- 010018 VO Advanced Course Canon Law I - Law of the Sacraments including Matrimonial Law of the Church
M16: General Pedagogics- School development
MAM Master-Module
- 010038 SE "Why do you seek the living One among the dead?" - Easter Narratives in Canonical and Apocryphal Gospels
- 010043 SE The Kappadokian Fathers
- 010045 FS Medieval Theology. Figures, Themes and Styles
- 010046 SE Bible and Philosophy III
- 010049 SE Nouvelle Theologie
- 010050 SE Texts on classic Criticism of religion
- 010051 FS The Holy and the Society. Sloterdijk’s Analysis of Society, Culture and Religion
- 010053 FS Research Seminar for Graduands: Transformation of Religion - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010056 SE The Enchantement of Europe. The First World War and Philosophy
- 010057 SE Female doctors of the Church
- 010064 FS Research Seminar
- 010066 SE Spiritual exegesis
- 010070 SE Homicide in the History of Ethics - A text based seminar
- 010071 FS The ethics of the spiritual exercises of Ignatius of Loyola
- 010074 FS Colloquium for diploma and doctoral students
- 010080 FS Intercultural Ethics - Theological-Ethical Perspectives
- 010081 SE Can anything be proved by the Bible?
- 010083 SE Interreligious pastoral care
- 010086 FS The annulment trial after its amendment
- 010089 SE [ en ] An Introduction to Christian Iconography
- 010106 SE Who is Jesus Christ? The messiah in christian and jewish perspectives
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 010128 SE Solidary Economics. New Concepts of economical ethics.
- 010320 SE Liturgy and Ecumenism: the Protestant Traditions
- 040040 FK KFK ORPE: Solidary Economic
- 180044 SE Philosophy of Religion
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:55
UNIVIS-Anmeldephase Proseminare und prüfungsimmanente LVs des Fachbereichs Religionspädagogik: 25.01.2016 10:00 Uhr bis 26.02.2016 10:00 Uhr