II. Optional Modules
Block of Elective Modules: Basic Module (MaG)
MaG 1 Theoretical Physics III: Electrodynamics
MaG 2 Theoretical Physics IV: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics I
- 260085 VO Theoretical Physics IV: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics I
- 260289 UE [ en de ] Theoretical Physics IV: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics I - Exercises
MaG 3 Quantum Mechanics II
MaG 4 Statistical Physics II
MaG 5 Mathematical Methods of Physics III
MaG 6 Electron Microscopy
- 260041 VO [ en ] Spectroscopy and Microscopy
- 260042 UE [ en ] Spectroscopy and Microscopy - Exercises
MaG 7 Computational Physics I
- 260028 VO [ en ] Electronic Structure of Materials
- 260099 VO [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260102 UE [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260104 SE [ en ] Selected Problems of DFT and MD
- 260169 VO [ en ] Complex Systems II - Applications
- 260170 UE [ en ] Exercises to Complex Systems II - Applications
MaG 8 Computational Physics II
- 260028 VO [ en ] Electronic Structure of Materials
- 260072 VO Computational Physics II - Simulation
- 260099 VO [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260102 UE [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260104 SE [ en ] Selected Problems of DFT and MD
- 260169 VO [ en ] Complex Systems II - Applications
- 260170 UE [ en ] Exercises to Complex Systems II - Applications
- 260307 UE Computational Physics II Problem Class
MaG 9 Solid State Physics I
- 260021 SE Seminar on advanced materials
- 260041 VO [ en ] Spectroscopy and Microscopy
- 260042 UE [ en ] Spectroscopy and Microscopy - Exercises
- 260098 VO [ en ] Electronic and magnetic properties of Transition Metal Oxides
- 260099 VO [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260102 UE [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260104 SE [ en ] Selected Problems of DFT and MD
MaG 10 Solid State Physics II
- 260011 UE Solid State Physics II - Exercises
- 260029 VO Solid State Physics II
- 260054 SE [ de en ] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
- 260098 VO [ en ] Electronic and magnetic properties of Transition Metal Oxides
- 260099 VO [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260102 UE [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260104 SE [ en ] Selected Problems of DFT and MD
MaG 11 Nuclear and Isotope Physics I
- 260001 SE [ en ] Seminar on atomic and subatomic physics
- 260002 VO Nuclear and Isotope Physics II - Introduction to nuclear physics II
- 260062 VO [ de en ] Detector and detector systems for particle and nuclear physics II
- 260135 SE [ de en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics II
- 260174 SE [ de en ] Seminar phenomenology of nuclear physics
MaG 12 Nuclear and Isotope Physics II
- 260001 SE [ en ] Seminar on atomic and subatomic physics
- 260002 VO Nuclear and Isotope Physics II - Introduction to nuclear physics II
- 260174 SE [ de en ] Seminar phenomenology of nuclear physics
- 260300 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics II
MaG 13 Materials Physics I
- 260006 VO [ en ] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
- 260015 SE [ en ] Seminar on micro- and nanomaterials
- 260021 SE Seminar on advanced materials
- 260041 VO [ en ] Spectroscopy and Microscopy
- 260042 UE [ en ] Spectroscopy and Microscopy - Exercises
- 260054 SE [ de en ] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
- 260098 VO [ en ] Electronic and magnetic properties of Transition Metal Oxides
- 260099 VO [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260102 UE [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260104 SE [ en ] Selected Problems of DFT and MD
- 260254 VO [ en ] Materials Physics II
MaG 14 Materials Physics I
- 260006 VO [ en ] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
- 260011 UE Solid State Physics II - Exercises
- 260019 VO [ en ] Research using neutrons and synchrotron radiation - Scientific problems and experimental methods at European large scale facilities: Basics and selected applications
- 260029 VO Solid State Physics II
- 260054 SE [ de en ] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
- 260098 VO [ en ] Electronic and magnetic properties of Transition Metal Oxides
- 260099 VO [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260102 UE [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260104 SE [ en ] Selected Problems of DFT and MD
MaG 15 Mathematical Physics I
MaG 16 Mathematical Physics II
- 260009 VO [ de en ] Classical Hamiltonian systems
- 260061 VO [ de en ] Introduction to supersymmetry
- 260094 UE [ en ] Introduction to supersymmetry - Exercises
MaG 17 Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information I
- 260035 UE [ en ] Quantum Optics 1 - Exercises
- 260046 VO [ en ] Quantum Optics I
- 260053 VO [ en ] Quantum Thermodynamics I
- 260058 VO [ en ] Advanced Group theory in Physics
- 260069 VO [ en ] Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
- 260074 UE [ en ] Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Exercises
- 260131 VO [ en ] Relativistic Quantum Information
- 260133 UE [ en ] Relativistic Quantum Information - Exercises
MaG 18 Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information II
- 260122 VO [ en ] Complex Quantum Systems Summerschool - Lectures by international guests with exams by Markus Aspelmeyer
- 260131 VO [ en ] Relativistic Quantum Information
- 260133 UE [ en ] Relativistic Quantum Information - Exercises
- 260159 VO [ en ] Quantum Information Theory II
- 260358 SE [ en ] Quantum Optomechanics
- 442608 SE [ en ] Quantum Photonics and Computing
- 442609 SE [ en ] Quantum Foundations - (Journal Club)
- 442614 SE [ en ] Quantum Foundations - (Journal Club)
- 442625 SE [ en ] Seminar coherence of photons
MaG 19 Relativity and Cosmology I
MaG 20 Relativity and Cosmology II
- 260012 UE [ en ] Relativity and Cosmology II - Exercises
- 260024 VO [ en ] Relativity and Cosmology II
MaG 21 Particle Physics I
- 260095 VO [ en ] Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- 260097 VO [ en ] Collider Physics
- 260135 SE [ de en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics II
MaG 22 Particle Physics II
- 260004 VO [ de en ] Particle Physics II
- 260095 VO [ en ] Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- 260097 VO [ en ] Collider Physics
- 260249 UE [ de en ] Particle Physics II - Exercises
MaG 23 Condensed Matter Theory I
- 260028 VO [ en ] Electronic Structure of Materials
- 260099 VO [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260102 UE [ en ] Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials
- 260104 SE [ en ] Selected Problems of DFT and MD
MaG 24 Condensed Matter Theory II
- 260028 VO [ en ] Electronic Structure of Materials
- 442627 SE Condensed Matter Theory
MaG 25 Environmental Physics and Biophysics I
- 260006 VO [ en ] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
- 260139 VO Photovoltaics: An option towards energy independency
- 260161 VO Introduction to Environmental Science
MaG 26 Environmental Physics and Biophysics II
- 260006 VO [ en ] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
- 260083 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260088 VO Condensation processes and their influence on the dynamics of aerosols and clouds
- 260139 VO Photovoltaics: An option towards energy independency
- 260161 VO Introduction to Environmental Science
MaG 27 Seminars on Scientific Topics
- 260083 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260209 SE [ de en ] Physics of functional materials
- 260247 SE Seminar on a Scientific Topic - Quantum information, entanglement and geometry
- 442613 SE [ en ] Literature seminar complex materials and hybrid systems II
- 442628 SE [ en ] Literature seminar (Gravitation Theory)
MaG 28 Laboratory Aerosolphysics
- 260291 PR Laboratory Aerosolphysics
MaG 29 Laboratory Computational Physics
MaG 30 Laboratory Computational Quantum Mechanics
MaG 31 Laboratory Advanced Materials
MaG 32 Laboratory Electronics
- 260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
MaG 33 Laboratory Materials Physics
- 260030 PR Special Lab Course Nanocrystalline materials
- 260060 PR [ de en ] Laboratory course on materials physics
MaG 34 Laboratory Modern methods in experimental physics
MaG 35 Laboratory Practical Class on Modern Microscopical Methods
MaG 36 Laboratory Quantum Optics
- 260211 PR Laboratory Quantum Optics
MaG 37 Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260026 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - 14C dating with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry - for teacher students
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260057 PR [ de en ] Laboratory Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
MaG 38 Laboratory low dimensional solids
- 260079 PR Laboratory course - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
MaG 39 Laboratory Theoretical Physics
- 260087 PR [ de en ] Laboratory Theoretical Physics - From classical physics to quantum theory
MaG 40 Environmental Physics, Project oriented laboratory experiments
Block of Elective Modules: Interests (MaInt)
- 230220 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 260081 UE Practical work at machineshops - beginner
- 260203 VO Introduction to vector and tensor calculus II
Block of Elective Modules: Advances (MaV)
MaV 1 Advanced Module Computational Physics
- 260028 VO [ en ] Electronic Structure of Materials
- 260072 VO Computational Physics II - Simulation
- 260307 UE Computational Physics II Problem Class
- 442606 SE [ en ] Seminar about ongoing research in soft matter Physics
MaV 2 Advanced Module Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260001 SE [ en ] Seminar on atomic and subatomic physics
- 260002 VO Nuclear and Isotope Physics II - Introduction to nuclear physics II
- 260062 VO [ de en ] Detector and detector systems for particle and nuclear physics II
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260135 SE [ de en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics II
- 260174 SE [ de en ] Seminar phenomenology of nuclear physics
- 260300 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics II
MaV 3 Advanced Module Materials Physics
- 260015 SE [ en ] Seminar on micro- and nanomaterials
- 260019 VO [ en ] Research using neutrons and synchrotron radiation - Scientific problems and experimental methods at European large scale facilities: Basics and selected applications
- 260021 SE Seminar on advanced materials
- 260054 SE [ de en ] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
- 260209 SE [ de en ] Physics of functional materials
- 260254 VO [ en ] Materials Physics II
- 442607 SE [ en ] Seminar in low dimensional quantum solids - Seminar on new results on the properties of low dimensional quantum solids such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene, high temperature superconductors and optoelectronic materials as well as implications on their application potential
MaV 4 Advanced Module Mathematical and Gravitation Physics
- 260009 VO [ de en ] Classical Hamiltonian systems
- 442628 SE [ en ] Literature seminar (Gravitation Theory)
MaV 5 Advanced Module Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
- 260035 UE [ en ] Quantum Optics 1 - Exercises
- 260043 SE [ en ] Molecular Quantum Optics
- 260046 VO [ en ] Quantum Optics I
- 260053 VO [ en ] Quantum Thermodynamics I
- 260058 VO [ en ] Advanced Group theory in Physics
- 260069 VO [ en ] Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
- 260074 UE [ en ] Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Exercises
- 260086 VO Quantum Information Processing
- 260122 VO [ en ] Complex Quantum Systems Summerschool - Lectures by international guests with exams by Markus Aspelmeyer
- 260131 VO [ en ] Relativistic Quantum Information
- 260133 UE [ en ] Relativistic Quantum Information - Exercises
- 260159 VO [ en ] Quantum Information Theory II
- 260358 SE [ en ] Quantum Optomechanics
- 442608 SE [ en ] Quantum Photonics and Computing
- 442609 SE [ en ] Quantum Foundations - (Journal Club)
- 442614 SE [ en ] Quantum Foundations - (Journal Club)
- 442615 SE [ en ] Quantum Optics Seminar - The Seminar consists of a series of talks, given by mainly international guests.
- 442625 SE [ en ] Seminar coherence of photons
MaV 6 Advanced Module Condensed Matter Physics
- 260021 SE Seminar on advanced materials
- 260028 VO [ en ] Electronic Structure of Materials
- 260054 SE [ de en ] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
- 260209 SE [ de en ] Physics of functional materials
- 442607 SE [ en ] Seminar in low dimensional quantum solids - Seminar on new results on the properties of low dimensional quantum solids such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene, high temperature superconductors and optoelectronic materials as well as implications on their application potential
MaV 7 Advanced Module Particle Physics
- 260004 VO [ de en ] Particle Physics II
- 260095 VO [ en ] Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- 260097 VO [ en ] Collider Physics
- 260135 SE [ de en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics II
- 260249 UE [ de en ] Particle Physics II - Exercises
- 442631 SE [ en ] Seminar in particle physics
MaV 8 Advanced Module Environmental Physics and Biophysics
- 260083 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260088 VO Condensation processes and their influence on the dynamics of aerosols and clouds
Block of Elective Modules: Specialization (MaS)
MaS 1 Specialization Module Computational Physics
MaS 2 Specialization Module Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260068 PR Specialization Module Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260148 PR Specialization Module Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Supervision of master theses in the framework of subatomic physics, experimental work on international accelerator centres: CERN-AD, Geneva, Switzerland; GSI, Darmstadt, Germany; J-PARC, Tokai, Japa and DAFNE, Frascati, Italy. (Additional information on SMI-homepage: www.oeaw.ac.at/smi)
MaS 3 Specialization Module Materials Physics
- 260032 PR Specialization Module Condensed Matter Physics - Electronic properties of condensed matter
- 260100 PR Specialization Module Solid State Physics
- 260150 PR [ de en ] Specialization Module Materials Physics
- 260177 PR Specialization Module Condensed Matter Physics
MaS 4 Specialization Module Mathematical and Gravitation Physics
MaS 5 Specialization Module Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
- 260165 PR Specialization Module Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information - Introduction to the work methods of experimental and theoretical quantum physics - Preparation towards the masterthesis
MaS 6 Specialization Module Condensed Matter Physics
- 260032 PR Specialization Module Condensed Matter Physics - Electronic properties of condensed matter
- 260100 PR Specialization Module Solid State Physics
- 260177 PR Specialization Module Condensed Matter Physics
MaS 7 Specialization Module Particle Physics
- 260036 PR Specialization Module Particle Physics
MaS 8 Specialization Module Environmental Physics and Biophysics
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33