6.2. Block of Elective Modules: Behavior, Neurobiology and Cognition
MVN W-1 Behavioural Physiology
MVN W-10 Actual Research Topics in Neurobiology
- 300675 SE [ de en ] Neurobiology Seminar: Ongoing resarch
MVN W-11 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
- 300280 SE [ de en ] Principles of Brain Evolution
- 300311 SE [ de en ] Molecular mechanisms of brain disorders
MVN W-12 Cognition for Advanced Students
- 300110 SE [ en ] Current topics in cognitive biology 2
MVN W-13 Cognition Methods
- 300656 UE Practical course in animal cognition - Introduction into the methods of learning experiments with animals
MVN W-2 Behavioural Endocrinology
MVN W-3 Reproduction and Biological Rhythms
- 300017 VO Topics in Sexual Biology
MVN W-4 Sound Communication in Animals
MVN W-5 Animal Communication
- 300231 VO Behavioural biology of aquatic vertebrates - fishes, whales and dolphins
- 300335 UE [ en ] Bio-Acoustics II - Advanced Bioacoustics
MVN W-6 Social Mechanisms
MVN W-7 Human Animal Relationship
MVN W-8 Neurobiology for Advanced Students
MVN W-9 Neuroanatomy
- 300216 UE Molecular and cellular neurobiology
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33