Wahlmodulgruppe Kleine Ergänzung (eine ist zu absolvieren)
Kleines Interdisziplinäres Modul
Kleines Optionalmodul
Kleines Sprachmodul (alte und/oder moderne Sprachen)
Kleines Vertiefungsmodul
- 090066 VO Introduction to Field Archaeology
- 090067 VO The Archaic Period in Greece - Tradition, Adaption und Innovation in der Kultur Griechenlands
- 090068 VO Victory Monuments in Rome, Italy and in the Roman Provinces
- 090069 PS Dionysos/Bacchus
- 090070 PS Narrative Images
- 090071 PS Vindobona in context of the archaeology of the Roman provinces
- 090072 PS Preparation of a publication on the archaeology of Sitia, Crete
- 090073 PS Roman sport - athletes, audience and sponsors
- 090082 KU Spinning Around in Antiquity. Women and Textile Production
- 090083 KU Course in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090084 KU Archaeology and archaeometry
- 090094 VO Relief Art in Aegean Prehistory
- 090105 VO ( STEOP ) Lecture Typology, Style, Chronology - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
- 090106 VO Textiles in Antiquity - Production, Design, and Significance
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40