Pflichtmodule Philosophie
UF PP 06 Philosophieren Lernen
- 180004 LPS Foucault: Sexuality and truth
- 180005 LPS Texts of philosophical practice
- 180006 LPS Emmanuel Levinas: The trace of the other
- 180007 LPS The Sublime: Pseudo-Longinus, Kant, Schiller, Adorno, Lyotard
- 180009 LPS Introduction to Structural Anthropology - Selected papers
- 180010 LPS Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
- 180011 LPS Kant - Critique of Pure Reason - Transcendental Dialectics
- 180091 LPS The young Spinoza
- 180131 LPS Texts on media and technology philosophy
- 180139 VO Introduction to Scientific Work for Prospective Teachers
- 180168 LPS ( KPH Krems ) Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
- 180185 UE Rhetoric and Argumentation Theory for Teachers
UF PP 07 Geschichte der Philosophie
- 180045 VO History of Philosophy 3 - For Teachers
- 180086 VO History of philosophy II : Middle Ages and early modern period - For Teachers
- 180127 VO History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) - für das LA PP
UF PP 08 Theoretische Philosophie
- 180020 SE Plato's Republic
- 180021 SE Causality and Freedom - History of a Problem from Kant to the Present
- 180023 SE [ en ] Construction of social reality
- 180024 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- 180032 SE Philosophical Podcasts
- 180033 SE Environment, Milieu, Niche - Medias before Medias
- 180034 SE [ en ] Money as Medium and Technology
- 180036 SE Hannah Arendt's Critical Reflections on Technology and Culture
- 180088 VO Knowledge theory
- 180093 SE [ en ] Philosophical Fragments in Contemporary Philosophy
- 180125 SE Limits of knowledge - limits of believe in Kant and Hegel
- 180132 SE [ en ] The Phenomenology of Habits
UF PP 09 Praktische Philosophie
- 180027 SE Justifications of injustice
- 180037 SE Responsibility in technology, media and science - Challenges to and Transformation of a Traditional Concept
- 180058 SE Philosophical Anthropology as a theory of evolution
- 180077 SE Humans on Escape - Homo Sacer: Gorgio Agamben
- 180106 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180122 SE Ethics, Human Rights and Justice in Psychoanalysis - Contemporary Psychoanalysis
- 180134 SE Philosophy and phenomenology of violence
- 180158 SE [ en ] On Social Agency
- 180165 VO Introduction to Applied Ethics
- 350164 SE ( KPH Krems ) Ethical Issues in Sports
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33