2. Elective Modules - Advanced Modules (VM) / Supplementary Modules (EM)
B09 VM History of European Music before 1600
- 160011 VO Music History 1
- 160016 UE Introduction to notation & composition IV - Instrumental music up to 1600
- 160052 UE Orlando di Lasso: aspects and questions
- 160017 UE Cantare Super Librum - Improvised Polyphony in the Renaissance
- 160050 SE What did it mean to say "I heard"? The texts of Hildegard of Bingen transmitted with notation
- 160051 UE Practical course "Choralschola" - Erarbeitung des gregorianischen Messrepertoires für die Adventzeit (Singen und theoretische Grundlagen).
B10 VM History of European Music after 1600
- 160055 VO Viennese Music History 1600-1900
- 160014 VO Principles of music after 1600
- 160005 UE The art of affections or the language of the absolute? - Music aesthetical and poetical outline between rationalism and romanticism
- 160007 PS Beethoven's piano sonatas
- 160012 PS "Dedicated" Music
- 160058 PS A Social History of Opera. Italian Opera Business in Nineteenth-Century London
- 160013 SE Traditional and non-European music as inspiration for classical compositions - Contributors of prospect and influences on occidental art music
- 160029 SE Double respectively multiple talented artists
- 160034 SE Mozart's operas and 'Singspiele'
- 160054 SE Writing on Music. Theodor W. Adorno interprets Schubert and Mahler
B11 VM Ethnomusicology
- 160066 VO Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- 160023 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160033 VO Afro-American music forms
- 160043 VO [ en ] African music in secret societies and initiation
- 160039 VO [ en ] Music of Central Asia
- 160021 UE Ethnomusicological exercise
- 160038 UE Transcription
- 160040 UE Transmission of the traditional japanese music
- 160041 PS Introduction to ethnomusicological gender studies
- 160042 PS Maqam, Ichos, Dastgah, Raga: Modal music concepts of the Orient
- 160064 PS Performing Arts in Bali
- 160022 SE Music and Trance
- 160013 SE Traditional and non-European music as inspiration for classical compositions - Contributors of prospect and influences on occidental art music
B12 VM Systematic Musicology
- 160047 VO Music and emotion
- 160027 VO Music in medial Embracement and its Future
- 160015 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160018 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160048 UE Test theory and test construction for musicologists
- 160046 PS European Concert Halls - History of Origin and Development, Acoustical Characteristics and Musical Impacts
- 160019 SE Pitch, Sound, Harmony: Theories and Phenomenons of Consonance, Timbre and Temperature
- 160068 VO Instruments for Electroacoustic Music. A Survey of 120 Years of Evolution
B13 VM Contemporary Music
- 160010 UE Shaping time. Dramaturgy and Rhythm in Music and Music Theory since 1945
- 160053 PR Sources of the Second Viennese School - Introduction to the critical editing of music
B14 VM Popular Music
- 160023 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160024 VO Introduction to Popular Music (Theories, approaches etc.)
- 160033 VO Afro-American music forms
- 160059 VO [ en ] Electroacoustic Music and Sound in Film
- 160061 VO Jazz and jazz related Popular Music at a glance
- 160062 UE The Sounds of Popular Music - Introduction to a Systematic and Reception-Oriented Musical Analysis
- 160068 VO Instruments for Electroacoustic Music. A Survey of 120 Years of Evolution
B15 VM Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism
- 160016 UE Introduction to notation & composition IV - Instrumental music up to 1600
- 160049 UE Editing Early Music
- 160052 UE Orlando di Lasso: aspects and questions
- 160017 UE Cantare Super Librum - Improvised Polyphony in the Renaissance
- 160050 SE What did it mean to say "I heard"? The texts of Hildegard of Bingen transmitted with notation
- 160006 PR Archival Studies and Biographical Sources of Viennese Music History
- 160056 PR Archive and library science
- 160051 UE Practical course "Choralschola" - Erarbeitung des gregorianischen Messrepertoires für die Adventzeit (Singen und theoretische Grundlagen).
- 160053 PR Sources of the Second Viennese School - Introduction to the critical editing of music
B16 EM Music and Society
- 160024 VO Introduction to Popular Music (Theories, approaches etc.)
- 160027 VO Music in medial Embracement and its Future
- 160033 VO Afro-American music forms
- 160043 VO [ en ] African music in secret societies and initiation
- 160012 PS "Dedicated" Music
- 160058 PS A Social History of Opera. Italian Opera Business in Nineteenth-Century London
- 160029 SE Double respectively multiple talented artists
- 160023 VO Music of the World - Overview I
B17 EM Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation of Music
- 160027 VO Music in medial Embracement and its Future
- 160037 UE Introduction to Music Analysis
- 160062 UE The Sounds of Popular Music - Introduction to a Systematic and Reception-Oriented Musical Analysis
- 160010 UE Shaping time. Dramaturgy and Rhythm in Music and Music Theory since 1945
- 160036 UE Harmony II
- 160034 SE Mozart's operas and 'Singspiele'
B18 EM Music Philosophy, Music Aesthetics and Musical Hermeneutics
- 160005 UE The art of affections or the language of the absolute? - Music aesthetical and poetical outline between rationalism and romanticism
- 160012 PS "Dedicated" Music
- 160054 SE Writing on Music. Theodor W. Adorno interprets Schubert and Mahler
B19 EM Current Musicology
- 160024 VO Introduction to Popular Music (Theories, approaches etc.)
- 160015 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160026 UE Current State of Musicology
- 160018 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
B20 EM Applied Musicology I
- 160015 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160018 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160049 UE Editing Early Music
- 160044 PR Principles of audio engineering - Pathology of the ear
- 160053 PR Sources of the Second Viennese School - Introduction to the critical editing of music
- 160056 PR Archive and library science
- 160060 PR Applied Music Production
- 160045 PR Microphone practice for musicologists
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40