Universität Wien

35.01. Degree Programme: Sport Science

Auf der Hompage des Instituts für Sportwissenschaft finden Sie ab 1.2.2003 ein kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis der neuen Studien sowie einen Stundenplan der auslaufenden Studien Leibeserziehung und Sportwissenschaften.

A. Bachelor Programme

1. Bachelor Programme Sport Science - Curriculum 2006

BA1 compulsory module Study Orientation, Self- and Information Management

I-Fundamentals of sport science
II-Orientation in studies

BA2 compulsory module Scientific Working and Project Management

I-Fundamentals of dissertations
II-Fundamentals of project management

BA3 compulsory module Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

I-Fundamentals of statistics
II-Computer science in sports and statistics
IIIA-Qualitative research
IIIB-Quantitative research

BA4 Module Bachelor Degree

I-Bachelor Thesis

BB1 compulsory module Sport Medicine

I-Fundamentals of anatomy
II-Fundamentals of physiology
III-First aid and hygiene

BB2 compulsory module Exercise Physiology and Performance Diagnostics

I-Physiology in consideration of physical activity
II-Diagnostics of physical aktivity

BB3 Advanced Module Sport Medicine

I-Medical aspects of health care
II-Immunology and sports
III-Testing methods of physiology in consideration of physical activity

BC1 compulsory module Sport Sociology and Sport Psychology

I-Fundamentals of sociology in sports
II-Fundamentals of psychology in sports
III-Fundamentals of policy and structure in sports

BC2 Advanced Module Sport Sociology and Sport Psychology

I-Sports and society
II-Applied psychology in sports

BD1 compulsory module Biomechanics, Movement Science and Computer Science in Sport

I-Fundamentals of biomechanics
II-Fundamentals of exercise science
III-Fundamentals of computer science in sports

BD2 Advanced Module Biomechanics, Movement Science and Computer Science in Sport

I-Biomechanical motion analysis
II-computer based game and competition analysis
IIIA/IIIB-methods of game and competition analysis
IIIA/IIIB-Engineering of sports equipment / sports in winter
II-Applied engineering of sports equipment/ sports in summer
II-Applied engineering of sports equipment / sports in winter
II-Biomechanical motion analysis in practise
IIIA/IIIB-sports multimedial
IIIA/IIIB-sports and multimedia
IIIA/IIIB-Engineering of sports equipment / sports in summer

BE1 compulsory module Pedagogy fo Physical Activity and Sport, Social and Contemporary History of Sport

I-Fundamentals of education science in sports
II-Fundamentals of social and contemporary history in sports

BE2 compulsory module Communication, Team and Group Processes in Sport

I-Fundamentals of communication in sports
II-Processes of teambilding in sports

BE3 Advanced Module Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport and Aspects of Gender

I-Subjects of education science in sports
II-To lead groups of sports, teams and organisations in consideration of gender

BF1 Advanced Module Science of Training / Training and Nutrition

I-Processes of training
II-Planning and dokumentation of training
III-Sports and nutrition

BG1 Advanced Module Health, Physical Activity and Training

I-Preventive sports medicine
II-Training science

BP1 compulsory module Science of Training

I-Fundamentals of training science
II-Endurance training
III-Strength training
IV-Coordination training
V-Speed training

BP2 compulsory module Sport Didactics

I-Fundamentals of didactics in exercise and sports
II-To instruct and arrange exercise and sports
III-To arrange games

BP3 compulsory module Theory and Practice of Sport

IA-Physical activity in consideration of health prevention
IB-Physical activity in consideration of health prevention
IIA-Individual sports
IIB-Individual sports
IID-Individual sports / Outdoor
IIIA-Ball games
IIIB-Ball games

BP4 Module Professional Practice and Mentoring

I-Professional practical training in sport science

BW1 Compulsory Elective Module Health Promotion, Prevention, Rehabilitation and Fitness

I-Models of training in consideration of prevention and rehabilitation
II-Target groups with handicaps
III-Project development in health promotion
IV-Prevention and health promotion for different target groups
V-Dance and creativity
VI-Helth promotion and prevention in different settings
VII-Health promotion and prevention

BW2 Compulsory Elective Module Sport Management

IA-General Business Managment - Part 1
IB-General Business Managment - Part 2
II-Organisation, staff and leading in sport organisations
III-Project managment on the basis of selected examples
IV-Fundamentals of legislation
V-Marketing in sports
VI-Selected critical situations in leading and management

B. Masterstudium Sportwissenschaft

MOD - Organisation, Diagnostik und Intervention im Breiten- und Spitzensport

MOD.1 - Diagnostik und Intervention im Breiten- und Spitzensport

MOD.1.I - Sportmedizinische Diagnostik im Breiten- und Spitzensport
MOD.1.II - Sportpsychologische Diagnostik und Intervention
MOD.1.III - Forschungsseminar mit Schwerpunkt Breiten- und Spitzensport
MOD.1.IV - Angewandte Biomechanik und Sportinformatik im Breiten- und Spitzensport
MOD.1.V - Physiologische Anpassungen im Breiten- und Spitzensport

MOD.2 - Programm- und Projektentwicklung im Sport

MOD.2.I - Projekt- und Businessplanung
MOD.2.II - Programme und Netzwerke im Breiten- und Spitzensport
MOD.2.III - Controlling - Spezielle Betriebswirtschaft

MOD.3 - Berufspraktikum: Organisation, Diagnostik und Intervention im Breiten- und Spitzensport

MOD.3.I - Berufspraktikum: ODI - Supervision

MSA - Sportorganisation und - management

MSA.I - Gruppen- und Organisationsdynamiken im Bereich Bewegung und Sport

MSA.II - Qualität in Dienstleistungsorganisationen

MSB - Sportwissenschaftliche Diagnostik und Intervention

MSB.I - Trainingsplanung, Trainingskontrolle und Trainingssteuerung

MSB.II - Funktionelle Anatomie

MSB.III - Körperbilder und Körperformung im Sport

MSB.IV - Gesundheitspsychologie (Diagnostik und Intervention)

MSB.V - Methoden und Konzepte der Biomechanik und Sportinformatik (Diagnostik und Intervention)

MSC - Methoden und Anwendungsfelder sportwissenschaftlicher Forschung

MSC.I - Forschungsseminar / Wahlseminar

MSC.II - Qualitative Forschungsmethoden

MSC.III - Quantitative Forschungsmethoden

MSC.IV - Forschungspraktikum - Begleitseminar

MSD - Masterabschluss

MSD.I - Spezialisierungsseminar Masterarbeit

MTT - Trainingstherapie

MTT.1 - Krankheitsbilder und Trainingstherapie

MTT.1.I - Neurologische Krankheitsbilder und Trainingstherapien
MTT.1.II - Orthopädische Krankheitsbilder und Trainingstherapien
MTT.1.III - Innere Medizin A - Krankheitsbilder, Interventionelle und Pharmakologische Therapien
MTT.1.IV - Innere Medizin B - Funktionsdiagnostik und Trainingstherpien
MTT.1.V - Kardiopulmonale Funktionsdiagnostik
MTT.1.VI - Psychische und psychosomatische Störungen und Trainingstherapien

MTT.2 - Aspekte der praktischen Durchführung der Trainingstherapie

MTT.2.I - Kommunikation und Motivation-Volition
MTT.2.II - Trainings- und Bewegungsförderung A
MTT.2.III - Trainings- und Bewegungsförderung B
MTT.2.IV - Berufsspezifische Rechtsgrundlagen
MTT.2.V - Physikalische Medizin in der Trainingstherapie
MTT.2.VI - Psychosoziale Aspekte in der Trainingstherapie

MTT.3 - Berufspraktikum: Trainingstherapie

MTT.3.I - Berufspraktikum: Trainingstherapie - Supervision

D. European Master in Public Health and Physical activity

advanced module

elective module

E. Extension Curriculum Aspects of Human Science in Sports (352)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40