MU1 Module - Advanced Lanuage Acquisition
- 150093 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
- 150113 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
MU2 Module - Linguistics
- 150129 UE [ en zh ] Chinese Linguistics
- 160101 VO STEOP: Introduction to General Linguistics
MU3 Module - Topics in China Studies
MU4 Module - Teaching Methodology
- 150173 UE [ de zh ] Teaching Experience
- 150195 SE [ de zh ] Teaching Methodology Chinese
- 160116 VO Introduction to Language Teaching/ Language Learning
MU5 Module - Introduction to Schoolpedagogy and Theory of School
- 490001 VO Professionalism and School
MU6 Module - Pedagogy
- 490016 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490018 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490043 VO Principles of Individual and Developmental Psychology of Education and Learning
MU7 Module - Master
- 150040 UE Master's Colloqium
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33