Aspekte und Räume 2
- 070006 PS BA-Proseminar - Central Asian History, 1500-2000
- 070010 PS BA-Proseminar - Poverty and Punishment. Lower social classes in Austria in Early Modern Age between public welfare and pressure.
- 070020 PS BA-Proseminar - Emotion and gender during 'Sattelzeit' (1750 - 1850)
- 070021 PS BA-Proseminar - Civil Rights and Human Rights
- 070148 PS Proseminar - Democracy in France: from the French Revolution to our days
- 070166 PS Proseminar - The inheritance of Rome: Political and religious communities in early medieval Europe
- 070209 PS Proseminar - Mikrogeschichtliche und alltagsgeschichtliche Ansätze
- 070286 PS [ en ] BA-Proseminar - Central European Urban History in Comparison, 1200-1600 (Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Croatia-Dalmatia)
- 070292 PS Proseminar - Japan and the West - the West and Japan, 16th to 20th centuries
- 070298 PS Proseminar - Introduction to scientific knowledge and text production using the example of topics related to the Middle Ages and the women's and gender history of the 12th-15th century
- 070324 PS BA-Proseminar - Medieval saints' Lives: hagiography as a historical source
- 070372 PS Proseminar - Medicine and Politics in the Early Modern Period
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33